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Idiot of the Year Awards

Tristan Thinks

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Okay, not so much a poll as a chance to 'fess-up about those stupid things you do that are both embarassing and funny, and give you a wry chuckle too :)


I'm always doing things that qualify for this. One occured this evening. I had unpacked my guitar and sat down to play casually, wanting to settle my mind because I was trying to continue writing a story but my brain was too hyper and was flitting all over the place.


I strummed the guitar and it sounded oddly flat. I had restrung it last week so I assumed the strings had stretched some and it had gone flat. That said, it sounded way off. I started tightening the 6th string but it didn't seem to be helping so I tried the 5th string - no, no good. I wondered if the strings had somehow slipped out of their groves in the bridge or something but no, they looked okay too.


I tried again but no improvement and besides, I was worried I'd snap the strings they were so far out of tune.


I put the guitar back in the case whilst I grabbed the electronic tuner and then felt like one total spaz when I realised I'd tucked the plectrums between the strings on the neck! :*):whistle::lmao:

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I win this award weekly with every problem set. Sometimes I spend 5 minutes tearing my hair out because I dropped a constant from one line to another. Oh, and for my last problem set, I erased my answers to one of the problems for a very odd reason I still don't understand. The answers were correct, too, but I lost points anyway because they'd, well, been erased.


I dunno anything about guitars, Tristan, so I can't say how spazzic the whole thing really was. I don't think I've done anything really idiotic with musical instruments, but that might because I only play flute and piano, and it's a bit hard to mess those up.

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I dunno anything about guitars, Tristan, so I can't say how spazzic the whole thing really was. I don't think I've done anything really idiotic with musical instruments, but that might because I only play flute and piano, and it's a bit hard to mess those up.

It's possible, believe me! Guess who once bought a MIDI keyboard and couldn't work out how to get it to make sounds until he realised it was just an input controller and needed a MIDI synth to make any sound :P


I also remember when playing the trumpet somehow getting the mouthpiece mixed up with one from my friend's Trombone and wondering why suddenly it didn't fit :o

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It's possible, believe me! Guess who once bought a MIDI keyboard and couldn't work out how to get it to make sounds until he realised it was just an input controller and needed a MIDI synth to make any sound :P


lol, for some reason that reminds me of something that happened when I was (very) young. I convinced my mom that I want to bake a pie. So we bought what I thought was a pie, but was actually only a pie crust. We baked the thing, and I was flabbergasted that it didn't magically become a pie like what was shown on the cover... :( Traumatized for life, I was.

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Hmmm, well I recently had one unfortunate little mishap. In all fairness it wasn't completely my fault. Anyone know that song "Love song" by Sara Bareilles? Well it came on the radio, and whenever a song I like comes on the radio I text a bit of it to my other phone line so that I'll remember to check it out later. Well that song came on, but I was driving and it was raining, so I asked my friend, who was with me, to use my phone and text it to my other.


So he does...only he makes a little goof - perhaps because he wasn't used to using my phone - and he ends up texting to a real person instead of my phone. Unfortunately the person he texted it to was someone who had a crush on me that I was trying to let down gently. And unfortunately all he texted was:


"I'm not going to write you a love song"




Worse, I didn't even know it had happened until the guy sent back:


"WHAT?!? Why would you say that?"



Yeah, screwed with the guy's head pretty bad :(

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Hmmm, well I recently had one unfortunate little mishap. In all fairness it wasn't completely my fault. Anyone know that song "Love song" by Sara Bareilles? Well it came on the radio, and whenever a song I like comes on the radio I text a bit of it to my other phone line so that I'll remember to check it out later. Well that song came on, but I was driving and it was raining, so I asked my friend, who was with me, to use my phone and text it to my other.


So he does...only he makes a little goof - perhaps because he wasn't used to using my phone - and he ends up texting to a real person instead of my phone. Unfortunately the person he texted it to was someone who had a crush on me that I was trying to let down gently. And unfortunately all he texted was:


"I'm not going to write you a love song"




Worse, I didn't even know it had happened until the guy sent back:


"WHAT?!? Why would you say that?"



