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Okay...can you be happy and sad at the same time?



I'll start out with the sad so we got something to look forward to...


Like Thursday at lunch, I come back to our table from dumping my tray to see Lorena reading a little pamplet about a recorder or something, like one of those things spies wear. I didnt ask and then after we got rid of Lorena and started walking to our class at the building across the street, he shows me that he's wearing this recording thing, or heart monitor :o . I ask him what for and he said that his mom took him to the doctor because he every so often would have minor pains in his heart (glad he could tell his best friend about this AFTER he's being monitored). He told me that he's also seeing a counselor and that they figured out that he has anxiety problems and is thus kinda paranoid sometimes, so now they have him on these freaking pills that make you 'not paranoid' if you are and 'paranoid' if you arent :( . He told me that the counselor more or less tried to get him to admit that he was suicidal and that he wouldnt :o , though I highly doubt he's suicidal. I'm really worried about him :( and you guys know how I feel about drugs, especially psyciatric drugs (it's curious to note that almost all cases of violent crimes commited at schools were acted out by someone who was currently on or had been on psyciatric drugs :( .) I KNOW, would-bet-my-life-on-it, KNOW that this is all caused by the stress Lorena puts him through. So first she steals my best friend in the whole world, that I love, and now she's killing him off :( . So I think it's either time for me to talk to him about Lorena or inform his counselor about Lorena so she can maybe get somewhere with him and so that I don't end up having to go to a funeral for my best friend in the near future cry_smile.gif.


Okay, *sniffles*, on to the happy. You know my friend Meghan that I tried out with...we've been friends since like 5th grade but have just started to get closer. Well she sits next to me in math, and yesterday she was gone for math because she had an appointment or something. I did miss her cuz she's one of my only friends in there... So after school, she was back for play practice. She's like,


"oh my God Ronnie, did you miss me today in math?"

"Yea I did"

"Because when you are gone Ronnie, I'm like soo depressed. People like ask me what's wrong and I'm like 'ehh leave me alone!', lol...because you are like the only one that's nice to me in there. Not even Lauren and Leslie.."

"Aww :wub: , but you and Leslie have been best friends since like, what? 4th grade?"



Anyways, that really made my day :D . I knew she cared about me, but when her best friend sits on the other side of her and she's depressed if I'm gone, I know she really does.


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Hey Ronnie :)


I'm sorry to hear about Justin, that's awful! I mostly agree with you about meds. (for myself anyway). I tend to try to stay off of everything as much as possible. Only if I get really sick do I take anything, but perhaps the meds will help him. I agree that he should try to deal with the problem and not just mask the symptoms, but maybe the drugs will enable him to handle whatever issues and stresses he's dealing with. Anyway I hope everything turns out ok.


Really cool about your friend Meghan! :2thumbs:


Have an awesome day and take care :)



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Ok, I have thought a lot about your blog entry. I am really sorry to hear about Justin. So, here are some suggestions to help your BEST FRIEND FOREVER..


1. Don't make any suggestions..think of it like the scene of the crime and gather the facts.


How do you do that...start asking a lot of questions from anyone and everyone that interacts with Justin


and dare I say even Cruella deville....um I mean Lorena...but before you start with her..


speak to Justin's Mom....is there tension at home (i.e. are his parents fighting, in the middle of a divorce..is there family trauma..a member of the family very ill..is Justin fighting or upset with siblings, parental units, etc..


speak to Justin's friends....even people he has classed with but not necessarily super close to Justin...have they observed anything that Justin is upset, stressed..is there someone or someones bullying him etc....what do they see and know


Is Justin in the same grade as you or older or younger? Are there courses he is taking that are stressing him badly (i.e. is he failing or flunking out or barely making it in each class?)


Has Justin changed friends suddenly....and are those friends bad influences on him... (i.e. is he getting into trouble including drugs, alcohol and such)


Is he maybe (and I don't suggest this to feed any fantasies or hopes that he is..but is he Gay and struggling with his sexual orientation?)


Remember if you speak to his counselor...the counselor is not permitted to violate confidentiality regarding Justin and the counselor can't discuss Justin's counseling/therapy with you..so don't get frustrated with that..its just the way it is. But, once you have a clear picture, I am sure its ok to help Justin out to speak to his counselor to express your concerns and worries....without you pointing fingers as to you know who caused his anxiety....


Before you speak to the counselor....get as much information as you can...and write it down..don't make assumptions....don't try and project or guess like that Justin is stressed due to Lorena...since you don't know that for a fact....I am sure that his relationship with Lorena is stressful..but I am sure that lots of his relationships are stressful....at school, if he works..does sports, etc....it could be leading to a lot of things..


I have an irregular heart beat...did the doctor test him for that..it could be that simple....stuff like that.


I am with you on not liking anti depressants..I have a hypothyroid (one of the side effects is depression..but I refuse to take anti depressants..although doctors have suggested them to me...no way..I take a synthetic thyroid replacement....since my thyroid was radiated/zapped away) and I suffer from SAD..doctors have suggested anti depressants for that..no thanks....


maybe Justin can join a counseling group..but that's between him and his therapist...


You can tell Justin that you are there for him and no matter and don't pass judgment (that often leads to more stress)...be there to listen....offer him unconditional love and support....if you sense he has trouble communicating, which when in that feeling of helplessness and stress, its not uncommon, you can check in with him each day to see how he is doing..talk about his day and stuff...be the best friend you are to him.

Heck, invite him to some play practice..stuff like that..


and oh, DON'T NEGLECT YOURSELF..>.what I mean by that is remember to do things for you..since if Lorena blocks you out....you can still be there for Justin but you are also branching out and finding friendhsips and doing the play and choir and really blossoming and that growth is very very important too:) Be very proud of yourself for that:)


Glad to hear you are developing a new friendship and close one..I am so proud of you for that and way cool that Meghan can count on you...so what about the other people in the play? how are those friendships going and with Hot Choir Guy? Did you find out if the cool Gay neigbhor is still around? I would love to hear that he is and you connected......and developed a cool friendship..since you know he will have cool (and hot) Gay Guys for you to connect with and develop friendships and who knows:) winks and hopes:)


Fingers crossed, Good Karma and Peace sent and Prayers said for you and for Justin and that he will be ok and you will continue with your own personal growth:)


Good Luck, Ronnie and as Mikie would say..huggles sent to you, Justin and of course to Xander the Wonder Dog:)



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