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USA: National Sales Tax

Do you think the USA should have a National Sales Tax?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the USA should have a National Sales Tax?

    • Yes, if all Federal Income tax is abolished. (about 25%-30% sales tax)
    • Yes, if Federal Income Tax is reduced across the board. (about 5%-10% sales tax)
    • Yes, if it is not on food or clothing.
    • No, I prefer only income taxes.
    • No, sales tax is unfair on the poor.

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  • Site Administrator

This is an interesting topic that appears every so often. It isn't really attached to one party or another in our system


What do you think? Why?

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I didn't vote yet and I'm not sure if i'll vote 'cause I don't live in the US. But I'm not sure if I understand the term "National Sales Tax" right.


Tax on everything sold? Is automaticly payed when you buy something, 'cause the tax is already added to the price of what you're buying?


If that's what is meant I'm a little bit surprised that the US doesn't have such a tax. In Germany (Right! That's where I live. ;) ) we've got such an tax since I can remember.

It's ... *searches for bill from last groceries shoping* (Funny! It's from Wal-Mart. Guess you know this chain. ;) ) 7% on food and 16% on everything else.


By what one of my roomates tells, from his vacation in USA, the food is expensive enought as it is. This means fresh and regular food. Burgers and other fastfood ought to be cheap, compared to here.

I spend about 60 to 80

Edited by TheDaniel
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I didn't vote yet and I'm not sure if i'll vote 'cause I  don't live in the US. But I'm not sure if I understand the term "National Sales Tax" right.


Tax on everything sold? Is automaticly payed when you buy something, 'cause the tax is already added to the price of what you're buying?


If that's what is meant I'm a little bit surprised that the US doesn't have such a tax. In Germany (Right! That's where I live. ;) ) we've got such an tax since I can remember.

It's ... *searches for bill from last groceries shoping* (Funny! It's from Wal-Mart. Guess you know this chain. ;) ) 7% on food and 16% on everything else.


By what one of my roomates tells, from his vacation in USA, the food is expensive enought as it is. This means fresh and regular food. Burgers and other fastfood ought to be cheap, compared to here.

I spend about 60 to 80

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The biggist problem with a natinal sales tax is, it encurages people to save money. While that sounds very very good, it isn't good for the economy. Also if people start saving money, in order to produce the same amount of revenue the people with no expendable income have a greater tax burdan, and therefore less purchasing power.


Some combination of a flat tax and a natinal sales tax, I would probably agree with. Go figgure.

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  • Site Administrator

The problem with only income tax is that the rich get away with hiding all their income. Example. John Kerry's wife, the billionaire Terresa Heinz-Kerry, pays in the next income bracket up from me! This is why she won't release her tax record. And my salary is pocket lint compared to her income. But hers is hidden in trusts and other tax shelters. By having a national sales tax, she'd pay through the nose when she goes out to buy her personal jets.


Though you are entirely correct about saving... in the short term. On cheap items 25% tax is still nothing. And you'd have a lot more money in your pocket. The government is taking a hell of a lot more out of my pocket each week than the 25% increase on things I buy in one week. (I calculated it out)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't vote, but I do believe a national sales tax would be a much fairer system, as long as necessities aren't included. By essentials, I mean food and clothing basics, not to include luxury items in those categories. This way, even those with illegal incomes who are not paying income taxes (eg. drug dealers, prostitutes, thieves, etc) would be paying the taxes when they buy things.

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Guest sam_lakes

I am totally against Income Tax - :devil:


You should really investigate where Income Tax money really goes - it doesn't go where most Americans thing it goes - it goes to the Federal Reserve a private Corporation and not a part of the Federal Government .


For information on income tax start with http://www.861.info/

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