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"Beautiful" - pardon the narcissism



Everyday is so Wonderful


I like a lot of songs. In fact I like almost all songs, but if I had to pick a favourite song a permanent favourite, not just a "flavour of the week", it would be Beautiful by Christina Aguilera. I really do feel like everyday is so wonderful.


So I just finished that book that I mentioned in an earlier blog, Outing Yourself. Basically...I thought it was a load of crap. I guess some parts were useful, and interesting, but mostly I just finished it because I'm a sucker for case histories of real people and this book was full of them. The problem with the book is that the author literally claims all gay people are filled with self-loathing. Not only this, but, according to him, we never really defeat this demon, but instead must battle it every day (like alcoholism). He also doesn't just state this theory and move on. No, he makes it the foundation of the book. I swear he might as well have called the book, "Problem? That's because of your self-loathing".


I know I'm not perfect; I have some issues, but if there's one thing I'm quite certain of it's that self-loathing, low self-esteem, and destructive behaviour aren't among them. I really really like me and I treat me REALLY well. Not only that I LOVE my life. I've thought countless times in the past, "I wish everyone could be as happy as I am", or when I'm in a cockier, more playful mood, "It's ashame everyone can't be me for a day!" :P:boy: Most days my thinking follows along the lines of, "What fun activity am I going to get to do next?!" I know that sounds horribly smug and obnoxious and I don't mean it to; I'm VERY thankful for the extremely blessed, serendipitous life I've led. I've had more than my fair share of kindness and generosity bestowed upon me and when I look around at all the people going through strife I really wish everyone else could be so lucky.

I am beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring me down

I am beautiful in every single way


So I went and had my hair done today. NO, I didn't get it "cut", although they did trim it a bit. No, I had it "done". See in Houston they put out this little phonebook thingy called "The Rainbow Pages", basically it's a guide to all the gay/gay friendly businesses in Houston. Anyway I selected the place from there. I was there for over an hour and a half! First off she trimmed it to start the new style I want (it still needs a couple months before it gets to the length I want, but it's moving in the right direction now anyway :P:boy: ). Then I selected a new colour. I decided to go straight blonde with no red at all. However, they did it as highlights instead of doing the whole head, but they still pretty much got everything visible...it's hard to explain, but it looks great! Anyway then she conditioned it with this AWESOME stuff (my hair feels so smooth and silky! :D ). THEN she straightened it all for me. :worship: OH my gosh she did such an awesome job! She totally nailed the look I was going for too. She even got the part right and trimmed my bangs to accenturate the part (and indeed the whole look) perfectly!


It was just amazing! Going back to my previous topic, if there's ever been anything I didn't like about myself it's my hair. It's curly/wavy and I want straight. It has a lot of body and I want it relaxed. I've never liked the natural colour (not that I can even remember the natural colour very well at this point :P ). I guess it was brown. Then again some people have described it as red. Other's blonde. And this is my NATURAL unaltered colour I'm talking about. So I guess it's somewhere in the nexus of all three. I've always wanted VERY blonde though, or bright, deep red, or even black. I've dyed it every which way imaginable, and I usually really like the results....for a couple of weeks. But it's never comes out like I really wanted; it always comes out some other fun colour and I think, "well, that'll do I guess". But THIS time! WOW! :2thumbs: When I first looked at it after it was finished it was just...PERFECT. I actually thought I could be on the cover of one of those magazines. All I could think was, "God! I look so HOTT". I looked just like the kind of guy I can't take my eyes off of. So yeah it was REALLY expensive, and realistically it'll probably only look like that when I have just spent close to two hours getting it fixed. But I don't care. I've never liked it this much and if it NEVER looks that good again I'll always have the memory of the evening I spent with "perfect" hair. (Pardon the narcissism)


Actually I did go to the gay cafe' when I finished (had to show off my new do :P ) and I flirted shamelessly with the cute guy working and...he flirted shamelessly back :D ....then his boyfriend showed up to drop something off :thumbdown: Oh well, he wasn't THAT cute anyway. He did make me a really killer desert though!


Anyway while I was there I read the latest issue or The Houston Voice and there's this one section "On the Record" which is just a bunch of quotes from celebrities and political leaders. Anyway this one quote was so stupid, and it totally brought back all that nonsense the guy from the book was saying (even though the guy in this quote is clearly anti-gay and the book guy is clearly very pro-gay)

"I have never once seen a happy homosexual. This is not to say there aren't any; I simply haven't seen one in my lifetime. Maybe they are all in the closet. All the homosexuals I've seen are sickly and decrepit, their eyes devoid of life." ~ Stephen P. Laffey (some Republican mayor and senate candidate).


