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Any good movies lately...


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I recently saw The Grudge (I know, I'm late) it was pretty creepy. That little kid doing the cat thing still has me freaked out. I noticed that there were a few horror movie buffs in here, I like scary movies but I prefer suspense to gore, and I think I like comedy best. Just about anything with Adam Sandler in it, I'll go see. So what kind of movies are you guys watching and why? And has anyone seen or heard of any good gay flicks lately?

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AVP was pritty good, bit weak in the storyline but what can you do. I got the Alien quadrilogy over x-mas. Great to see them all after so many years, lots of extras, they cut a lot of blood out of the original. Im about the only person I know that really liked Aliens, once you look past some of the campy chars it was really a better story then 3 or 4, just as good as 1 IMHO. (just the story itself, the creepy feel of Alien was hard to beat)


The Grudge left me a little dry, but the little kid was great. Not nearly as good as the Ring, if your going for that flavor.


Some other semi recent goodies, Gothika was very well done. Same with Monster. House of 1000 corpses isnt for everyone but I liked it. Funny and twisted in a texas chainsaw massacre feel. the Texas remake was better then the original. 28 days was good a lot like a Day of the Dead movie. Saw was surprisingly good, even if the ending sawing was expected, the Mr. Body was great. One down side to it is that Danny Glover was horrible in it.. dont know what he was thinking.


Freddy vrs Jason was boring and stupid until it finally built up to the final battle which was decent, the final sceen was great, but not sure I would recommend it. Same with Resident Evil the first.. ressurection? not the new one apoclypse. The zombies where great but the chars and plot were just off. Havent seen the second yet.



Whats everyones favorite scary movie? Mine is without a doubt The Thing. The only movie as a kid that really scared the shit out of me and I had to stop watching it. Even now It creeps me out a little but I cant stop watching it, once a month prolly. Poltergiest was a little slow but that one sceen in the middle enthralled me, the chicken leg with maggots, then the guy goes into the bathroom and rips his own face off... I watched that one sceen over and over fixing it in my head hehehe

Sometimes I think a good thrilling dream is just as good as a wet dream. Though rarely the twain meet im not that sick 0:)



careful the mask bites

Edited by Umbathri
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Howdy Friends,


Usually, by the time I get to see a movie, it has become a classic or has been around for a long time, or a TV movie. I am what people call eclectic in my choices of movies: liking several different genres.


Yes, I watch 'The Ten Commandments' when it plays every year. Same with 'The Wizard of Oz' and 'Miracle on 34th Street'.


Here is a short list of my favorites (in no particular order): 'Hackers' 'The Green Mile' 'Small Change' 'The Guns of Navarone' 'Nico and Dani' 'Apollo 13' 'Dune' 'Forever Young' 'The Little Vampire' 'Plymouth' 'Airport' and 'Airplane' to name just twelve.


I have a library of VHS and DVD titles - well over 900 - that I have bought or taped over the years. It would be impossible for me to pick one title as an all-time favorite.


Thanks for bringing up the subject, Dom. BTW: The only one in my list that is gay, would be Nico and Dani.

Until next time, PK

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I'll have to check out Nico and Dani. Never seen that one. I just watched a movie called 'the Sandlot.' I really liked it, and another one I remember to be really good is 'A time to kill' that one gets to me every time. It doesn't hurt that Matthew Mcconaughey is in it, either. :D

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If you like suspenseful thriller type horror movies, I would have to recommend "The Mothman Prophecies". Now that I think about it, I'm not sure what genre I would classify this movie into, as it definitely has some creepy parts, but the over all feel is not horror. I can tell you there is no gore, but there are some neat plot twists, and nice performances by Richard Gere and Laura Linney.