Yeah, screwed with the guy's head pretty bad :(


Oh good lord, that must have sucked something fierce.

Alright, my biggest oops was with my second girlfriend. It's kinda funny, since I was supposed to go out with her brother, or so I thought. My best friend had set us up and I thought she was a he. So, there I am, waiting for this 'guy' to come around when suddenly a girl sits down across from me and says "Your picture isn't quite correct with your looks," causing me to look at her with a 'WTF?' expression on my face.

I finally asked her who she was and she told me, and I told her that I had expected a guy, and she said told me if that's what I wanted, she would leave. She would have to if I hadn't sat on her lap and said that I was quite happy either way.

We stayed together for nearly a year before she had to move. But my oopsies with that was sounding like a bitc during the initial conversation. I was so glad that she gave me a chance after that.

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  • 1 year later...

Well, this fly had been bugging me (no pun intended), whilst I was trying to work, so in frustration I went to squish it & cracked the glass on the double glazed window. Oops. Didn't mean to hit it that hard, but got the fly though! :P [side note: the window was covered by insurance, phew]

Another was when I was like 5 or something. Decided it would be a nice idea to cook my parents breakfast on a Sunday morning. All went ok until I forgot to turn the pan out after I had finished, & it caught fire. Luckily my Dad was up by then, & caught it in time. I got hell for that! lol Plus my Ma STILL tells the story, amongst others! <sigh> Do they never forget?

Edited by Sir_Galahad
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It's not very recent, but around fall last year I was sneaking back to my room after a party and, usually my parents put the cover over the pool right before the leaves start falling, but they didnt, and it was a new moon, so I fell into the pool. I can't swim either so I had to actually yell for help. And I tried to lie my way out of it by saying I was coming in to the house for a snack, but my mom was sharp and starting asking why I would need my cell phone and wallet with me.


:D I cannot lie to save my life.

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The oddest thing I've ever done is running over myself.


Yup. I ran over myself.


Years ago I got hold of an old Toyota truck pretty cheap. It had some problems but nothing I couldn't fix. After a new radiator, plugs, plu wires, water pump and hoses, fuses, a new wiring harness, cleaning the injectors- finally the old Toyota was ready to run.


Living close to the Natchez Trace, I used it for a test runs.


I took the old truck twenty miles North. When I stopped to check under the hood and turn around, I dropped the gear shift (which I was unfamiliar with) into reverse instead of neutral.


As I stepped out of the truck, it started going backwards- open door knocking me down and the left front tire running over my right leg.


Stunned by my old trucks act of defiance, I jumped up and chased down the runaway.


When I got home I had to get the ground in gravel out of my shin and I had a big bruise on the other side of my leg in the shape of tire tred.


I sold that evil truck as soon as I could. :unsure:

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drinking an entire bottle of vodka in 30 secs ranks up there...


also if anyone here did science either in colllege or in upper high school (11/12)


an assesment: question on chemical equations, wrote Sulphate as SO3 (incorrect). Then DIRECTLY below where i'd writted the incorrect version i wrote it correctly (SO4) for a different question...felt pretty silly after that

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The oddest thing I've ever done is running over myself.


Yup. I ran over myself.


Years ago I got hold of an old Toyota truck pretty cheap. It had some problems but nothing I couldn't fix. After a new radiator, plugs, plu wires, water pump and hoses, fuses, a new wiring harness, cleaning the injectors- finally the old Toyota was ready to run.


Living close to the Natchez Trace, I used it for a test runs.


I took the old truck twenty miles North. When I stopped to check under the hood and turn around, I dropped the gear shift (which I was unfamiliar with) into reverse instead of neutral.


As I stepped out of the truck, it started going backwards- open door knocking me down and the left front tire running over my right leg.


Stunned by my old trucks act of defiance, I jumped up and chased down the runaway.


When I got home I had to get the ground in gravel out of my shin and I had a big bruise on the other side of my leg in the shape of tire tred.


I sold that evil truck as soon as I could. :unsure:

Yikes! My Dad ran over my foot with a rental car once. I had just come from the beach, so I was barefoot. Definitely didn't feel good.

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