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I Can't Believe That This Happened In Canada

I am really in shock of the current events of today in Ottawa in our Nations Capital and on Monday in Montreal. I guess I always knew that this one day may have come, but still, it doesn't lessen the deep sense regret that our lives will be changing going forward.


I will try to sum up the events of the past 3 days, based on the latest news reports and the just finished speech from our Prime Minister Steven Harper.


On Monday, two Canadian Armed Forces members, one in uniform, one not, were hit by a speeding car which changed its direction to run them over. One soldier died later of his injuries. The driver of the car was caught and shot dead by the Police. This person has been described as being a radicalized member of ISIS a year ago. He had his passport seized by the government when he tried to leave the country to go to Turkey and then onto Syria to join ISIS.


Today, this morning, a normal morning in our Nations capital of Ottawa. A gunman jumped out of a car and shot a soldier, Corporal Nathan Cirillo, 24, who was doing ceremonial duty at the National War Memorial, the tomb of the unknown Soldier. He was unarmed. He was shot in the back. The gunman then went into the Parliament Buildings and started opening fire in the Hall of Honour underneath the Peace Tower. He continued to fire his weapon and made his way to where the Prime Minister was meeting with his caucus. The shooter was confronted by the Sargent of Arms, a ceremonial position for the security of Parliament. A former RCMP officer, he shot the gunman dead. Thank god for him being armed.


Just recently it has been learned the gunman's name is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 25, from Quebec. He has a lengthy criminal history for drug and some assault charges. He too has recently had his passport seized by the Government for going overseas to fight with ISIS too.


The fact that all of this has happened on Canadian soil is something that we have never seen before. I am always amazed how places like Great Britain and the US and other countries have kept a stiff upper lip (a British saying) as they deal with this. Now, I guess it is time that Canada will be doing the same.


How this will change us? I'm not sure. I really hope that things that Canadians hold as values don't change. We are generally a peaceful nation that doesn't really have gun issues except with gangs that is everywhere. We believe we are safe in our homes, at work and at play.


I imagine you are asking why these people were free when they had their passports seized? As the police said, you can't arrest and lock someone up and take away their freedom for their thoughts. I generally agree with this, but I imagine this will change too. The RCMP have said that there is 90 Canadians across the country that are 'persons of interest'. I know that these people may be looking at increased scrutiny from law enforcement since these two incidents have happened this week.


Another thought of mine was, would we have been better off to have just let them leave and go join ISIS? Immediately I knew this was the wrong. As I personally grieve for the two soldiers lost, I know that we have to take care of the ISIS threats within our own borders rather than let them join the groups in Syria and Iraq. There, they could be part of killing thousands. No life is expendable.


Some say it shouldn't be a surprise. Al Qaeda and as recently as a month ago and ISIS has declared Canada as one of their targets. The US, Britain, France and Australia are the others named. I guess when you don't have any experience with dealing with this, just how are you supposed to react?


Now, why I put this in my blog, I'm going to get a bit political.


Canada has basically 4 national parties. The right of centre Conservatives who are currently in power, the centre Liberals, the left of centre (some refer to socialist) New Democrats, the official opposition, and the far left Green Party.


Parliament recently debated sending Canadian fighters to Kuwait to participate with the alliance to do bombing runs against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. With a Conservative majority the motion was passed and yesterday the planes and support staff left for the Persian Gulf. All opposition members voted against it.


What irritated me beyond belief was the speeches made by the the Liberals in Parliament and outside. They recently elected Justin Trudeau as their leader, the son of the former long term Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. I will not share my opinion of his father, as this could go on for weeks. Justin had the gall and audacity to not only insult our Military in this country but said Canada could do more good by providing food and aid to the people in the Mid East fighting ISIS. He insulted everyone's intellect by saying that no Canadian military action was necessary in the Mid East.


I will give the New Democrats credit, they voted against the mission based on ideological reasons, but did not insult or demean our Military or anyone.


Well I wonder what the Liberal Party's messiah is doing now? Was he in Parliament today putting his body behind his words? Was he trying to go out and buy lunch for the gunman and talk to him to show him the error of his ways? I think we all know the answer to that. Probably was under a desk screaming for someone to protect him, (my opinion).


I grieve for the family and friends of these two dead soldiers. I grieve for the change in what we maybe knew would happen, but actually has.


If anything, this blog has helped me put my thoughts down in order.


