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thoughts on life



I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,

On a white heal-all, holding up a moth

Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth-

Assorted characters of death and blight

Mixed ready to begin the morning right,

Like ingredients of a witches' broth-

A snow-drop spider, a flower like froth,

And dead wings carried like a paper kite.


What had that flower to do with being white,

The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?

What brought that kindred spider to that height,

Then steered the white moth thither in the night?

What but darkness of design to appall?-

If design govern in a thing so small.


-"Design" by Robert Frost


This poem sums up my thoughts in recent days: why are there pains and sufferings in the world? It just doesn't seem fair to me.


I've realized that the people who are older than I actually know what they're talking about, which was the most enlightening moment of my life. My grandmother might be able to talk your ear off, but it's definitely worth listening to, because she is passing on everything she believes to me.


Boys. Boys boys boys. I need me one of those. We're working on it.


Life in general is going pretty well for me, I'm liking school, I'm having a good time. My heart just isn't in much right now, for many reasons, most of which won't be spoken of here. I need to write something other than poetry, my creative writing class is driving me crazy.


Well, I think that is all for now. This was my least coherent blog entry of all time.


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Sounded pretty coherent to me. Then again, I'm old enough to be your grandmother. ;)

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Good to hear from you SB!


You are making a lot of sense, just pick and choose the "old" peeps you listen too very carefully. You can be of any age and still be full of...unpleasentness.




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Hey Robbee :)


First off, I love that poem.


This poem sums up my thoughts in recent days: why are there pains and sufferings in the world? It just doesn't seem fair to me.

*sigh* I've often thought this quite a bit myself. I've decided it's best to try to make it better without becoming a part of it ;) Just my thoughts on it though

I've realized that the people who are older than I actually know what they're talking about, which was the most enlightening moment of my life. My grandmother might be able to talk your ear off, but it's definitely worth listening to, because she is passing on everything she believes to me.

Very true :) . Grandparents are great!


Boys. Boys boys boys. I need me one of those. We're working on it.

:D good luck!


Life in general is going pretty well for me, I'm liking school, I'm having a good time. My heart just isn't in much right now, for many reasons, most of which won't be spoken of here. I need to write something other than poetry, my creative writing class is driving me crazy.

I'm glad things are going well. I hope you get everything else sorted out, and good luck with the writing!! (I'd love to see some sometime if you felt like showing me ;) )


Take care, dude, and have an awesome...EVERYTHING :D


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