I mean geez!! What the heck! Are happy gay people really such an anomaly? Is it really so hard to think of gay people as....gay? Returning to the book there's this one exercise where you're supposed to write down all the adjectives you wish applied to gay people like, "intelligent, confident, funny, charming" etc. Anyway you're supposed to envision all these things you wish gay people were. Then of course he goes on to make the shocking revelation that GAY PEOPLE CAN BE THOSE THINGS :o . Is it really such a tough thing to believe that we were all supposed to gasp and say "Really?". Frankly I've always held the opposite biases, which realistically I know aren't true, that gay people are MORE intelligent on average. Are generally more sophisticated, charming, and funny. That they Are actually NICER than the average person. Now I know logically that isn't true, but that's the immediate stereotypes that spring into my head and they always have, long before I ever identified as "gay". I definitely don't mean to offend anyone. I do get that it's common for people to go through a lot of turmoil about being gay and I really respect and feel for people who've struggled with those things. I'm just surprised that according to these people that's the rule rather than the exception when I look around (here and in "real life" ) and perceive many happy gay people.


You are beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring you down

You are beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring you down


Actually there were a couple of other quotes I wanted to relate. First off:

"I'm not gay damn it. I am attracted to female children" ~ John Mark Karr (the guy who was suspected of killing JonBenet)



Then I read this really nice one:


"I think it's really unfair that there has to be some kind of standard for marriage. Marriage should be about celebrating two people's love for each other. It shouldn't have anything to do with someone's sexual preference." ~ Christina Aguilera


I've always liked her, even without taking the song into consideration. She's a hottie too! :whistle:

I also think Morgan Fairchild is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen (random I know, but she really is).


Anyway I wanted to do a poll for this blog entry, but it seems they're no longer possible (unless I just don't see how). I was going to ask "Are you happy? Yes or no" So anyway I can understand that that's probably something many people would prefer to keep anonymous, but I would appreciate seeing how the votes go. HMMM, I may just start a topic to this effect in The Lounge. Anyway this was that "heavy" blog entry I've been talking about writing...I meant to make it heavier, but I was in an especially good mood. :boy:


Anyway take care everyone and have a really REALLY awesome day! :2thumbs:


'cause we are beautiful no matter what they say

Yes, words won't bring us down, oh no

We are beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring us down

Don't you bring me down today


Recommended Comments

Is that the book by Michelangelo Signorile? He is a political journalist and definitely has an "in your face" approach to things. He is the journalist who first advocated involuntarily outing public figures (especially the hypocritical kind), so he is no stranger to controversy. I get the impression he thrives on it. So if you're having a strong reaction to his book, he'd probably say, "Great!!"


We may be getting into the generational difference thing here, too. Signorile got his start back in the 1980s, was an AIDS activist (with ACT UP), and I don't think he has much patience with what he considers to be ignorant and destructive behavior.


Anyway, I think that would be an interesting poll to run. Make 'em choose, too .. are you happy? Yes or no. None of this "oh, I don't know, let me think about it" business. ;):D

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Hey Kitty! :D


Is that the book by Michelangelo Signorile? He is a political journalist and definitely has an "in your face" approach to things. He is the journalist who first advocated involuntarily outing public figures (especially the hypocritical kind), so he is no stranger to controversy. I get the impression he thrives on it. So if you're having a strong reaction to his book, he'd probably say, "Great!!"


We may be getting into the generational difference thing here, too. Signorile got his start back in the 1980s, was an AIDS activist (with ACT UP), and I don't think he has much patience with what he considers to be ignorant and destructive behavior.

WOW! Well done! :2thumbs: That is the author :) Thanks for the background info! He does sound intense!

Anyway, I think that would be an interesting poll to run. Make 'em choose, too .. are you happy? Yes or no. None of this "oh, I don't know, let me think about it" business. ;):D

Yep, if I do do it it'll be a straight yes or no. I'm a firm believer that with questions like that your gut reaction says it all; anyone can find reasons to be happy or unhappy if they think about it hard enough.


Have an awesome day and take care! :D


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Hey Kitty! :D

Yep, if I do do it it'll be a straight yes or no. I'm a firm believer that with questions like that your gut reaction says it all; anyone can find reasons to be happy or unhappy if they think about it hard enough.

