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Writing Prompts #316 & #317

Renee Stevens


FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FRIDAY!!! *Dances* Oh, oops. :blushing: Forgot what I was doing there for a moment. Hope everyone has had a great week and I bet everyone is looking forward to the weekend. Before the weekend can get here though, we have to do the weekly prompts from the Prompt Guru. Hopefully one of these will spark an idea!!!


Prompt 316 – Creative
Tag – Picture
Create a story using the following image as an inspiration.


Prompt 317 – Creative
Tag – The Bunny
Holidays have never interested you and most of the time you forget when they are. This morning you had to be up before dawn for a marathon you were running. As you got outside you spotted a pure white bunny in a vest with a huge basket over one of his paws. What do you do?


This week, I decided to feature a response to prompt #315 by Cazpedroso

“How come I’ve never been to your house before?” Casey asked Jackson as they drove up a winding country road right on the outskirts of the community.


“You’ve never asked to see where I live and you always need to be near the clinic” Jackson said calmly concentrating on the road ahead “Anyway this is not where I stay all the time, it is too far from town and work. I only come here when I want some peace and have time to take a break. I have two staff that live in a nearby cottage that look after the place and get it ready when I want to stay a while.”


Casey shook his head, he would never get used to how much money Jackson had, he himself was not poor by any standards but he only had one house and that he shared with his twin brother, his brother’s vampire mate Andrew and his niece Beth, whom he loved to death and spoiled. His house was also attached to the healing clinic that he and his brother ran, this meant they were always on call and rarely had time to take vacations or go outside the community without having to ensure there was a healer with their high abilities on call.


He came out of his thoughts when the car started to slow and turned into a large drive. His eyes widen when he caught sight of Jackson’s ‘country house’. It was huge and looked like an old mansion set in beautiful grounds. It also looked like it had been transported straight out of a storybook and he half expected to see a dragon come round the corner of the building to defend the princess that should be hanging out of one of the high turret windows.


“You call this a house?” He said incredulously, turning towards Jackson who was grinning at Casey’s reaction.


“Yes I call this a house as that is what it was when I had it built about six hundred years ago. I’ve added to it since then of course but it is still my house”


He was clearly enjoying Casey's reaction and so Casey tried to blank out his expression but it was too little too late.


They parked in front of the grand front doors and Jackson came round to open Casey’s door. He held out a hand and Casey took it without thinking about it. The shock that went through them had become expected now that they had both acknowledged they were mates, Casey still couldn’t believe that this elder vampire was his mate. Jackson was two thousand years old and had seen things and been places that Casey could only dream of. Casey on the other hand was twenty six and had never left the community except to attend healing conferences in other communities. Although he was more muscular than Jackson, due to the nature of his work as a healer he kept in shape and worked out regularly, Jackson was a vampire and so had more strength and speed that he as a witch could ever hope to have. That thought brought to mind the night they had acknowledged the mating call. They had been arguing as usual, Casey couldn’t even remember what the argument was about as they argued so much it could have been about anything. Casey had had enough and had tried to push Jackson out of his way so he could leave the room. Jackson had grabbed him by the arm and shoved him down into a chair, then pinned him there saying that Casey would listen or else. Casey had screamed “Or else what?” and before he could say anything else Jackson had kissed him. Heat had flooded his body as his lips were ravaged by Jacksons. When they had finally come up for breath he had demanded an explanation.


To read the rest, click here!


Don't forget.... Read, Write, and REVIEW!!!

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the bunny problem: Well i think i'd probably shoot it :evil: them bunnies are good eating... and who cares if the poor little kitties don't get their eggs :evil:

The car makes me think of the one i created in A Crimson Frost... but then i was going for the Antique Car look there :P

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Ooh ooh - I have one for the nice shiny car.  Me gonna prompt this week - yay for me :)


Need to get sheepy brain functioning for the writing of the story.

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Thank you Renee for featuring my story. I can't wait to write the rest of the story around that scene, I have so many ideas I am having trouble writing fast enough to keep up with them. There are not enough hours in the day. Lol

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Thank you Renee for featuring my story. I can't wait to write the rest of the story around that scene, I have so many ideas I am having trouble writing fast enough to keep up with them. There are not enough hours in the day. Lol


You are most welcome :)

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