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Writing Prompts #318 & #319

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone has had a wonderful week and is looking forward to the weekend!! It's that time again, time for two new prompts to help get the wheels turning. Enjoy!


Prompt 318 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“I’ve wanted to do that since … forever.”


Prompt 319 - Creative
Tag – The Bet
Your friend has always had a big mouth, but last week he just went to far. He said he could out do you, in one of the things you are best known for in front of everyone you both know. To shut him up, you accepted the bet. What did you two bet on, who won, and what was the bet?


This week I decided to feature Mann Rambling's response to Prompt #316:

The roadster's engine roared as my foot pushed the pedal to the floor. My knuckles were white on the steering wheel as I weaved between cars, tires squealing and horns honking. Wind sliced at me from the open windows and I found myself trying to keep my lunch down. Attempting not to get us killed, I couldn't even look over in Eddie's direction.


“Are they still following us?” I'd lost track of how long we'd been running.


“Did you ever know a fed that gives up, Tom?” Eddie shouted over the engine.


I tried to push the gas even harder. I jumped across the median to pass a slow moving car, barely getting back over before we kissed the oncoming truck.


We were so busted. When Eddie and I came into town, work was hard to find and we didn't have any money. We'd been traveling from town to town scraping up a dime here and there, barely making enough to eat between the two of us. Things got desperate and we took a job with the wrong kind of people. It was Eddie's idea. We didn't really want to, but what choice did we have? First it was one little delivery, then another and now we're in so deep there's nowhere to go and three cars full of feds are chasing us through the city.


I took a sharp turn and cringed at the sound of all those bottles clinking together in the back. If that bootleg gin in the back cracks open, I won't have the feds to worry about. The Marconis will kill us both and that's not an exaggeration. We picked up this whole batch on Lake Michigan that came over from Canada and we almost made it to Chicago before they showed up. Someone snitched and now we're fucked unless I can outrun the law. I wasn't going to get pinched with Eddie in the car with me. We've both been in too much trouble in the past.


“Keep driving!” Eddie shouted. “I'm not going back!”

Read the rest here.


Don't forget... Read, Write, and Review.

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Failed to prompt last week :(  **sheep flogs self**


Congrats to all those who did though :)


Maybe this week will be better for me.

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Thanks for the highlight! The photo conjured all sorts of great ideas. :D Let's see if there's anything in here for me this week!

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Andy - nothing says you can't go back and do last week's prompts as well as this week's  :-)

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