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Life or something like it.




I have this friend I've known for about 19 years met him when we were in 6th grade (man it was that long ago?). Any how.... a few weekends ago I met up with him and another friend of mine (she's 21). We spent a majority of the day together and had a fun time. Towards the end of the visit at his house I noticed this jacket and helmet in his closet. I asked him what it was for, but I knew it was a motorcycle jacket and helmet. He didn't want to discuss it inside where his parents would hear. We went outside and he hands me his license and sure enough it has class C (car) and Class M (motorcycle). I asked him when he became interested in motorcycles and he was said forever ago. I was surprised and asked him if he had purchased one yet and said NO and added just so you know my parents don't know. I looked at him and said seriously.... your mom does your laundry and the jacket hangs it in your closet surely she’s seen it and your dad probably has too. He said to his knowledge they don't and didn't want me to say anything. I then asked him if he had looked at bikes since my cousin is Harley mechanic and might know someone selling a bike. He didn't want a Harley but a rice rocket bike, as he called it. I told him to tell his parents at some point just incase something happens.


So... the whole point to this little rambling you probably are wondering. Ever since we had this conversation he has been ignoring my text messages. We talked about going to DC over the summer to do a day the museum’s since they have this video game exhibit I wanted to check out; even mentioned meeting his mom for lunch like we do when we go downtown. She works at the Library of Congress and there is this cool little Mexican Resaurant around the corner. Since we discussed needing to put in time to be off, I have texted him numerous times and sent and email and no response about the date.


Now for a different subject, my boss and I were talking on Tuesday. She said to me.... Did you know that you have applied for over 70 jobs since you became eligible in November to post out? I told her I did and we discussed how I had interviewed for quite a few of them and have gotten no where. Thursday I got scheduled to take Supervisor assessment so I could apply to be a Call Center Supervisor. It was mostly a personality test and asked some really dumb questions. It also had a scenario section and I thought I did well. Apparently not since they said I failed and have to wait 6 months to retake the exam. They don't tell you right away where you can improve and said my supervisor will get the results to assist me in improving. Hopefully she has them for our meeting this Tuesday.


I have started looking outside of Big Red for a new position. I have a applied for a few jobs and have yet to hear. Hopefully I will find something soon. Working in a call center is stressful, especially when you find out common sense is not so common.


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