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What's been going on with me and why I haven't been around

So, I haven't been here much lately, and the longer you stay away the harder it is to come back. So I thought I'd post a sort of general update for those who might be interested.


First of all, I'm doing okay. I take my meds, I get up in the mornings and go to school (I haven't quite mastered getting up the mornings I don't have school, but I'm working on it), I do my homework, I mostly eat proper food and the flat isn't a complete mess. Magpie's busy with work and uni, I'm just busy with school.


I'm studying sound production. Currently we're learning about pro-tools, and some of the physics of soundwaves and how they pertain to setting up a studio or a gig, and analogue mixers, and the history of digital sound, and sound in relation to dramaturgy in film and on TV. We have practical lessons in the Mac lab and in the studio, and this week we're taking studio certification tests. If I pass, I'll be able to book time in the studio an play around with my own stuff whenever I like. I honestly don't quite expect to pass on the first go... I was off sick week before last, and I missed the whole lesson on compressors. Still, if I don't pass the first time I can try again in a couple of weeks. No big.


I took up knitting over summer, which means I now have a yarn obsession. I can go into a yarn shop and buy just one thing, but it takes a lot of self discipline to pull off. Mostly, I walk out with three new colours that I want to turn into hats for my friends. I have a knitting problem.


I also have a medication problem. I realised it had become a problem when I wrote a poem on the metro on my way to school one morning and I thought, wow, my creativity must have come back, only to realise later that I had forgotten to take my meds that morning. The days I do remember to take them (which is nearly all as long as I keep them by my bed or somewhere really visible) I can focus better in class, I'm less jumpy and I don't get all angsty among strangers, but my creativity is close to zero. Win some, lose some. I'm finally in therapy, though. The past few sessions have been to get an idea of the roots of my problems. Tomorrow we'll be starting properly. Hopefully, after a while in therapy I'll be able to stop taking the meds. Don't know when that will be, though. Which means I don't know when I'll be able to get back to writing.


Before school started I was at a point where I could manage to get a little bit done every day if I pushed myself, but now I just don't have the energy. I hate it. I want to write, and I want to play my instruments, and all that stuff, but I come home from school and all I manage to do is sit in front of the computer and play games, or watch Netflix, or something like that. Weekends I catch up on the sleep I missed out on during the week.


A couple of weeks ago my nephew was finally born. He's adorable, and pretty well behaved for an infant. I've been over to my brother's place twice to see him.


I got my first tattoo last Saturday. Just a teensy one. Nothing big, nothing fancy. But I get why so many depressed people like getting tattoos. It's an incredible high. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Less painful than going to the dentist. But it gets the adrenaline flowing, and when you're done you feel like you're the king of everything. And you feel happy. The rest of the day I was just walking around grinning.


I want another one.


So, that's where I am right now. I've been pretty absent from all my social media. It's like I get enough of people just going to school with them every day. So when I get home I shun all society. I haven't seen any of my friends since Magpie and I had a dinner party last week.


It mostly feels like I'm living one day to the next. Planning is hard. Thinking ahead is hard. But I guess that's okay for now. I hope I'll be able to be here more often soon. I'd really like to. I miss all you guys.

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Hang in there, Thorne!

Lack of energy is very debilitating indeed. I suffered from Chronic Fatigue for about six years at one stage and had the same battle to get through each day you're experiencing, so I'm very much in empathy with you. People in general have no idea how hard it can be to do the simplest of routine things.

I sure hope your efforts to sort things out are successful.


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Thorn Wilde


Thank you. I hope so too. :)

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Presumptuous as it sounds, I'm proud of you. It's an accomplishment to Get Things Done when it's hard to get out of bed, and I think sometimes it can be a way of bootstrapping out of a tough spell.


I know Europeans aren't encouraged to medication-shop the way we are here, but is there a chance that your psychiatrist might be able to help you try duloxetine? It's supposed to have a positive effect on energy, and I do feel both more energetic and more creative since I've been on it (also more easily nauseated and wider awake at 4 AM, but you can't have everything).

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It´s good to hear from you, I was a bit worried. I hope you start feeling more energetic soon. Glad you feel well enough to go to school and it seems like you are enjoying it. Knitting is fun (I can´t do it anymore, my fingers start hurting), I have friends who are totally addicted to it and like you love shopping for new yarns.  


Hyvää syksyn jatkoa! Wishing you a lovely autumn! Take care of yourself. 

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Thorn Wilde


Thanks, you guys. :)


Irritable, my psychologist is gonna ask the doctor at the centre about alternate medications that might not have such an adverse effect on my creativity. Meds that would make me more easily nauseated would be a bad idea, though, as I suffer from emethophobia. :P

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Well, it could just be me... I haven't noticed it since I started taking it at night. I believe it's not an uncommon effect among SSRIs (duloxetine is an SSRI/SNRI). We can discuss via PM if you need a patient's POV but people do differ so much ;)

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So glad to hear from you and know what's happening in your life.  Yarn huh?  That sounds like a very good past time.  I used to crochet when I was young and people thought I was nuts.  It's a great outlet.  Hang in there sweetie and hope things keep going well.  Hugs, Jo Ann

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Life happens and the one thing you learn eventually is to take care of yourself. As long as you are doing what is best for you, the rest will wait on you. I hope you continue to well and you get to place where you are content.

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