Have an awesome day and take care! :D


Hey both :boy:

Things are not so simple ! To be happy is a "passing" mood, and you can be happy AND miserable at the same time. Happyness could be either a question of mood or a philosophical attitude.

To bring all this in a pool isnt easy .

Good luck

Old Bob

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Christina Aguilera is great :D


love her vids, but to moods sometimes I enjoying being bitchy or just not to joyful, Hope you have a great day,

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Hi Kevin


I'm soooo happy to hear you got your hair do the way you wanted it. :2thumbs:


The question is does it still fit on that swelled head of yours? :lmao: Only kidding!!!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!



"I have never once seen a happy homosexual. This is not to say there aren't any; I simply haven't seen one in my lifetime. Maybe they are all in the closet. All the homosexuals I've seen are sickly and decrepit, their eyes devoid of life." ~ Stephen P. Laffey (some Republican mayor and senate candidate).



I wonder if this guy ever stopped to think that it may be because all the Gay people that he has seen were in his presents. I think that would make me sick too!!! :/


Anyway looking forward to seeing you with the new do! :rolleyes:


Later Dude


Eric :devil:

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Hi Kevin


I'm soooo happy to hear you got your hair do the way you wanted it. :2thumbs:


The question is does it still fit on that swelled head of yours? :lmao: Only kidding!!!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!



Anyway looking forward to seeing you with the new do! :rolleyes:


Later Dude


Eric :devil:




ERIC!!!!! stop it... we both know Kevin head is swelled. :blink: Ok maybe not... at least maybe not after the boyfriend walked in. :lmao: Sorry I'm picking on you Kevin.


Ok, truthfully I'm glad your hairdo the way you wanted it for a change I know how hard it can be to get the look your looking for.


Please post picture of new hairdo. :2thumbs:

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I am a generally happy person im my humble opinion...


For the most part i am in a good mood and am all ways cheery and try to look on the brighter sides of bad situations... so yes i do consider myself a happy person. But of course as you all know i do have my days (i.e. 75% of my blogs)... i mean not everyday can be a good day... people have bad days but just because you are hateful and bitter against the world on those days doesnt change you totally happiness... Anyway thats my take on the "gay happiness" thing... and i am sticking to it...


But i am glad that you got your hair done the way you like it... i know what a bitch it can be to get your hair cut it and it not turn out the way you wanted it... and please show me a pic of it i bet it was flipping sweet!


later ~ nick

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Kevin, you raised some great points!!!


This was one heck of a blog entry! :2thumbs:


You have a unique talent for portraying a negative thing (the claim of self-loathing) in a happy and up-beat way, which also makes you a shining example of the fallacy of said claim. :great:


I'm happy you found a hairstyle you like! Hope you cant get it to look at least close to that way again without the two hours in the barber's chair.


BTW, apropos of nothing, I've been looking for a quote. I think I've found one.


"God! I look so HOTT"~AFriendlyFace, 9/19/06


I think this would look great somewhere inconspicuous, like, say, my siggy? 0:)

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Hey Kitty! :D

Yep, if I do do it it'll be a straight yes or no. I'm a firm believer that with questions like that your gut reaction says it all; anyone can find reasons to be happy or unhappy if they think about it hard enough.

Have an awesome day and take care! :D


Hey both :boy:

Things are not so simple ! To be happy is a "passing" mood, and you can be happy AND miserable at the same time. Happyness could be either a question of mood or a philosophical attitude.

To bring all this in a pool isnt easy .

Good luck

Old Bob

Hey Bob :)


You're right, I suppose it really depends on how you look at happiness. I guess I specifically meant as a mood in this moment. You're right of course that that doesn't encompass all the other possibilities though.


Thanks for pointing that out :D


Have an awesome day and take care! :D


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Hey Drew :D

Christina Aguilera is great :D


love her vids, but to moods sometimes I enjoying being bitchy or just not to joyful, Hope you have a great day,

You're right she has some awesome videos! The video for that song (Beautiful) is really awesome! Have you ever seen it?


hmm, well I guess if you enjoy being grumpy there's nothing wrong with that! ....well unless you take into consideration the people around you :blink::lmao::boy::P


Have an awesome day and take care! :D


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Hey Eric! :D


Hi Kevin


I'm soooo happy to hear you got your hair do the way you wanted it. :2thumbs:



The question is does it still fit on that swelled head of yours? :lmao: Only kidding!!!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!


