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College Week 3

Howdy y'all!


Today, I'll be going over my third week at college, so let's begin!


PHYS 2425: This week, my teacher introduced us to forces and Newton's Laws of Motion. I thought I knew them well enough, but boy, I was wrong, really wrong, lol. For our lab, we conducted an experiment to test balancing vectors in two dimensions. Basically, we attached weights to three strings and placed them each on their own pulley that were attached to a force table, then tied the strings to a ring. The goal was to get the ring to remain in the center, because that would mean the strings (or our "vectors") were balanced. This is how it would look like:


MATH 2414: On Tuesday, my teacher taught us how to differentiate logarithmic and exponential functions with bases other than e. Yesterday, we learned how to differentiate inverse trigonometric functions. In short, it was fun!

SPCH 1321: My teacher told the class that we would all be giving a speech next Tuesday, so we spent this week preparing our speeches.

ENGR 1201: So, on the first day of class, way back when ;) , my teacher told the class that we'd be split into teams and would each work on a design project. We'd have nearly the whole semester to work on them, and then present our project at the end of term. Well, this week, she revealed the design projects! :D


Oh and I guess I should talk about this: 

Gym? So, Wednesday, a friend dragged me to the college gym, because she wanted to check it out. Well, we signed up for a free membership (since we're students) and we went on a tour. If y'all haven't figured this out yet, me and exercise don't mix. So, I don't think I'll actually go to the gym often, if at all. But, who knows, maybe I'll surprise myself.


Anyways that was my week!

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Parker Owens


Hey, thanks for updating this old math teacher on your week at college. Your work in Calc 2 made me smile, especially. I shall continue to think on you and your studies in the days ahead. 

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The gym was the the one building I never entered when i was at college.

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Carlos Hazday


I was in a college gym in April. The eye-candy in the locker room was better than I remembered.

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Drewbear, just know that I am rooting for you enthusiastically... I am sure you’re doing fantastic and learning all sorts of amazing things. My brain scrambles on the logarithms and exponentials. 😬 

seriously though, I hope you have a great year!! 

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All of this, well maybe not the math, sounds like fun. Glad you're enjoying it. Gym = hot guys in limited amounts of clothing. It also could prove to be a stress reliever. Work those muscles ... that is not a muscle.

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