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i kissed a girl and I liked it...


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hello all.


since I've been away this song by kate perry has been a massive hit worldwide. one of my friends told me yesterday that there has been quite abit of controversy about it to do with her parents being evangelical christians. I checked and they havent disowned her like my friend suggested, but still are disapproving.


what do you think about the song? and the message that some are taking offense to.


here are 2 articles, one is an interview with the singer and the other is a gossip page but it has some comments from her parents.







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hello all.


since I've been away this song by kate perry has been a massive hit worldwide. one of my friends told me yesterday that there has been quite abit of controversy about it to do with her parents being evangelical christians. I checked and they havent disowned her like my friend suggested, but still are disapproving.


what do you think about the song? and the message that some are taking offense to.


here are 2 articles, one is an interview with the singer and the other is a gossip page but it has some comments from her parents.








I love the song, not sure if it's promoting Gay rights, or just using it as a shock factor, but the tunes good....

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yeah the songs catchy. it seems to be everywhere at the mo. I read that some gay groups didnt like the song either, saying it was just titalizing lesbianism.

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Anyone who gets their panties in a twist over that song is just dumb. Sorry, but it's not meant to be supporting gay rights or shocking the hell out of anyone. The only purpose for it is to entertain. It's a fun song, it's catchy, and the subject matter makes ya smile.


Little off topic, but I've been more and more irked by the media's attempt to turn everything into this big sociopolitical debate, ESPECIALLY when anything homosexual is involved.

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Anyone who gets their panties in a twist over that song is just dumb. Sorry, but it's not meant to be supporting gay rights or shocking the hell out of anyone. The only purpose for it is to entertain. It's a fun song, it's catchy, and the subject matter makes ya smile.


Little off topic, but I've been more and more irked by the media's attempt to turn everything into this big sociopolitical debate, ESPECIALLY when anything homosexual is involved.


I was amused by it which was why I posted it. she agrees with you and in the interview said people just needed to get a sense of humour, nor was she trying to do either of those things. i was bored so thats why i researched what her parents had supposedly done in retaliation. what i was more amused about really was how most articles just reported on her parents comments they didnt like the song and were shamed, without mentioning anything else the parents also said of sticking by her etc etc. journalists can be really bad. i find it hard to understand really how they can report stuff, especially in the uk tabloids, which is deliberatley a half story and sensasionalist, and maybe not in this case but can destroy public reputations and lives, but they do it anyway, if not to cause that. so yeah, i agree with your gripe against the media.



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I am listening to the song right now. I think it's a catchy tune. It's meant to be somewhat humorous. I don't know why people make a big deal. I am going to start a topic in The Soapbox pertaining to this song and other instances of controversial items in the entertainment world.


Added: I've started the topic in The Soapbox about songs and tv shows about kissing girls called "Kissing is exploitation of lesbianism?".

Edited by Tiger
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Don't think I phrased that very well...


I meant being it was salacious, which in all fairness... everything in today's media is...

I personally don't see what the problem would be... but again "groups" may see reason... dont know why...

there again there will always be someone with a gripe about something...

I dont like sociopolitical issues, especially in todays overly PC world... i think everyone should just get tits over arse drunk and forget about it :):P

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I used to like the song. Unfortunately it gets played all the time now and is getting on my nerves.


Still... the controversy it's evoked is highly entertaining.

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I used to like the song. Unfortunately it gets played all the time now and is getting on my nerves.


Agreed. This is starting to feel like the 'Macarena' song. Thank goodness there isn't a catchy dance that goes with it. :D

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I really liked this song. It's really catchy and her voice is really strong. I can see how the lyrics might seem silly and offensive to some, but personally, I don't see it that way. It's not meant to be a hardcore message or something. Basically it's a song and meant to catch attention. Well, the songwriters/singers, whatever did their job. It's quite popular, whether people actually like it, like it.


On the flip side, I kind of like that a song talks about lesbianism (that a word?) On a broader spectrum, it's kind of like talking about experimentation, figuring things out.


I wanted to buy this song on itunes, but I needed an update and my laptop blows.

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I love Katy Perry! She is a great singer and I like her songs. I really liked 'I kissed a Girl' it is funny and creative!


In my about me section I have the song lyrics... and my thinger<<< has it too! It is pretty amazing.


Some people are dumb...

Edited by Kurt
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I really like the song.



I can actually see the whole trivializing and exploiting lesbians argument, BUT I also think that overall it'll be a net positive for the GLBT cause because it will add more positive publicity. SO in a way I see both controversial arguments (regardless of her claims or her intent) but I think the 'promoting homosexuality' one is stronger and as it happens I'm in favour of that so I'm okay with the song.



