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Stanford chemo/transplant



I've been a little quiet recently, basically just recovering for the collection process which took longer than originally expected by almost a week. So, to make sure I had an adequate recovery time, the rest of my schedule got bumped so instead of having gone in June 3, I am now going in tomorrow, June 10 to start the week of heavy chemo and then a week from today, I'll get the transplant (ie, the cells that were collected from me will be reintroduced).


It will take a while for them to settle back into my bones and start producing white cells in the proper mixture. The 28 days after the transplant, I'm basically stuck here as outpatient near Stanford, but having to go into the clinic daily for between 3 and 6 hours a day - for labs, trainings, learning recovery techniques, etc...


But the key point is right here, right now - psyching myself up to check into that hospital tomorrow morning, knowing all the side effects and complications of the three different heavy chemo drugs they'll give me. First BCNU tomorrow, then a day off (how nice), the VP-16 and again, another nice rest day. The finally cytoxan - what kind of f**ked up world is it that I am looking FORWARD to high dose cytoxan. I mean in part - its a known quantity. I've been through it before. I know how I'll feel shitty five days after I get the drug. I know I'll lose what little hair I've regrown about 20 days after the drug. I know how it will make me tired and like all of the others, want to just control my life. But at least cytoxan - I know... These two other ones that I'm getting first - I've been warned of things to be careful of - but until you actually go through the drug, you never know what will or won't happen. Or when for that matter (since many effects are quite delayed).


But together, they'll do their job to basically clear out my bone marrow and blood of any exisitng white cells... So the transplanted cells that were collected get to go into a tabula rasa and create without preconditions to get me a circulatory system that actually WORKS! WOOT!


So - I'll be in the hospital for 8 days, and may have bursts of energy where I can expand on these blog entries... or just ignore it all and play mindless computer games... we'll see :-)



AND once again - to EVERYONE who has expressed their thoughts, prayers, energies, comforts - Dan and I truly appreciate the friends we have and the support we've received.


Thank you again




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Good Luck Robert! I hope your stay goes comfortably and feels short. Go for the mindless computer games.


Take Care,



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Thank you all... quick update - first chemo (BCNU) is over. NOT a fun drug, was feeling very anxious and one of the worst nausea's I've had in chemo yet (but still didn't vomit so that's good). Left me with a headache - but the nurses were great and constantly helping me, giving me any anxiety drugs, tylenol, etc.


Today is a rest day - then chemo again tomorrow. It's good that I have full wireless internet access here but not sure how much I'll be on. This morning I work up feeling great so pulled out the laptop after breakfast, changed around my iPod play lists and now gonna lay back, read and listen to music...


More updates to come :-)

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Another round of thoughts, prayers, energies, and comforts beaming to you from close to the nation's power center, FWIW. Keep up the good spirits (Dan--that's where your help is invaluable!). Enjoy whatever music or games get you through this. When your immune system is recovered enough, maybe you can go visit Mickey Mouse again (or DC). :hug:



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Thanks for taking time to tell us how you're doing Trebs. We're all pulling for you. Well, not pulling in that way (some guys on here have such dirty minds!) :o but our thoughts are with you.

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Mark (and others) told better than I could do what I would like to tell. The fight against cancer is long and heavy, but a good spirit as you seems to have is the best way to success. I also am with you.

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When your immune system is recovered enough, maybe you can go visit Mickey Mouse again (or DC). :hug:





Or both :-)


Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts and pulls (thx Mark) 0:)


2nd set of chemo was today and was NOT bad. Now I get another rest day tomorrow and Sunday is Cytoxan, which I've had a ton of. No reactions usually with Cytoxan on the day of (though I feel it about 5 days after - and keep feeling it up to 24 days after, day 20 is the hair loss day typically).


BUT I know what to expect - whereas these previous two drugs I didn't. And THEY ARE OVER!

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Since he hasn't updated...


Cytoxan went fairly well for him on Sunday. Monday was his 'rest' day, and boy did he need it. The BCNU began to hit big time and he's pretty much been out of it since then. Tuesday was the day of the actual transplant, and having a very handsome nurse by the name of Ali didn't hurt one bit. I sat with him for the process and all six bags of stem cells went in without a hitch.


Today was his discharge day, and while it didn't go smoothly, we did get home in the early afternoon. The worst part was waiting for the damn pharmacist to get her butt over so she could tell us what we already knew about the drugs he has to take at 'home'. He's slept most of the day, but he did get up and we went for a decent walk. Also, he ate a decent dinner and then went back to bed. So, things are decent overall...now the long 28 days begins!

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Thanks for the update, Dan. I'm glad the transplant process itself went well, and it sounds like you both made it through your first couple days at your temp home.


I know you're doing so much to take care of Robert, but please take care of yourself as well during this time. He's lucky to have you in his life.


You hear that, Robert? ;)


<hugs to both of you>

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