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Wacky Wednesday: Interview On "prophecy"

Renee Stevens


I hope everyone enjoyed Mann Ramblings review on "Prophecy" by Comicfan. Now it's time to continue our "Hosted Week" with an interview with Comicfan on his story "Prophecy". I know that many times we have questions we'd like to ask authors about their story, and I'm no different. Hopefully, some of these are questions that you had as well, and now you'll have your answer! ENJOY!




I know that some of your stories are based on fairy tales, is “Prophecy” based on anything and if not, how did you come up with the idea?


The story just sort of came to me. I was toying with the idea of what kind of disaster could I come up with. I didn’t want to do something like a fire, but figured what if it was personal. The world of science fiction and fairy tales is one I like to play in, so I picked a popular idea of a child taken from his family and raised by another. It is something you see in authors from Terry Brooks to Joann Rowling. I just put my spin on the idea.


How did you come up with the actual prophecy that you included at the end of the story?


I wish I could say I wrote it first, but actually it was written so that there would be a sort of conclusion to the story. By giving the prophecy you get an idea of where the characters would eventually arrive.


Who is your favorite character and what about that character stands out in your mind?


Prophecy had two characters that came to mean a lot to me and for very different reasons. The first was Duncan. Right from the beginning you know he is a man who just wants to relax and forget the rest of the world. However, once Regent comes into his life you see how devoted he is as a father, willing to do anything to make sure his son is going to be safe and happy. The second character is Damian. He sort of made his own way into the story. He wasn’t planned but having a man who was living for twenty something years as a bear just made me chuckle.


Is there any special meaning behind the names you used for the characters and if not, how do you come up with the names for your characters?


Most of the names are just ones that seem to fit the characters I create. The only name that was done sort of as a joke was Regent. He is the future ruler of part of Fairie.However, his name suggests he is chosen to rule until the actual ruler is old enough to take over. I just liked the twist it gave him.


What was your favorite part about writing “Prophecy”?


Showing how different types of magic were used. From Marish willing to give her own life in the blood blessing on her son, to Duncan changing his house and creating a crib, to the mistake of Matty turning her brother into a bear. It is just showing how in this world, magic is constantly in use.


What was the most challenging part about writing “Prophecy”?


Getting Prophecy done at all. The damn idea came to me last minute and I was scrambling to get it done in time. This was literally a last minute entry.


What made you choose a bear instead of some other animal?


As a child I can remember a television show called Grizzly Adams. The man lived with a bear. So even outside of the idea of the gay male bear, it is something people are use to hearing. I think it would have been stranger if I made Damian into a deer or a beaver. God, could you imagine him as a beaver? Sorry, can’t keep a straight face on that one.


Is there anything you wish you could change about the story or are you happy with it as is?


Oh I know from those who left comments, many people would be happy if I took Prophecy and made it into a full blown story. However, I am happy with how it came out.


Well, that's it for today's Wacky Wednesday! Hope you enjoyed reading what Comicfan had to say about writing "Prophecy" and if you haven't already read it, what are you waiting for!

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I don't think i ever saw Mann toss a tantrum before. Can't say as I blame him though!

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:lol:Yes Mr Mann, we know what you want, get over it ! :hug: I am very fond of bear stories ;) And I love comicfans stories this was one of my favorite anthology stories, I am very impressed that it was a last minute entry. Imagine what Wayne could have written if he started earlier :)



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I agree with Sly, 'Prophecy was one of my favorite anthology stories too. I loved the bear, it's always wolves, isn't that boring?

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:lol:Yes Mr Mann, we know what you want, get over it ! :hug: I am very fond of bear stories ;) And I love comicfans stories this was one of my favorite anthology stories, I am very impressed that it was a last minute entry. Imagine what Wayne could have written if he started earlier :)



I agree with Sly, but definitely need to get her help.  I can understand pacing back and forth, but this Dang Bear is running wild:P

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