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A Year Later



In about three hours it'll be my one year anniversary here at GA. As such I thought now was as good a time as any to compare how things are different now than they were a year ago. Especially how this site has impacted my life.


I'm not sure so much what I want to say. I've typed several paragraphs and deleted each one. I guess what I'd basically like to say is thank you. It's exactly a year ago that I finished reading TLW and joined GA. I used to keep a Livejournal and I've just gone back and reviewed what I wrote (I actually had two entries from the 19th). There's no doubt about it: I'm in a much better place emotionally and psychologically. Of course EXACTLY a year ago was when I was in the midst of a boarderline emotional breakdown (stemming from LOTS of things relating to my future all coming up at once), but even that now withstanding I think I'm better off.


I also think that it's because of GA and all of you guys that I am. You all have been a wonderful bunch of friends and it seems I found you all just when I needed you the most :hug: . I can't imagine what the last year would have been like without you guys, but I'd bet any amount of money that I wouldn't be as stable, happy, healthy, and productive without your support and advice.


Looking around I see that most of the major things in my life are all different. Even my likes and dislikes, and interests are very different. I don't think they were so bad before, but I like the way things are now. So thank you, all of you. You've all brought many positive things to my life :D:hug:


Take care and I look forward to spending another year with you all.




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You've been a ray of sunshine here. You are always upbeat and have something positive to say.


Your presence here has enriched us all.



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You've been a ray of sunshine here. You are always upbeat and have something positive to say.


Your presence here has enriched us all.





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Guest Kitty


Well, Kevin, I know I've told you this privately, so I hope you don't mind if I say it publicly now. You have made a big, big difference here at GA. When I think of the place before you got here, and how it has evolved to where it is now ... you've been an integral part of making it happen.


So for myself, and no doubt on behalf of a lot of other folks here, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


...for what you bring to this place, and most of all, for being who you are ... which is one awesome person.





Kitty :)

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Kevin, the previous posts said what I was thinking, but far better than I could have.


I'm fairly new here (joined in February, as I recall), and I quickly became a fan of your posts. You are so upbeat and positive that you cheer me up even when I'm down.


Thank you, Kevin, for all that you do, and



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Kevin, the previous posts said what I was thinking, but far better than I could have.


I'm fairly new here (joined in February, as I recall), and I quickly became a fan of your posts. You are so upbeat and positive that you cheer me up even when I'm down.


Thank you, Kevin, for all that you do, and




Ditto, ditto, and ditto! :2thumbs:



Like CJ I'm new here too, and you have made my days better on many, many occassions!... Actually I can't remember a time when you haven't made my day better...


So here's another heartfelt

Happy Anniversary!


Thanks, sincerely,


Camy B)

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Hey Foxy,


I think I already said Happy Anniversary so I'm just gonna go with :wub::hug::D


Love ya,


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Happy 1 year GA anniversary!!!


Your blogs are one of the reasons GA have to move to a dedicated server :lol:




Hope your new life in your new home with your new job are going well.


Take Care®,



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Hey Kevin!!


Happy 1st Anniversary!! You've really made GA a smiley-er :) place. I appreciate your advice and comments you write in my blog and think that you're a super great person :2thumbs: . We're all glad to have you here!!


Ronnie :)

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awww thanks everyone!! :wub::2thumbs:


You're kind words really made me happy and I was smiling all day :D:boy:


Take care everyone, you guys are the greatest! :hug:



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Guest Rob Hawes


Hi Kevin,


I don't remember when you joined. Even though I was lurking here back then, I was really more interested in reading the stories than hearing what people here had to say or getting to know anyone. In fact, it wasn't until December last year that I actually joined and only then to post my stories and continue reading those I'd become hooked on. I was never going to start a blog or try to post - I had other forums to post on, a livejournal to record my thoughts and plenty of friends to satisfy a loner like me.