No worries, the head successfully deflated when I woke up and my hair had returned to it's normal tangled rosebush look <_<


I wonder if this guy ever stopped to think that it may be because all the Gay people that he has seen were in his presents. I think that would make me sick too!!! :/



Anyway looking forward to seeing you with the new do! :rolleyes:



Hehehe, well I might just show some pictures, but you know who I am about cameras :unsure:


Anyway take care and have an awesome day!! :D:hug:


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Hey Bard! :D

ERIC!!!!! stop it... we both know Kevin head is swelled. :blink: Ok maybe not... at least maybe not after the boyfriend walked in. :lmao:


Sorry I'm picking on you Kevin.

LOL, well I guess I can forgive you this time :P:hug:

Ok, truthfully I'm glad your hairdo the way you wanted it for a change I know how hard it can be to get the look your looking for.

Thanks :D

Please post picture of new hairdo. :2thumbs:

LOL, well MAYBE, but gosh I already posted pictures once this year! :P


Take care and have an awesome day :)


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Hey Nick! :D

I am a generally happy person im my humble opinion...


For the most part i am in a good mood and am all ways cheery and try to look on the brighter sides of bad situations... so yes i do consider myself a happy person. But of course as you all know i do have my days (i.e. 75% of my blogs)... i mean not everyday can be a good day... people have bad days but just because you are hateful and bitter against the world on those days doesnt change you totally happiness... Anyway thats my take on the "gay happiness" thing... and i am sticking to it...


But i am glad that you got your hair done the way you like it... i know what a bitch it can be to get your hair cut it and it not turn out the way you wanted it... and please show me a pic of it i bet it was flipping sweet!


later ~ nick

I know what you mean about only writing in your blog on grumpy days; sometimes I get that urge too. You're also definitely right that not every day can be awesome, but I still like to be excited about every day and hope that it will be. Was today? Hmm, yes I think it was for the most part. I did get some bad news about my cousin though. It seems she's developed Bell's Palsy :( , which isn't serious and should go away on it's own (though there may be Reoccurrences), but in the mean time she can't close her right eye or smile properly :(


So yeah, I guess in that sense today wasn't good. On the other hand, not counting bad news from other people, I personally had a good day. Work went very well today :)


Anyway yes, you're right, as Bob mentioned there's a difference between enduring and transient happiness.


Take care and have an awesome day :D


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Hey CJ! :D


Kevin, you raised some great points!!!


This was one heck of a blog entry! :2thumbs:


You have a unique talent for portraying a negative thing (the claim of self-loathing) in a happy and up-beat way, which also makes you a shining example of the fallacy of said claim. :great:

awww! Wow thanks! :D:2thumbs:

I'm happy you found a hairstyle you like! Hope you cant get it to look at least close to that way again without the two hours in the barber's chair.

Can't? LOL, well I know what you mean and thanks! :D ...I hope so too lol

BTW, apropos of nothing, I've been looking for a quote. I think I've found one.


"God! I look so HOTT"~AFriendlyFace, 9/19/06


I think this would look great somewhere inconspicuous, like, say, my siggy? 0:)

Oh my gosh!!! You wouldn't!!! :blink::huh:


hehehe, yikes, I'd die of embarrassment, even if it were in the sig. of a shy, quiet lurker like you ;)


***Starts looking for ways to pay off the goat***


hmmm, new shades perhaps? B)



Take care and have an awesome day! :D


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BTW, apropos of nothing, I've been looking for a quote. I think I've found one.


"God! I look so HOTT"~AFriendlyFace, 9/19/06


I think this would look great somewhere inconspicuous, like, say, my siggy? 0:)

Oh my gosh!!! You wouldn't!!! :blink::huh:


hehehe, yikes, I'd die of embarrassment, even if it were in the sig. of a shy, quiet lurker like you ;)


***Starts looking for ways to pay off the goat***


hmmm, new shades perhaps? B)


Would sweet, innocent me really do such a thing? 0:)



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my favorite quote;

"God! I look so HOTT"~AFriendlyFace, 9/19/06



















Psyche!!!!!!!!!!! :P:P:P:P:P:P:P

Nah, as you say, there would be any point in putting it in the siggy of a shy, quiet lurker like me, because no one would ever see it due to me never posting... 0:)


As for paying off the Goat, I think the "shy, quiet lurker like you" statement will be plenty! :D

I'm just so happy that someone finally admits it. B)

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CJ, pretty soon you're going to need an entire webpage just for your sig. ;)B)

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Psyche!!!!!!!!!!! :P:P:P:P:P:P:P

