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Halloween Story Available On Amazon: Please Review



Hey everyone!


My story "Mask of the Hunter" is currently on sale on Amazon(Kindle) for $0.99 through Halloween! It's also available for free here at GayAuthors.org, but if you'd like to support my efforts in becoming noticed at Amazon, this would be a great way to do it. Every little bit helps my stats, and the stats help me sell my books to others who haven't yet had a chance to read it. :)


If you can't afford it or otherwise have something preventing you from purchasing it, but still want to help, please feel free to read the story here at GA and then review it on Amazon. I'd also love it if those who've read "From The Cup of The Worthless" would also take the time to review it on Amazon. Thanks! You'll find the link to that story here: http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/blog/622/entry-16126-from-the-cup-of-the-worthless-now-available-on-kindle/


If you'd like a refresher as to what the story is about, here's a brief description:


Halloween is a night of mystery and magic, and for Samuel Cleese it is no exception. When attending a masquerade goes awry, he's drawn into the most magical night of his life. Who is the mysterious man whose face is hidden by a dark mask, and what does the future hold for Samuel?


Thank you for your time and your support! Have a great Halloween season!

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