I was never interested in becoming a part of the GA community. Then, one day when I'd read all the latest chapters of the stories I was interested in and was searching for something, anything, to read I decided to take a look at the blogs. None of them really caught my eye, until I noticed one by a name that caught my attention. I thought to myself, "AFriendlyFace - dear God this guy must be either a mental patient or some kind of cheery hippy". Nevertheless I took a look and after reading your entry that day I realised that you were one of the most irritating breeds of human being - an optimist. :P


Normally I can't stand optimists. You smile when things are tough and can always find a brighter side when things turn to shit, but then I read some of your posts and realised that you weren't just an optimist, you were a genuinely nice guy. It's because of you that I really started looking around here and ultimately decided that maybe this was a good place to escape the bitchy queens I'd encountered on other forums and maybe make a few friends.


We've never talked one-to-one yet, but in spite of that you've always had a kind word when I've been feeling down and you've always managed to put a smile on my face. Damn you :P You've been a breath of fresh air, a constant source of relief and you've even started to rub off on me (no smutty comments please) - I've started to look on the bright side and confront adversity with a smile rather than getting my claws out. I really hope you stick around for many years to come - this place would not be the same without you.


So, happy anniversary and I hope I get to offer the same wish next year.




PS As I said above, when I first encountered you I didn't know if you were a mental patient or a cheery hippy. I've sinced realised that you are, in fact, bonkers - but you're definitely my kind of crazy. :2thumbs:

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I just noticed that my anniversary is coming up soon, so that means you've been here just a few more weeks than I. Funny that I didn't take you for a newbie last August. You fit in right from the start.

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Hi Kevin,


I don't remember when you joined. Even though I was lurking here back then, I was really more interested in reading the stories than hearing what people here had to say or getting to know anyone. In fact, it wasn't until December last year that I actually joined and only then to post my stories and continue reading those I'd become hooked on. I was never going to start a blog or try to post - I had other forums to post on, a livejournal to record my thoughts and plenty of friends to satisfy a loner like me.


I was never interested in becoming a part of the GA community. Then, one day when I'd read all the latest chapters of the stories I was interested in and was searching for something, anything, to read I decided to take a look at the blogs. None of them really caught my eye, until I noticed one by a name that caught my attention. I thought to myself, "AFriendlyFace - dear God this guy must be either a mental patient or some kind of cheery hippy". Nevertheless I took a look and after reading your entry that day I realised that you were one of the most irritating breeds of human being - an optimist. :P


Normally I can't stand optimists. You smile when things are tough and can always find a brighter side when things turn to shit, but then I read some of your posts and realised that you weren't just an optimist, you were a genuinely nice guy. It's because of you that I really started looking around here and ultimately decided that maybe this was a good place to escape the bitchy queens I'd encountered on other forums and maybe make a few friends.


We've never talked one-to-one yet, but in spite of that you've always had a kind word when I've been feeling down and you've always managed to put a smile on my face. Damn you :P You've been a breath of fresh air, a constant source of relief and you've even started to rub off on me (no smutty comments please) - I've started to look on the bright side and confront adversity with a smile rather than getting my claws out. I really hope you stick around for many years to come - this place would not be the same without you.


So, happy anniversary and I hope I get to offer the same wish next year.




PS As I said above, when I first encountered you I didn't know if you were a mental patient or a cheery hippy. I've sinced realised that you are, in fact, bonkers - but you're definitely my kind of crazy. :2thumbs:

WOW! Thanks Rob!! I am extremely touched! I'd also like to take the opportunity to tell you what a wonderful, positive difference I think you make around here too! I'm always really excited when I see one of your posts because I know I have an insightful, thought-provoking, and thoroughly enjoyable post to read. This place definitely wouldn't be the same without YOU either! You're not only a very talented writer, but also a great member, and I'm very honoured to be able to count you among my online friends :D:hug:


All the best and thanks again for your teriffic comment, it meant alot to me! :D



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I just noticed that my anniversary is coming up soon, so that means you've been here just a few more weeks than I. Funny that I didn't take you for a newbie last August. You fit in right from the start.

aww thanks glomph! I actually thought you were here BEFORE me, so clearly you did too lol. Happy almost anniversary! :boy: Have a fantastic day and take care :)



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