Nah, as you say, there would be any point in putting it in the siggy of a shy, quiet lurker like me, because no one would ever see it due to me never posting... 0:)


As for paying off the Goat, I think the "shy, quiet lurker like you" statement will be plenty! :D

I'm just so happy that someone finally admits it. B)

YAY :2thumbs: hehee


CJ, pretty soon you're going to need an entire webpage just for your sig. ;)B)

HMMMM, when he gets one I want one too!! :P:boy:

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HMMMM, when he gets one I want one too!! :P:boy:

Well, you'll need one for all of the emoticons. :P;)

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Hey Kevin,

I hear Michaelangelo Signoreli on Sirius radio gay channel and he's really obnoxious- I feel bad for his guests, they hardly get a word in edgewise.


You really should post a pic of your new look, it's like you're taunting us! To egg you on I'll post the worst picture taken of me this year yet -after hiking for two hours, covered with sweat and filth!



Nice hair, eh?


Take care,


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CJ, pretty soon you're going to need an entire webpage just for your sig. ;)B)



Yes, it is getting a bit big, isn't it? :boy:

I'll be trimming it down on Friday, never fear. :D


Psyche!!!!!!!!!!! :P:P:P:P:P:P:P

Nah, as you say, there would be any point in putting it in the siggy of a shy, quiet lurker like me, because no one would ever see it due to me never posting... 0:)


As for paying off the Goat, I think the "shy, quiet lurker like you" statement will be plenty! :D

I'm just so happy that someone finally admits it. B)

YAY :2thumbs: hehee


I'm glad that this shy, quiet lurker could oblige. 0:)


Aaron, that's nice pic! And I'd like to see a pic of Kevin's new hairdo, too!

Don't be shy, Kevin! After all, even a shy, quiet lurker like me has his personal pic in his profile. 0:)


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Hey Kevin,

I hear Michaelangelo Signoreli on Sirius radio gay channel and he's really obnoxious- I feel bad for his guests, they hardly get a word in edgewise.

I'd really like to get Sirius radio! That's so cool that they have a gay channel! (I wanted Sirius even before I just found that out though :P )

You really should post a pic of your new look, it's like you're taunting us! To egg you on I'll post the worst picture taken of me this year yet -after hiking for two hours, covered with sweat and filth!



Nice hair, eh?

I think that's a really GREAT picture, Aaron!! And I really like your hair ;):)


Besides mine's all messed up again now lol


Great pic! :great:


Have an awesome day and take care!


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CJ, pretty soon you're going to need an entire webpage just for your sig. ;)B)



Yes, it is getting a bit big, isn't it? :boy:

I'll be trimming it down on Friday, never fear. :D

LOL, I'll be expanding mine soon 0:)


I'm glad that this shy, quiet lurker could oblige. 0:)


Aaron, that's nice pic! And I'd like to see a pic of Kevin's new hairdo, too!

Don't be shy, Kevin! After all, even a shy, quiet lurker like me has his personal pic in his profile. 0:)


But everyone knows goats are more photogenic than Pirates (well unless you count Johnny Depp, but he's just an anomaly!






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Kevin, I always love your posts, it reminds of when I was your age and I was so happy and always looking for the next thing to do as well. It just takes me back in time. Well at 24 I had just moved in with Mike so you bring back to memories of the frist 6 month of love and lust. God, those were the days! Differernt now though, but still happy.


I think everyone has their up's and down's, but what I consider real happiness is when it is all said and done and at the end of the day you are content and you know your in the right place. Mike and I are happy all of the time because of the basic definition I just gave you. We have our moments, but we still know we are with the right person, and are content with our life and enjoy ourselves. I am happy because of who I am and who I turned out to be. So, I think you have brought of a very good topic and I am happy for you. You have a good life and deserve to have one just like the rest of us. You just fine a way to make your life sound so much funner!!!


Have a Great Day!


David :2thumbs:

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Hey David :)

I think everyone has their up's and down's, but what I consider real happiness is when it is all said and done and at the end of the day you are content and you know your in the right place.

Very well put! I think that's definitely an important part of leading a happy life.

Mike and I are happy all of the time because of the basic definition I just gave you. We have our moments, but we still know we are with the right person, and are content with our life and enjoy ourselves. I am happy because of who I am and who I turned out to be.



So, I think you have brought of a very good topic and I am happy for you. You have a good life and deserve to have one just like the rest of us. You just fine a way to make your life sound so much funner!!!


Have a Great Day!


David :2thumbs:

Thanks and have an awesome day! :)


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