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A little update on Xander



Okay, so Xander is now on Iams, which I've read still isn't that good for him, but in my book, it's waaay better than Ol' Roy.


So we were eating dinner today and Jayne just started barking like crazy...we look outside and there was some collie wandering around by the kennel. Well Jayne being such a bad dog, you guys know, was just going psycho, doing all she could to try and get at the other dog. Well I don't see Jayne's logic in this, but for some reason, she thought that she should take it out on Xander, that she couldnt get at the dog :angry: . I look out the window and she had chased Xander into the dog house and had her ass sticking out, prolly biting at him inside :angry: . Then, Xander had come out and was standing by the front and Jayne just went f**king crazy and was biting on his back and like pulling and shaking her head!!! :angry::angry::angry: I ran outside without the keys to the kennel, ran to the back, climbed up the tree and jumped into the kennel and onto the dog house and gave Jayne what she deserved. I feel bad when I have to, because she looks so innocent, like she never does anything wrong, but she could seriously hurt him some day :angry: . Then, when I had taken care of Jayne, the f-ing collie had ran in our house and ran throught the living room, into the bathroom, and into my room at which point my brother chased it out the front door again. My mom called the number on the tag with no answer, so called the animal control to come pick it up. About 2 minutes later, a sherrif car pulls up to our house to get the dog. Apparently it was his dog, and it spazes when it thunders (which it had started doing like 15 minutes earlier) and runs off. We asked him if he heard it on the scanner, and he said no, that someone heard it on the scanner and got a hold of him, figuring it was his. Okay, so it's not that big of a deal, but this kinda burns me. Like 2-3 times when Jayne has ran off with my dog, we've gotten fines for 'dog at large'. But, being a cop, you don't see his ass getting a ticket, the freaking law should apply to everyone.


Anyway, tonight when we were outside feeding and spending time with them, I felt like treating Xander and kinda refreshing his bank of tricks. Well waaaay back when he was little, like 3 months old, I taught him how to speak, and he would do it on command. But then for a while, Xander would bark too once in a while, when someone walked by or something, so I discouraged him barking and got him a barking collar so we wouldnt get in trouble had the neighbors called the cops if he was barking. Well about 2-3 months ago, his collar stopped working so I took it off him and I havent had a problem with him barking, cuz he's a good boy 0:) . Well I've tried the last couple months to get him to speak but he doesnt remember and/or is afraid to, even though he should realize by now that he doesnt have the barking collar on anymore. Well I decided to try again tonight to get him to speak, I tried for like 10 minutes, but he didnt do it. Then, out of no where, he sat back on his back legs and put both front paws up in the air and gave me a look that said "Aww, please just give it to me? :( " OMG, I almost crapped my pants, that was so cute!!! I of course gave him the treat even though he didnt speak, but he opened up the door to teach him that trick, which he pretty much got down in 5 minutes :P .


Recommended Comments

We need updated pictures of Xander!!! :2thumbs:


My dog had her first obedience training session and it was amazing. She was starting to get a little bit out of control, so the training (for both her and I) comes along at just the right time.


Anywhooo, good luck on training him to speak again.


Take Care®,



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I'm adding a second reply Ronnie. I know how you are about the food that you eat, and cannot imagine you being any less concerned about the food that Xander eats. I have always believed that feeding dogs "people" food was a bad thing. And in general, this is true. But "people food" means table scraps. There are things we eat that are bad for dogs, chocolate, turkey, onions and grapes, just to name a few. When "fatty" was forced to go on a diet, the vet requested us to give her a diet based on the number of calories for a 100 lbs. dog. He gave us a diet that stunned me. Basically, it was cream of wheat, carrots, hard boiled egg, milk and centrum vitamins. We always gave our dogs a doggie multivitamin and people vitamin c, and the older dogs get people glucosamine/condroitin, and the breed is notriously alergic to eggs, but we followed the diet with some changes. In addition to their vitamins, my dogs eat long grain rice, green beans, cooked carrots, cooked ground beef, and milk for each meal. Their coats look better than I have ever seen them, their feces volume is reduced significantly (although slightly orange when I give them too much carrot :blink: ) and they are losing withg and looking healthy and happy.


While cooking enough rice, carrots, and meat to feed 2 100+ lbs. dogs is an almost constant chore, they eat a better meal than I do, and they are happy for it, which makes me happy. I could have told you to get him off of the crap dog food. I know suggest that people talk to their vet and cook for their dogs.


enough of my blathering


:king: Snow Dog

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