One last thing. I work with a Muslim lady at work. We have discussed how the MAJORITY of Muslims in Calgary and Canada speak out and actually help the police and such with identifying the radicals that are hiding within their community. She personally has told me that if one of her family members were to go down the wrong path, she would ensure they were held accountable but would still have the unconditional love a mother would have. She was nearly in tears today as the news came out. I have to agree with her. Not only does she grieve for Canada, but because of what, 90 people, millions will be judged going forward. Not only is this a horrible day for me, but for the 99% of Muslims that will have absolutely nothing to do with ISIS or other radical Islamic groups.


Please do not turn this blog into a racist, hate filled commentary on Muslims in general. You will do yourself nothing but exposing the flaws of your logic....in my opinion.

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Just recently I heard that Canada has one of the most specialized and best trained special forces units in the world. Give your country some credit, you may be unprepared for terrorism inside your own borders, but you're not stranded with this at all. :)

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One of the very good people I met while living in Canada was a Muslim man from Iran who I can easily name a friend. He was the first person, that I casually met, who I told I was gay. Never, not once, was he judgemental or did he make a disparaging remark--always positive, always demonstrative in his friendly affection. Unfortunately, he was in the country illegally and while many vouched for him, including the national TV station he worked for, he was eventually deported with a promise of legal immigration. All of his friends made positive remarks and comments, but like my own, I'm sure they were empty ones, hopeful but without promise, knowing how governments work. I received one letter from him and it began: "What is hell? I am living in it."


I miss him to this day.

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I'm very sorry, Ron.

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I'm deeply relieved that it wasn't worse today. The first headline I saw this morning was, "Gunshots heard inside Canadian parliament." It was terrifying. I hope Nathan Cirillo and the unnamed soldier in Montreal rest in peace. 

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It's a shame we have such a idiot for a president here.  ISIS gets to kill and rape without fear while we do some bombing here and there, probably just to make it look like something is being done.  If Obama wanted to stop these freaks I think we could do it in a couple of weeks or so. He said the plan is to destroy ISIS, but everybody knows that's not going to happen with the weak approach he's using now.  I suspect he might really be interested in NOT destroying them.  Either that, or he's really a lot more stupid than anyone previously thought.


Allowing ISIS to continue this way is as much a threat to us as ISIS itself.  Maybe even more so.

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Cole Matthews


Very thoughtful and informed entry. I support you and all of Canada. 

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Recently, I befriended a number of Canadians. Young men, full of hope and promise, just starting their lives together with the loves of their lives. And I was thinking of how idyllic Canada was, prosperous and peaceful.


Thinking of the changes in my own country since 9/11, and of the liberties we've lost, how the subsequent war on terror closed the border between the US and Canada and between the US and Mexico, It used to be so simple to decide on a whim to visit a neighboring country, without a thought of a passport. I can only hope the fear that has held the US in thrall does not fester in your country.


I'll be thinking of you and your countrymen,Steve. Be strong. Stand tall. Be brave in the face of this. Be vigilant, but do not let this or any event rob you of your humanity, or your ability to open your heart to another. Sometimes, we're not so good as a species, but always remember, there's gold among the dross.

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It's so awful ! I don't have enough words to express how sad this makes me :(  :hug:

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Thorn Wilde


I'm very sorry to hear about this. I too have found myself in the position of realising that my nice, safe country might not be so nice and safe, on the 22nd July, 2011. It's one thing seeing it from a distance. It's quite another knowing that it's happened in your own country, your own capital or even your own city. It can make you lose faith in humanity. But experiences like this can also make people come together as a community, a nation. It can help people find common ground across party lines, in the name of peace and friendship. I hope that this will happen in Canada. I hope that you will find yourselves refusing to succumb to hatred. That's what the terrorists want, after all. That is the entire point of terror. To make us afraid, make us hate, make us distrust each other and fight each other, when what we should be doing is stand together. You are facing a great challenge as a country now. I wish you luck. Be strong, and you will overcome. :hug:

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I read this and I was shocked also.  Like many, I consider Canada a "serene blanket of snow" that never is dirtied by such actions.  that being said, Mississippi is the opposite. I can appreciate the shock factor.  Don't lose faith in Canada and it's citizens.  You reputaion out weighs this random, horrible incident.  I hope and pray it's not a virus, but a thought of some single person.  Hugs.

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I just saw a film clip from when the Parliament goes back into session and Mr Kevin Vickers, the man who shot the gunman, gets a standing ovation. Gave me goosebumps. Thank God he was armed at the time !

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