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Damn it all to hell

Well today was a really shit tastic day...


I woke up this morning to a call I never wanted to hear, my dad called from the hospital my grandfather was at telling me that he died, not a good way to wake up in the morning, and really shitty news to boot.


So the next thing I do is call my area manager and tell him that I won't be at work Friday and Saturday because I'll be attending my grandfathers funeral. He said he was sorry to hear the news, but if I wanted to miss my shifts, I had to find my own coverage and if I didn't, I would have to be there. Well, the eager bitch in me came out and told him flat out, I can't because I have things to take care of and stuff to do to help my father out, and I will not be there because I will be in another state attending the funeral of my grandfather. He said okay sorry for your loss and hung up.


At that point I was in shock about how callous he was with this so it took me awhile to write an email to my HR person informing her that I will no longer work for a company that doesn't allow one of their employees to attend a funeral unless they find coverage and that I quit, don't expect me to come back.


Yea I'll probably get a call monday morning asking me to wait, think about it, so when I'm not so irate at the garage, we'll see.


Meanwhile, I'm gonna go and get ready. I leave tomorrow to go to PA where my grandfather is and we'll go from there.




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My condolences on your loss, Eric. Have a safe trip.


I don't understand a manger acting like that. The only acceptable response to your call was for him to get busy lining up substitutes for your shifts.


I'll be surprised if you don't have people (including him if he's still there) urging you to stay.

Prince Duchess


Im sorry to hear about your loss. I know its the worse news ever. And yeah you shouldnt have to work for a job like that. You can do better.



my condolences Eric.



Sorry to hear about your loss... the job sounds like it is no loss at all... who wants to work with a twat like that. Good luck :)

old bob


Sorry to hear about your loss..

The eager bitch in you is right !

I'm with you in your mourning.

Life is sometimes unbearable but we have all to go through it despite our sorrow.



sorry to hear about your loss

I hope the HR person gets on that managers ass.

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