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ya most of the movies I listed were pritty gory.


for suspense and creepiness, Gothika and Monster are both high on my list. Monster is lesbian btw, I dont have much in the way of gay cinema cept L.I.E. Party Monster and the Bird Cage. I just never went out of my way to seek them out. Sharing my movie library with a couple people makes it harder. I dont have as much as PK but 6-700 easy. ~(oh and Lord of the Flies, they were all gay right?)~


Besides horror I also have a real passion for what I like to call Mind f**K movies. Send you on a trip and try not to get lost, all are very suspenseful. Mothman was good, as well as The Butterfly Effect. Memento, Identity, The Game, Seven, Secret Window, Taking Lives, Jeepers Creepers (just 1, 2 was more of a slaughterfest and lost too much of the story), Mystic River. Just to name a few... :sheep:




this is not the mask you are looking for

Edited by Umbathri
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ya most of the movies I listed were pritty gory.


for suspense and creepiness, Gothika and Monster are both high on my list.  Monster is lesbian btw, I dont have much in the way of gay cinema cept L.I.E. Party Monster and the Bird Cage.  I just never went out of my way to seek them out.  Sharing my movie library with a couple people makes it harder.  I dont have as much as PK but 6-700 easy.  ~(oh and Lord of the Flies, they were all gay right?)~


Besides horror I also have a real passion for what I like to call Mind f**K movies.  Send you on a trip and try not to get lost,  all are very suspenseful.  Mothman was good, as well as The Butterfly Effect.  Memento, Identity, The Game, Seven, Secret Window, Taking Lives, Jeepers Creepers (just 1, 2 was more of a slaughterfest and lost too much of the story), Mystic River.  Just to name a few...  :sheep:




this is not the mask you are looking for


Thats a good category to put mothman in =). Never saw butterfly effect cause I didn't think ashton could pull off a serious acting role, but I'll give it a try. Memento is definitely very good, The Game is good, and so is Mystic River. I didn't care for Secret Window cause what I expected to happen pretty much happened, and Jeepers creepers I thought was just a lame monster movie (no offense to you), BUT, I will admit that Jeepers Creepers 1 does contain one my top ten scary scenes in a movie - in the very beginning of the movie when they are driving on the highway and they pass the scary guy after he has stopped at his house, he stares at them and seems to be able to constantly face them without turning his body - its hard to explain but if you watch it i think you'll know what I'm talking about. I love those subtle scary things a lot more than the startling scary things, and thats why I recommended Mothman Prophecies.


One "Mind F**k" movie I would add to your list is Donnie Darko. That movie messed me up, but I liked it, and would recommend people seeing it. As long as I'm recommending movies, I think Requiem for a Dream is a powerful movie and I really enjoyed it. I think it has a unique cinematography style that I find awesome. Just don't watch it if you are depressed cause it won't cheer you up =).



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I know Ive heard of donnie darko somewhere but cant place it, know I havent seen it, will look for it. Yes secret window was very predictable. Aston wasnt exactly oscarworthy but did ok, and almost half the movie is flashbacks to his messed up childhood and the kid actors did well.


One movie I cant belive I forgot was Fight Club, a little bloody but can really screw with your head.




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Talking about movies I've been seeing a few good ones lately. The first is Million dollar baby. Aweome movie based on a female boxer. If you see it pay attention to the character by the name of danger. He's awesome.


The second is Neverland. Its really a tear jerker but great acting all through out. The third is Ray. Jamie foxx is awesome as Ray Charles I cant see another person playing him. There is only one part in this movie where he loses ti though. If you see it you'll know what I'm talking about.



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I haven't had much time for movies lately. But I do collect DVDs. I have 400 now. (exactly, oddly enough). My most recent purchase of Season 1 of MacGyver. One of my favorite all time shows.


Moviewise, I have a hard time pinpointing ones I like best. The Back To the Future Trilogy, Star Wars (all of them), Lord of the Rings, Star Trek.


I do have my own movie theatre set up in my basement. 9 ft screen... projector... "rock-the-house" sound system. ;)

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I liked 'Nico and Dani', but one I didn't like, was 'The Lost Son' - really on the dark side of the gay/boylover/pedophile triangle. L.I.E. is on my list to check out.


'Back To The Future' - liked one and three, so-so on two. Have one thru four of the William Shatner 'Star Trek' movies. Also 'Insurrection' for Patrick Stewart.


'Lord of the Flies' - there were two versions that I know about; the earlier one being the better of the two, in my opinion. I wouldn't call it a gay movie, as much as a transformation from fright to savagery for a group of minimally dressed/naked boys.


I've seen, but not taped 'Donnie Darko' - weird! Not into the 'Exorcist' movies; enjoyed 'Thirteen Ghosts'; saw 'The Sandlot'.


Until next time, PK

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