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In need of a Beta reader



I have my anthology story completed. Which is little wonder, since it is more or less an edited version of a story I wrote two years ago. But I think I'd like the advice of someone else on this one, so I thought I'd put the call out there.


In other news, I am all better. Therefore, I have probably already caught the virus that cause my next round of illness. Also, I am up at 6 am. Make that, I am still up at 6. My work ahs affected my life cycle more completely and quicker than I would have believed possible. I may or may not stay on this schedule for a while. It will depend on how office politics go, and I refuse to guess at this point.


Finally, I find myself at odds with nearly everyone in my circle of friends, because I whenever I picture Obama in the White House I shake my head and want to silently weep. Not because he's Black. Not because he hasn't even served a full term in Congress. But because he has promised that he will be new and different and people believe him. That's what i find so ridiculous about his campaign. Clinton said it right, the man is living in a Fairytale if he thinks there is a magic wand to make 240 years of political evolution vanish by placing his hand on a Bible. Further, if there is ever an Obama/Hillary or Hillary/Obama ticket, I'm becoming Republican, because the day that happens is the day my party has completely stopped trying to pretend it has a moral backbone. Not that Republicans are much better of course. I laughed, hard, when they complained about Democrats filibustering. Anyone who has studied political history knows why.


Edit: Upon further relfection, I've decided that an Obama/Hillary ticket might not be so bad. It would leave Obama free to remain in Obamaland (which I can only imagine is a magical kingdom filled with radical politicians, unbiased journalists, and where Cinderella comes by for tea every Thursday) while also allowing Ms. Clinton to be his hatchett woman with Congress, a position I think she'd enjoy, quite frankly. So let's see what happens.

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I'm extremely upset at you mister!!!

How dare you not ask me to be a beta reader *Weeps out loud in a corner*




*More Hugs*


*More Hugs Till You Can No Longer Breathe*

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