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Physical Appearance is Completely Irrelevant


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Not that it's really my business, but may I ask (and do I want to know) waht a 90% virgin is?


A year and half ago I was the recipient of a blow job. That sums up my sex life, therefore I consider myself to be 90% virgin even though many will say that I am still 100% virgin. I count receiving a BJ to be 10%... giving 15%, leaving 75% to be divvied up amongst other sexual activities (full intercourse, S&M, interracial, etc.).

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BJ to be 10%... giving 15%, leaving 75% to be divvied up amongst other sexual activities (full intercourse, S&M, interracial, etc.


Very interesting theory!

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A year and half ago I was the recipient of a blow job. That sums up my sex life, therefore I consider myself to be 90% virgin even though many will say that I am still 100% virgin. I count receiving a BJ to be 10%... giving 15%, leaving 75% to be divvied up amongst other sexual activities (full intercourse, S&M, interracial, etc.).

Ohhh, then I'm still a bit of a virgin too! Won't tell which one of those I haven't done though :P:boy:

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Kevin, it's not that we fall for straight guys. It's just that sometimes our gaydar is so out of tune that we fall for the wrong one and start having feelings for them.


It's not that your Gaydar was out of tune, but you were mistakenly using your Wishdar instead :P

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I count receiving a BJ to be 10%... giving 15%, leaving 75% to be divvied up amongst other sexual activities (full intercourse, S&M, interracial, etc.).

Oh man...I am definitely a slut. Aww well, I can live with that.

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A year and half ago I was the recipient of a blow job. That sums up my sex life, therefore I consider myself to be 90% virgin even though many will say that I am still 100% virgin. I count receiving a BJ to be 10%... giving 15%, leaving 75% to be divvied up amongst other sexual activities (full intercourse, S&M, interracial, etc.).


Interracial and S&M contribute to not being a virgin? So someone would have to have to have interracial bondage sex to completely be non-virginal? :blink: Interesting system.


For the record, that means I'm 85% virgin.

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BJs? Ooer! I got half a one once which was pretty cool. The only other attempt felt like a warm dish cloth wrapped around my willie. But I don't bother with all that grubby stuff anymore...I use the Hoover. It's noisy but it's cheap.

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i was just passing by and saw this forum and couldn't resist posting something in it..


According to me, looks do matter, but they are not the ONLY thing that matter. What i mean to say is that for me an attractive person would not only be physically attractive, but would be a good human being as well. Funny, outgoing, caring, supportive are some(very few) qualities that make the person's personality attractive overall.


I knew a girl who was a walking bomb!! I mean, half the school had asked her out. But, she could not keep a guy for long. the longest she kept one was for 2 weeks. the reason why she was a failure in keeping her boys to herself was her attitude. She had such a cocky/narcissist type attitude, that no self respecting boy came near her once he got to know her well.


So, the gist is, beauty comes in a package; either you have it all, or you have none. I always stated that i'd rather compromise on the looks(a little) than on the personality.


Just my two cents...



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Ohhh, then I'm still a bit of a virgin too! Won't tell which one of those I haven't done though :P:boy:



You have no idea how hard it is to refrain from guessing. :P Okay, so.... umm... since nobody's ever tied me up can I retain like 15%? :D

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Okay only on chatlines and phone sex does appearance not matter. even so you all think I'm UGLY and that is why nobody talks to me, Sob!

This raises an interesting sociological phenomenon that I've noticed.


This is the first generation where a significant number of first contacts with a person is not visual. There are many cases where relationships are started electronically -- email, chatrooms, forums, etc. This reverses what has previously been the norm -- the relationship starts by getting to know a person and their personality, and then they meet physically. It means that physical appearance isn't the initiator of the contact.


I personally don't see this as a bad thing. Indeed, I'd like to see the trend continue because I believe it helps people look past the physical and see the entire person -- which is what they need to do if they want to establish a long term relationship.

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This raises an interesting sociological phenomenon that I've noticed.


I personally don't see this as a bad thing. Indeed, I'd like to see the trend continue because I believe it helps people look past the physical and see the entire person -- which is what they need to do if they want to establish a long term relationship.


The Melbournian sage strikes again! But in direct reply to the topic: physical appearance is completely irrelevant... I visited Townsville some time ago and drove to the top of Castle Hill, which overlooks the city and harbor. Castle Hill is just a meter or two below mountain level. Hehe. So, yeah, I guess that's relevant.

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Physical appearance is extremely important. It's the ultimate ice breaker. If you're attracted to that person, but never have met it you would only have their physical attributes to go on. If you find them attractive and you have self-confidence you will say hello therefore, starting the relationship. It may not develope into anything other than a few minutes of talking and then calling it a night, but still, there had to be something physically that narrowed the person down in the crowd.



Personality comes second and that's universal to any sexual orientation or gender.



There have been guys approach me while I was sitting down and he'd be completely into me and then I'd stand and I'd be a few inches taller than he is and he suddenly he has an excuse to stop talking to me... lol. So their preference wasn't a tall woman at all and they were intimidated by it. I don't like dating guys that are more than five inches shorter than I am. Jared is 6 ft 6 inches tall (6'6") and I only date people that can keep up with me athletically.



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An interesting theory. On this basis, I would be less superficial than other gay guys, because I don't generally associate with (known) gay guys.


However, it may be a sampling error -- where gay guys with similar attitudes group together. I have heard stories about gay guys who avoid the gay district in Sydney because they find the whole scene very shallow. They prefer to be "regular guys" living out in the suburbs, because that's where they are most happy.


I can't confirm these stories because I no longer know any gay guys in Sydney whom I can ask.


Actually you're pretty spot on there Graeme, the Sydney gay scene is incredibly shallow. I know guys who avoid it and many more who can't live without it.


Personally I love going out and partying on the scene, for me the superficial crap is far outweighed by the fun aspects, though I'm probably not the best person to comment on this cause I tend to go out and party with a big group of friends, most pretty boys, so the superficial attitudes don't tend to be focused on us that much.


In my group of friends we can be pretty shallow at times, but overall it's rare, especially when I see how others on the scene act. Personally I place a high importance on looks when it comes to attraction to a guy, but I don't carry that over into letting appearance dictate if I'll be friends with someone, afterall there isn't much point in being friends with good looking, rude, arrogant arseholes.


At the end of the day I think personality is as important as looks in a guy, because without both the attraction will only be half complete. Let's be honest, looks aren't irrelevant, but they're only part of the equation.



BJs? Ooer! I got half a one once which was pretty cool. The only other attempt felt like a warm dish cloth wrapped around my willie. But I don't bother with all that grubby stuff anymore...I use the Hoover. It's noisy but it's cheap.


LMAO funniest thing I've heard all week Gary.

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