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Gah! Ugh! June! It's... so... HOT! I'm burnin' up, folks. Our poor little air conditioner at home can barely keep up. From muggy Kentucky, I hope y'all are finding ways to stay cool out there. Stay hydrated!

You know what else is hot? This month's Ask An Author! We got ourselves an awesome author to feature. With over forty stories in their piggy bank, our interviewee might seem familiar. I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with @CLJobe! Scroll down and see what questions were asked. 



44 Stories / 1,733,552 Words 


Recently, you've posted stories with 100+ chapters with very frequent posting. What made you decide to structure your stories in that way? Do you think you will keep doing it?

I found your questions very interesting. I think I can answer a few if I explain my background that has led to my writing. I am 85 years old and I started to write in 2018 when I had an injury that resulted in being a paraplegic. I needed something to do and after reading a lot of stories on several websites, I turned my hand to writing. I live in a retirement home and I am confined to a bed. My activity is limited to reading, watching old movies, and writing. In some of my writings, there is a voice that guides the actors. In "Arrow," it's GG. 

I didn't always post long chapters. My early stories have much shorter chapters, and some of my readers complained, so I started to post longer chapters. In the quiet of the night, story ideas come to me. If I like the idea when I wake up, I make a note and developed it. The next story when I have concluded Arrow is already being thought about.


You started posting on GA in 2020. Were you writing before? If so, when did you start? If not, damn, that's a lot of writing! How do you find the time?

I have stories posted on a website in England but I reposted those stories on GA in my early days. My first book is on Amazon. Now I post exclusively on GA. As a question of having time, that is all I have. 


If you had to collab with another author on GA, who would it be?

I don't know who I would co-author with. it would have to be someone with whom I would have something in common. 


Do you still read a lot of stories on GA? Or mostly just writing

I do read a lot and not all stories. I also have favorite authors on GA but i select more by title. Stories mean more than the author. in the last few years, I have done more writing than reading. Writing is therapeutic for me.



Thanks for the interview, CLJobe! Don't forget to click the link in their name to check out their stories. 

Hope y'all enjoy your month of June! I'm off to see if I can fit inside my refrigerator.

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