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I've read stories of 70+ and 80+ grandmothers going to college. I don't think you're too old to try. :D


Completing your high school education is probably the toughest part, and that's mainly because the things you're supposed to remember from earlier years is largely forgotten. You should find that being older, you're more likely to concentrate as you have a better appreciation of what it really means.


Good luck! There are a number of people here with good math (or maths) skills, so don't be afraid to ask for help. Helping across the internet is difficult, but we may be able to assist. You'll still need to do the bulk of the work, though....



Hey Steve,


I don't think it's late to get your GED as well, I think you should continue and take a stab at college.


Although I don't teach an the University I work at, a lot of my friends are professors. While hanging out with a couple of them at coffee shops, they show me the papers that these kids turn in :wacko: . OMG most of the kids can't write, spell, or put together sentences. I swear MANY of these 'college students' are barely writing at a 9th grade level.


And goodness, they have the benefit of spell checkers & other tools within word processors. It just seems like so many students are being socially promoted here in California.


So I don't know if this makes you feel better, but just based off of your blog writing I think you are WAY ahead of many of them :2thumbs: . If you need help brushing up on math, I'm sure a lot of folks here would be more than willing to help. Here's my contribution:


A GA author is chasing after you at a speed of 10mph because he wants you to read his story and give him feedback. You loath reading his story but want to spare his feelings so you take of running. Since you are carrying a large backpack, you are only able to run at 7 mph. The distance between the two of you when you started running was 1/2 a mile. How many minutes will it take for this stalking GA author to catch up to you???? 0:)


Take Care



There isn't an age limit on education. :)



Lol... corny I know.






Hey Steve,


I don't think it's late to get your GED as well, I think you should continue and take a stab at college.


Although I don't teach an the University I work at, a lot of my friends are professors. While hanging out with a couple of them at coffee shops, they show me the papers that these kids turn in :wacko: . OMG most of the kids can't write, spell, or put together sentences. I swear MANY of these 'college students' are barely writing at a 9th grade level.


And goodness, they have the benefit of spell checkers & other tools within word processors. It just seems like so many students are being socially promoted here in California.


So I don't know if this makes you feel better, but just based off of your blog writing I think you are WAY ahead of many of them :2thumbs: . If you need help brushing up on math, I'm sure a lot of folks here would be more than willing to help. Here's my contribution:


A GA author is chasing after you at a speed of 10mph because he wants you to read his story and give him feedback. You loath reading his story but want to spare his feelings so you take of running. Since you are carrying a large backpack, you are only able to run at 7 mph. The distance between the two of you when you started running was 1/2 a mile. How many minutes will it take for this stalking GA author to catch up to you???? 0:)


Take Care



You're on a roll, Steve. Go for it! :2thumbs:



In the students I had the pleasure to teach to, those who were above 25-30 with a good job experience were usually the most motivated and among the most motivating also. You've got great language skills, so if you manage with the maths, you should make it. Not exactly a full professional assessment, but I have little doubt you will manage. It's a question of availability to study, which means being able to finance it without having to work a full-time job on the side.

C James


A GA author is chasing after you at a speed of 10mph because he wants you to read his story and give him feedback. You loath reading his story but want to spare his feelings so you take of running. Since you are carrying a large backpack, you are only able to run at 7 mph. The distance between the two of you when you started running was 1/2 a mile. How many minutes will it take for this stalking GA author to catch up to you???? 0:)

Take Care

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