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i kissed a girl and I liked it...


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I did watch the video, and I did see the tiger. That certainly was a risque video. It certainly would make Katy blush in my opinion. I was trying to find out why it was so naughty, but it's obvious once you read about Holly Johnson and Paul Rutherford. By the way, I thought the video was way too stereotypical. :/

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It's quite obvious that what they did was slow down Katy Perry's voice to make her sound like a boy. You'd think they could easily fix it. Actually someone could do it the way I'm thinking, because both boy and girl are in the song. It's just changing the pitch precisely. In any event, I think it would be more appropriate for me to sing "I Kissed a Girl". :lol: By the way, I definitely prefer to kiss boys, but if a girl thinks she's woman enough to change me... :P


Hehe, yeah it would've been easier to replace the words than dub. And the song wasn't slowed down, the pitch was brought down. Most studio programs can do that nowadays.


Maddy (:

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Jill Sobule might disagree with you. ;)



Wow! Cool! I was completely unaware of this song :D


Seriously, great song (thr Jill Sobule one), I think I saw it because of GA a few months back. This site is ripe with people willing to lead the poor innocent me astray.



Are you telling me I missed a thread on GA somewhere!? :o0:)


It was only a matter of time. :lmao:

HAHAHA, that was fun!


The chords are A, C, D, F, for you music inclined people. And the voice in this video is quite appropriate (but for the 'boy' overdub stuff...)

I agree with you, Francios, BUT if you notice there are LOTS of parodies of that songs. I like this one better (although it's cheesier and not as hot as the vid Tim linked too it's better musically IMO):


I kissed a boy (dif. version)


In any event, I think it would be more appropriate for me to sing "I Kissed a Girl". :lol: By the way, I definitely prefer to kiss boys

I dunno, I think "I Kissed a Girl" is much more appropriate for me. IMO, the song isn't about kissing who you normally kiss, who people expect you to kiss, it's about experimenting and going outside the lines. About surprising yourself and others. LOL, no one's going to be surprised if I kiss a boy and like it. The real scandal would be if I kissed a girl and liked it ;)


-Kevin :boy:

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Kate Perry was on the Morning Mashup (SIRIUS Hits 1 early morning show) and she said that her parents are not disapproving and are in fact supportive of her and love her very much. She said that whoever did the interview where her mom said otherwise had be interviewing someone else's, then went on to say that anyone who messes with her family is likely to have their scrotums cut off and fed to them... her words.


On another note, I like the song. Sometimes I sing along to it, and I don't sing.

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It is catch and I can't believe there are so many that have a problem with it. It's kind of funny, it's become an 'anthem' of sorts, around here. Everyone loves it. It's entertaining and fun.


There are more important things to complain about, really.

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I love the song. I think it's fantastic.

It's a favourite among many lesbians I know too.


It's very catchy musically, that many would sing along no matter what she was singing about.


And rich_e, I agree that she has better songs on her album as well. I think that my favourite is "Hot 'n' Cold"... which is also quite catchy.



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Another YouTube version. The guy lip syncing is quite cute and has some nice facial expressions, and the sound's quality is great. A good video of Katy Perry's song.


Edit: Carl is actually gay, or at least has a video called



Carlkr video is good and I guess you could say Carl's friends betrayal was a blessing. Must of hurt though alot...

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Liked the song and its spoofs, really funny!


I am all for experimenting.

Edited by W.L.
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The first time i heard this song it had me laughing so bad. My favorite lines were about kissing a girl and the boyfriend. My 1 female friend who knows im gay me and her would make big jokes about that. I kissed a girl and got electrocuted!! when i was 5 lmao. Never kissed girls since. I dont really think its a controversail song to me its just a catchy song, My mom even likes this song. This song would play on the radio at work and my boss would get mad at me and another girl in the kitchen if we sang along. Because dear god we might be subconsiously promoting girls to kiss other girls HA HA!. I like singing this song whenever i run into the 4 gay men in my town, