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Horror films and being a Gay man

Like many horror fans, I am awaiting Ridley Scott's return to Aliens Franchise with Aliens: Covenant. It is a highly anticipated film for horror junkies, while I did enjoy "Split" with is psycho horror, I am still a fan of hybrid Sci-Fi/horror genre. Dead Space will remain a favorite game of mine.


I love getting scared a bit, then finding a hand to hold preferably a boyfriend's hand, and then later on release the stress of the experience in a fun way :D


That made me think about an old Buzz Feed from 2013 that I found again and I think many people in similar positions on being gay and enjoying horror can appreciate:


There’s Something Inside of Me”: Coming Out As A Gay Horror Fan

Being a horror fan, even a Sci-fi/horror fan, is taboo even today. There's an innate association that if you like horror movies and evil over the top murderers, you must be into sociopathic or psychopathic things, which really isn't true as I haven't enjoyed a real life serial killer or forced any alien worms pop out of people's chest yet :P


I think this sums it up for me as well as other gay horror fans:




I can't be the only gay author on GA, who likes the thrill of fear and it's innate connection to our community.



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I loved this article. It was like every word is mine own. All those horror movies, I watched to look at the men, growing up in a country where pre-internet access to gay pornography was non-existent.  And who wouldn't find Hannibal Lector attractive! That man is God.

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