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In my brain right now

My brain's doing that thing, where it's just running away and I can't keep up and I feel anxious and sad and also kind of elated and excited about stuff. So I thought I'd try to just try and write a stream-of-consciousness thing. So, this is my brain on whatever the hell is wrong with me. Sorry about the wall of text.


I'm super excited cause I've been reading comic books and I love the Young Avengers and why aren't Wiccan and Hulkling in the MCU? Almost out of comics, gonna have to find some fanfic and, oh god, they're so hot! Hot, hot hot! What was I doing? I have shit to do. Need to edit. Need to write. Why am I not writing? I should be writing. I'm a good writer. I think I'm a good writer. I put the words together and I'm good with the words and the grammar and the punctuation, the craft of writing, I'm good at it, but am I a good writer? If I was, wouldn't I be getting more recognition? No good thinking about it. Thinking about it makes me feel like I just want attention, like I'm just some whiny kid screaming, look at me! I'm not some whiny kid. Or maybe I am, and I really just want attention and I don't know it, don't realise it. Why am I thinking all this? Why is my brain so fucked up? Am I hypomanic? Am I having a mixed episode? Am I really bipolar? Maybe I'm not, maybe I'm just lazy and undisciplined, maybe I'm making shit up, maybe none of this is real and I don't deserve all the help and support I've been getting. Am I just making shit up? Is this pretend? Do I just want to be special, as fucked up as all the cool people in the world, the geniuses and the artists. I kind of wanted to be bipolar and not just some sad loser who occasionally got creative. Maybe I made it all up and now I'm living inside my creation and I'm just nothing. Maybe I'm not even trans. I could just be some delusional woman in men's clothing. Maybe I was never a boy at all, never have been, never will be. I certainly don't look like one. I'll never be able to pass, never, not if I don't transition medically, and since I'm so reluctant to do that, surely that has to mean something? Fuck, what even am I? And now I feel all whiny again. No one wants to be around someone like me and, oh my god, did I ever fuck up earlier today when my mouth ran away from my head and I outed my friend's mental illness in front of other friends. God, why would anyone ever want to be near me? I'm such a spaz, I always say the wrong thing and I'm a know-it-all, I'm sure everyone hates me. Like, maybe four or five people on this earth actually like me and the rest are just humouring me. Why am I like this? I don't want to go to bed, don't know if I can sleep, don't want to get up in the morning. Don't want to anything. Want to write. Don't want to write. My mind is going everywhere and it won't shut up and, fuck, I want to get off. Why is my boyfriend asleep? I need to sleep. Not sure how. Can I please just cancel tomorrow and spend the whole day reading comic books? Want more Wiccan and Hulkling, I'm excited about Young Avengers, they're so cute, oh my god! What was I doing? I've got shit to do.

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It looks like you came full circle. Oh, and stop whining. (chuckles)

I’m still paying attention, if a little removed.

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Timothy M.


I wasn't sure whether to do a :lol: or a :( like so I ended up with a neutral one. You made me laugh, but I was also a little sad to see you doubt your ability as a writer. Also, plenty of us have the foot-in-mouth problem, it's part of being human.

I like being around you, and I think you're a guy most of the time, with the option to show your feminine side, when you feel like it. Just be who you are, Thorn, there's plenty to love about you. :hug: 

(suggestion for reading: The Beka Cooper books by Tamora Pierce, book 2 has this amazing queer character)

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Thorn Wilde


Thanks @Ron and @Timothy M.. God, my brain was really running away from me last night... It's still really noisy this morning, but hopefully it'll calm down soon...

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Former Member

Posted (edited)

I like to think you are my friend, even if we never meet in person!

I sometimes feel like my mental health diagnosis is fraudulent because it’s not as serious as the ones some of my friends have. But that doesn’t really help things because the diagnosis is real. Having doubts is normal. It doesn’t change the fact that you really are what you say you are.

There are plenty of others who want to tear us down, we don’t need to let their voices into our heads (my head is crowded enough as it is with my parents’ voices and opinions).

I know what I’ve written isn’t particularly useful. But I don’t have any magic words to utter to fix problems. No offense, but I’d use them on myself first, if I had them!

Edited by Former Member
Thorn Wilde


I know what you mean, @droughtquake. I also have the, my friends are a lot worse off so what am I whining about thing. I try to remind myself that I don't know what it's like inside their heads and they don't know what it's like inside mine. It doesn't always work. And no offence taken. It's like the oxygen masks; help yourself before helping others.

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