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It's IN to be OUT

Jack Scribe

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Here's a photo review of several celebrities who are proudly out:




No big surprises but it is reassuring that prominent GLBTs are being more open about their orientation. BTW, in the group shot of the Frasier cast, there are two more guys pictured who fly the rainbow flag.


Jack B)

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I suppose Richard Hatch qualifies as a celebrity, but I would have preferred it if he wasn't on the list. Just a personal opinion. He's a reality-TV show "celebrity" that was out from as soon as the show started.


Thinking about it, maybe it's good that he's in the list -- it shows more of the spectrum that encompasses the gay community.


Not surprisingly, most of the people shown are in the entertainment business, though there were a few athletes. What I noticed was that there were no gay businessmen listed. Admittedly, not many businessmen qualify for 'celebrity' status, but if they are a known name (and possibly better known than some listed), I would have liked to have seen them. The same goes for politicians.

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Nifty link, Jack! Thanks :)


No big surprises but it is reassuring that prominent GLBTs are being more open about their orientation. BTW, in the group shot of the Frasier cast, there are two more guys pictured who fly the rainbow flag.

I knew bulldog was gay! He always set off my gaydar when he was on Frazier!


Since we currently have a QAF thread going, I thought I'd comment that Ben's actor (darn if I didn't already forget his name) was just as cute in the pic as he was on the show! :wub:


I didn't like Randy Harrison (Justin) or Peter Paige (Emmett)'s different looks/styles nearly as much though.

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Not surprisingly, most of the people shown are in the entertainment business, though there were a few athletes. What I noticed was that there were no gay businessmen listed. Admittedly, not many businessmen qualify for 'celebrity' status, but if they are a known name (and possibly better known than some listed), I would have liked to have seen them. The same goes for politicians.


I don't know why, but I have a problem with lists of celebrities that do something or are something. Celebrities who own dogs, celebrities who have children, celebrities who've adopted African or Asian children, celebrities who are GLBT. It goes on and on. I don't care.


What I do care about, like Graeme, are the CEOs, board members, and even the politicians who are out. It's nice those celebrities are proud to be out, but it'd be a lot more newsworthy if a few notable CEOs and politicians were proud to be out and who didn't wait until they were 68 or 69 to announce it to the world in a autobiography.


Carl (who waited until he was 53 to come out)

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celebrities who are ... It goes on and on. I don't care.


I'll take celeberties who are annoying for a thousand Karl.


What is all if them? :lol:



What is more important for a celebrity than being OUT is how they behave once they are OUT. If they act like an oversexed alleycat in heat like George Michael , I'd rather they stay IN.

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What I do care about, like Graeme, are the CEOs, board members, and even the politicians who are out. It's nice those celebrities are proud to be out, but it'd be a lot more newsworthy if a few notable CEOs and politicians were proud to be out and who didn't wait until they were 68 or 69 to announce it to the world in a autobiography.


I agree that it would terrific for more CEOs and mainstream politicians to be out. I salute Congressman Barney Frank for his honesty.


Quasi-tangible are the vaguely married executives. I speak of notables like Barry Diller, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, etc. God knows what kind of an understanding they have with their wives.


James Savik is right on concerning alleycat, in-heat celebrities who are out. I file the all the Georges, Britanys and Hiltons all in one stinky scrap pile.

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Okay, since we're on the subject, here's a partial list of Australian out "celebrities" that aren't in the entertainment industry (assuming you don't consider politics to be entertaining)


Justice Michael Kirby -- High Court Judge (Australia's equivalent of the Supreme Court of the United States)


Senator Bob Brown -- Leader of the Greens political party


Kerryn Phelps -- former president of the Australian Medical Association


Brian Greig -- former senator and one-time interim leader of the Australian Democrats


Cr Gary Singer -- Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne


That's the list I came up with without searching -- just from memory. I am NOT part of the "out" community in Australia, so all of these have been identified through the mainstream media -- and I can't recall a single news report where their sexual orientation was been disparaged. Most of the time, news reports on these people don't mention their sexuality unless it's relevant to the story.

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darn if I didn't already for get his name

Robert Gant, you twit. :P


Mildly interesting list there... but Carl was right when he said that a list of CEO's and politicians would be more interesting.

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Mildly interesting list there... but Carl was right when he said that a list of CEO's and politicians would be more interesting.

LOL, well personally speaking it wouldn't be more interesting to me since I probably wouldn't know who any of them were! :P


LOL, mind you I didn't know who half the celebrities were either.


However, I definitely agree with the sentiment: it would be nice if more politicians and business executives were out.

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LOL, well personally speaking it wouldn't be more interesting to me since I probably wouldn't know who any of them were! :P


LOL, mind you I didn't know who half the celebrities were either.


Which causes one to ask whether they are indeed celebrities and not just nobodies who happen to be involved in the entertainment industry. I was interested that Cynthia Nixon is gay (and shame on any gay man out there who doesn't know her), but I guess that explains why her character was borderline misogynistic.


Menzo (who really cares that...Harvey Fierstein, the famous bastard, is gay)

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I was interested that Cynthia Nixon is gay (and shame on any gay man out there who doesn't know her), but I guess that explains why her character was borderline misogynistic.

Not all lesbians are misogynistic, in fact the majority aren't.

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Perhaps I was being overly sensitive. Sorry.



B) ............I don't know, if being an "out" celebrity helps society in being more accepting or not, less hate and all, than its good!! Otherwise who cares? But Kevin, QAF's Randy Harrison is cute :P

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