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Sorry to disagree, but in my opinion it's to much information at once. It's kind of overwhelming.


The "old" index page is rather simple in design, but states a easy to recognize welcome message and presents links to, and and an overview of, the different parts of the website.


Now there's too much at once. While former links of the old index page are in the menu bar (as konwn in the forum), there are to much other menus. Also I don't think all this forum infos (pinned and new topics, votes, latest discussions, recent articles) belong onto an index page.

These infos may be important for me and other users, that use the site often, but is it of interest for somebody who visits the site first time and simply wants to read a story? I can live with one more click to the forum, wich presents me these infos in a more organized fashion.


Then (again my opinion) the index page is to big. I suppose it was one of my prof. who recomended, that a start page of an internet presence should present an simple an easy to recognize overview of the whole website. In addition it should fit onto one screen page, if possible.

Now I'm using a rather high resolution and the index page needs about 3 screens. I need to scrool down whole screens, if I want to view everything.


Don't get me wrong, I don't want to smaller the work myr put into the page. He did and does a really impressive job. I simply don't think such a brimful (hope that's the right expression, I mean "

Edited by TheDaniel
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  • Site Administrator
Looks good.  I know one extra I'd personally like to see, and that's a "log-in" click space on the opening page, though perhaps this leads to problems; I don't know.

Just a thought though.  I was quite surprised the first time I visited the site not to see one.

If you are already logged in, you get a Welcome Back type message with your username and it tells you if you have PM's. If you are logged out, you get a different welcome bar that suggests you log in.

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  • Site Administrator


I'll poke around with it some more later to try to address some of your concerns.


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I like the basic premise and as I didn't want to rain on anyone's parade I waited untill I saw other posts with the same feeling. I think it is way to busyit overwhelmed me with information. I think you are doing a great job with these site and there are great stories and vey informative links.



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  • Site Administrator

I'm not offended guys :)

I think it was too busy too. But, I also like some of the information.

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I don't know if I saw what people considered too busy, but I liked what I saw. Sorry that I don't get here every day to make my comments, but life is too screwed up now and I get here when I can.

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