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Blast from the Past

In 1983 this cartoon lampooning Jerry Falwell appeared in Hustler triggering a long running legal case1.



Just for your edification, I thought I would post a copy of it here. For historical purposes of course.


As for Jerry Falwell, as of this hour, the degenerate culture-war criminal remains stone cold dead.


For those of you that grew up after the AIDS apocalypse, Jerry Falwell was the man most responsible for the Moral Majority movement that swept Reagan into power in the eighties and has kept the most radical of the Rights worst elements in power ever since. Though the Moral Majority did not survive the eighties, its off shoots became powerful leaders, Super-PACs and lobbies. While publically championing life (anti-abortion) and family, these organizations have consistently pushed the interest of the military-industrial complex, big finance and corporate interests.


The Moral Majority gave rise to creatures like Pat Buchanan who coined the term Culture War and Mike Huckabee who act as shills for the very worst elements of this movement.


Take heart- the Right is splitting. It is fragmenting into several blocks: social conservatives who want to role the culture back to white, Christian 1950. Libertarians who are very concerned at the erosion of traditional Constitutional protections. Fiscal conservatives who are looking at the books and asking where the fuck is our money!


No Rainbow children. It's not safe to look to the right. Probably won't be until the current generation of grandstanding assholes drop dead. However- a new Right will form over the next several years. Where it lands will have to be more moderate and more in line with the thinking of the country because the established GOP/Republican brand just ain't selling. There are all sorts of reasons for that, but the big one is they are completely out of step with the country while running candidates that are so Far Right even their base are nervous about them.


Stay tuned. This is getting interesting. It's about time for someone to




foot fetish notes______________________________


1- Hustler Magazine VS Falwell


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