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Dear Digital Dairy: Needing To Cross Roads

Another Gay Writer


Dear Digital Dairy,


Today I was at the bus stop waiting for bus, when something sparked my interest.
There I am some semi-sheltered college student sitting at a metro bus stop in the rain, waiting to go home. So I sat back under the stop's roof getting my umbrella out when this homeless woman came along. She had four huge bags of stuff, two of which were in a small cart, and a worn out child's bicycle. She sat her stuff a few feet away form me.
Now we were at a horrible intersection. It's six roads across. There's traffic. There's bad drivers. And there no street lights or any sort of stop signs. It's a war zone. I would never cross this intersection. I mean I rearranged my entire bus route so I would never have to cross it. Even being near it, I'm scared I'll get run over.
But this homeless woman picked up one bag and walked across. She didn't even look both ways or walk cautiously. She just carried her bag across six roads to a burger king on the other side. Then she walked back and got her second bag doing the same thing with it, all it the rain. I just couldn't stop watching her scared someone would hit her. She at one point looked over at me watching her. I think she thought I was looking down on her with disgust or discomfort. Probably because most people do. But I was looking at her because I was curious about why she was crossing this terror street. But then I realized something, she NEEDS to cross it. For whatever reason she needs to do that for survival. That's how our bodies work. I've never needed anything like that. There difference between feeling hungry and starving. When I think about I've always had money in my wallet (don't matter how little), a cell phone in my pocket, and someone to call. I've never needed to cross dangerous roads.


Now has that helped me or hurt me? I don't always know.


Esther Night

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What a keen and caring observation for one so young.  You're obviously a compassionate and caring person.  We all have paths to take and roads to cross, but we don't seem to notice them until we get older.  Your insight grew by leaps and bounds watching the homeless lady.  Lovely blog.  I found it fascinating.

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