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Something important.

S.L. Lewis


I started to read GaryInMiami's post, Weird Night, and some how it we started to talk about why I write male/male stories. the conversation turned out to say (I'm in the pink while Gary is in the weird purple):


Thankfully GA offers equal-opportunity relief. :)

That is so true. Maybe one day, I will write a girl/girl story. Maybe. For now, I'll stick to my male/male stories.


Please pardon my ignorance. How and why do you write male/male stories? I mean, what's your point of reference for male/male stories?


Okay, first of all for those who don't know what I mean by male/male stories, what I mean when I say male/male stories, I'm talking about those stories that have a homosexual theme to them, even if there are no actual pairings.

Now, for the why I write male/male stories. I found myself at first writing stories with a mix of homosexual and straight couples. After that I found that I couldn't stand do straight couples without getting bitter about my own relationships so I switched to homosexual stories and found that I enjoyed reading and writing them better than straight fiction.

As to how, I have many, many friends who have been willing to help me write them. It also helps that my earliest memories include a family friend who died when I was younger. We still have his blanket. He was a sweet man and gay. Also, I read many, many stories before I even tried to write them. It's gotten to the point that I know what to write, and what not to write when it comes to them.

By the way, wonderful question dear.


Thanks for a thorough and patient explanation Rose. You know, maybe it's my own internal prejudices that I don't like to admit, but I've never considered reading a male/male story written by a woman. Now I'm thinking that it might be interesting to try reading something like that. I can understand not liking to write about straight relationships. But I guess one of many questions that still lingers in my mind is why you don't write stories that involve lesbian or bi women leaning male stories? Is there something about that which makes you uncomfortable? Another question I'm left with is what you meant about "no actual pairings." Does that mean it's just gay friends? Or are there relationships and you prefer not to write about sex? On a certain level I prefer stories where the sex isn't explicit. CJ, for example, and Jack Scribe as well often make it clear that something has happened without being graphic about it. There's something especially erotic about leaving something to the imagination. I suppose that's why, for example, I prefer the old-style horror films where much was left to the imagination. Alfred Hitchcock comes to mind. Thanks again for helping me expand my knowledge and horizons.

You're very welcome, Gary.

Warning: I'm about to get a bit personal down below.

When a story like this is written by a woman, it usually turns out to be longer and usually has more emotions coming from the guys. No insult to the male authors out there, but that is my feelings and my experience. Sex wise, they tend to lean towards the one shot smut, or rather on the romantic side if any.

Now, the reasons why I haven't written lesbian or bi woman leaning towards men, is because at the time that I started to write stories like this, I was bi leaning towards men. Since then, it has changed. Okay, let's break this down into lez and bi.

Bi: Like I said, I am bi, and I used to date predominatly men. Those relationships really screwed up my mind, my emotions and my self confidence. In fact, I do have a story that is based off of my experiences with both sexes in the works, but it will take me time to get to actually writing it. It just hits to close to home right now and I'm not quite ready to face those demons.

Lez: Not quite as bad as Bi, but still something that I'm not quite ready to undertake, but for different reasons. I had a friend who was lez and had found a friend on the net. Needless to say, she meet the person. She ended up raped and found out that since it was another woman who did it, the police were cold to her. She commited suicide and the case is now a cold case. So, a bit to close to home. Maybe one day, I'll face that lose and write a story about it.

To sum it up, it's not that I don't want to, it's because I can't right now. To many fresh memories and still open wounds.

When I type 'No actual pairings,' I mean that the story has no pairings. They don't help the plot, so they aren't there. If you take CJ's fic Let the Music Play, that is a pairing fic. There is a couple in the main plot. But if a story without any pairing with the main character, but there are pairings, I would classify that as a side pairing. No pairings at all means just friends, family and others.

Yes, I agree with that there is something erotic when an author leaves your imagination to do the work. I do, on occasion, do straight forward sex scenes, but those are usually me scratching an itch and practicing my smut writing skills. I have one book that I am writing with a wonderful friend. Her name is GypsyBitch on here and she's here because of me. The book is composed mostly of sex, but that's because it's supposed to.

Anyways, my one shot 'My Cousin and I' has a hint of sex where originally it was supposed to have smut. It all depends on the story and the person writing it. I will read and write sex as long as it fits personally.

I hope that I got everything to your satisfaction.


That is quite interesting, but I would think that you would be good at writing female/female. I would actually read it. I do not know who else on GA would though. :lol:


Thank you. Like I posted above, some day perhaps, when I'm able to face my demons in peace.


Thanks Rose. That took courage to post in public. I admire you for that. Hopefully one day you can address those things that are too painful right now. I've seen other authors do it, sometimes without realizing it until I get to know them better. It can be quite therapeutic to write about it even if you never post it.


I go on to thank him and what not.

I have started to write such a story, which I'm finding is indeed theraputic for me. I post this so that anyone else who has faced this type of lose knows that they are not alone out there. I'll post the link for when I post the story here, in my blog, for those who want to read it. Or is you want, just leave a commet or pm me and I'll drop you a note.


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