On a separate note, the artists she mentioned as influences/was compared to totally rock IMO, and if she can hang with them I'll probably be enjoying her music for quite awhile to come :)


Just my thoughts,


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I love the song personally. It's not really played all that often on the radio where I live, but then again, most of the stations are more mexican themed then anything. but it's a cute song meant to make you giggle and blush at the thought.

It doesn't promote being a lesbian, and it's not trying to turn people gay. It's funny and I rather like the singer. She has a good future in the business.

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I saw the song as making fun of the way some people take lesbian kisses a little too seriously. Gay kisses are quickly losing their shock value in the entertainmet industry. What was once shoking is now funny and I think the song ilustrates that perfectly. Many people have kissed someone they did not know well or had no business kissing. I see nothing wrong with laughing at it. Besides, I've heard a few men singing that song...so much for the lesbian thing.

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wouldn't've been allowed on air 10 years ago

Not sure. Maybe it wouldn't have been this explicit. Though she's kind of apoligizing for enjoying it. For the non-overwhelmed by the song playing on airwaves:

This was never the way I planned

Not my intention

I got so brave, drink in hand

Lost my discretion

It's not what, I'm used to

Just wanna try you on

I'm curious for you

Caught my attention


I kissed a girl and I liked it

The taste of her cherry chapstick

I kissed a girl just to try it

I hope my boyfriend don't mind it

It felt so wrong

It felt so right

Don't mean I'm in love tonight

I kissed a girl and I liked it

I liked it


No, I don't even know your name

It doesn't matter

You're my experimental game

Just human nature

It's not what, good girls do

Not how they should behave

My head gets so confused

Hard to obey


I kissed a girl and I liked it

The taste of her cherry chapstick

I kissed a girl just to try it

I hope my boyfriend don't mind it

It felt so wrong

It felt so right

Don't mean I'm in love tonight

I kissed a girl and I liked it

I liked it


Us girls we are so magical

Soft skin, red lips, so kissable

Hard to resist so touchable

Too good to deny it

Ain't no big deal, it's innocent


I kissed a girl and I liked it

The taste of her cherry chapstick

I kissed a girl just to try it

I hope my boyfriend don't mind it

It felt so wrong

It felt so right

Don't mean I'm in love tonight

I kissed a girl and I liked it

I liked it


This is definitely lesbo exploit! :lol: Just wish there had been a video with a young Pam Grier, this would have topped it all! :lol:


As for the censorship, well, one of the mainstreams I had access to when I was barely in my teens(on TV, mind you!):

. This beats kissing a girl, hoping the boyfriend doesn't find out, doesn't it?


(I hope a special someone will notice the fierce tiger...) :lol:


A very apt comment on the Youtube page:

It looks like in the 80's faggy things in videos were normal things... now everybody is kinda like upset by seeing vids like this one...c'mon guys! don't be afraid of dick while you're grab the balls!

I guess it's only a Youtube comment, but it's among the best. :worship:



BTW, I think Katy coined out a great song.

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Jill Sobule might disagree with you. ;)



Jill Sobule is, like, so yesterday...


Seriously, great song (thr Jill Sobule one), I think I saw it because of GA a few months back. This site is ripe with people willing to lead the poor innocent me astray.


As for Kate Perry, she's got a hit, and that's a hit, plain and simple. A catchy chorus, which actually starts the song, basic and efficient rhythm and chords, great lyrics, mixing lust and guilt, how can you actually get it wrong for a judeo-christian audience raised on R n' R?

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It was only a matter of time. :lmao:



The chords are A, C, D, F, for you music inclined people. And the voice in this video is quite appropriate (but for the 'boy' overdub stuff...)


But, but... You didn't notice the tiger in the FGTH video? :(

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i'm glad you brought that jill sobule song to my attention because now i'm sad.


i thought katie perry was a kind of progress, but maybe she isn't.


i catch myself thinking, "oh - we're taking such great steps forward!" but things keep happening to tell me we're not.


at any rate, it's no more offensive than a lot of other songs. there are non-christian sentiments in the world. oh well.


they can have a version.


i killed a fag and i liked it.

the feel of his skull to my bat.

i killed a fag just to try it.

i hope his boyfriend don't mind it.

i felt so strong.

i felt so right.

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It's quite obvious that what they did was slow down Katy Perry's voice to make her sound like a boy. You'd think they could easily fix it. Actually someone could do it the way I'm thinking, because both boy and girl are in the song. It's just changing the pitch precisely. In any event, I think it would be more appropriate for me to sing "I Kissed a Girl". :lol: By the way, I definitely prefer to kiss boys, but if a girl thinks she's woman enough to change me... :P

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