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The Great Art Heist

Greetings, minions! :joe:




I hope all of you are doing well and that your year has been running smoothly so far. :)


As for my new year, you ask?


Well, I wouldn't use the word "smooth" in any way, shape, or form. I feel like my life has been like a soap opera or something over the last 2 months! It's seriously been too insane to believe, but what I'm about to tel you is 100% true.




So, in my last blog I described the sad ending to my 2 year relationship with my girlfriend, Ariel. If you don't want to go back and read it, the short version is that she cheated on me with her best friend, begged me for forgiveness, got it, then decided she didn't want me back after all and left me for the best friend. Get it? Got it? Good. :P


Well anyway, this is where it gets interesting (as if it wasn't interesting enough already!):

After Ariel left me, I was heartbroken. So I turned toward my artwork for solace. In my grief, I created several paintings that reflected heartbreak, and Ariel saw me working on them one day. She seemed a little upset once she realized they were directed towards her/ our relationship, but she didn't say anything other than that they looked nice.


A couple of weeks later, my art teacher put up those pieces on the bulletin board out in the hallway. She didn't ask me, but I didn't mind. A couple of days later, however, I noticed that 2 of my pieces were gone. I assumed that my teacher had taken them down, but BOY was I wrong. It turns out, they had been STOLEN!!! :o:unsure2:


3 things immediately stuck out to me:

1) TWO pieces of mine were missing. Not just one. And no one else had anything stolen

2) The pieces hadn't been signed. This appeared to be a personal attack, since two of my pieces were gone, but someone had to have known I had painted them since they were unsigned.

3) I don't have any enemies, so who would do this?


My mind went immediately to Johnny. The best friend. My ex-girlfriend's new man. :pissed:


So, I explained my theory to my teacher:

1) Ariel saw the art pieces and told Johnny they made her upset

2) Johnny decided to get rid of them so she wouldn't have to look at them

3) Because he's a dick, he probably destroyed them too.


And guess WHAT? My art teacher confronted Johnny, and he lied to her a few times before finally CONFESSING! That jerk!!! And I was right on every single point! You cannot believe how happy it made me to hear that he was responsible, because I knew I'd get to see him PUNISHED! And guess what? They suspended him for 4 days! Now, I think he should've been expelled, but whatever.


Want to know the worst part in all of it though? Ariel totally supported him. She didn't think what he did was wrong and she didn't feel bad that my feelings got hurt or that my art got ruined. There was a time when she would have cared... but she's turned into a total bitch. I think he's rubbed off on her. She never used to be that insensitive to people. It's sad to watch, and hurtful to endure. :(


Oh well.


Anyway, I just thought you would find all of that at least moderately amusing. High school drama... there's nothing quite like it :o


Thanks for tuning in, everyone!

Dylan :)

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