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Featured Story: Gaymer

Renee Stevens


Monday's are a great day, not so much as they are the start of a new week but because it's the day we look at one of the stories here at Gay Authors. Maybe you have been looking for a new story to read? Hopefully I can help you out with that! I like to contribute the occasional review to the blog, today I decided to do a review on an author that has been around since 2004. He's recently started posting a lot of stories, including the one I decided to review for today. I hope you enjoy my review on Gaymer by Dabeagle.


Classic Author


Reviewer: Renee Stevens
Status: Complete
Word Count: 10,891


I hadn’t read anything yet by Dabeagle, but after reading this short little story, I just might have to start. It takes place in High School, which normally isn’t my preferred age range, but it was still a quite enjoyable read.


Gaymer follows two main characters, Mason and Jackson, who are both part of their schools GSA. Mason is, in his own words, a bit of a wallflower. He’s completely different from the more outgoing and well liked Jackson. Not just in personality, but in physical appearance as well. Mason wants nothing more to be able to talk to Jackson, but his shyness makes it difficult. Then things change and he finds out the one thing him and Jackson have in common, online gaming. When Jackson gives him a pass to a game he plays, he recognizes what might be his only chance to get to know Jackson better. The problem is, he never told Jackson he already played the game, and Jackson doesn’t realize that Mason is the character Fieryn.


Dabeagle did a wonderful job of bringing to life the characters of Mason and Jackson. Neither character is without his own issues. Mason’s character has a difficult time overcoming his severe shyness and awkwardness while Jackson’s issues revolve more around day to day life. Mason also has to deal with the guilt of not telling Jackson who he is, especially when he’s given the opportunity time and time again.


Throughout the story, I found myself asking a number of questions. Will Mason finally find the courage to reveal his identity? What will happen when he does? Will Jackson be able to forgive the deceit?


Really, the only complaint I have about this story is that it was too short! If you’re looking for a quick and enjoyable read, I’d highly recommend you check out Gaymer.

Category: Fiction Genres: Comedy, Drama Tags: Teen, Gay, Coming Out, Love, Modern, Light-hearted Rating: Teen

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  • Site Administrator

This is a great story.  Well worth the read.  :)

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Oh. My. God. I have to read this. I met the love of my life on an mmorpg. You are the bestestest! I'm so excited now!! Woohoo!

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I've read quite a few stories from Dabeagle on another site, and I was so happy to see his stories when he first started posting here. :)


This is definitely a story I'll have to check out. :)


Thanks, Renee, for a great review. =)

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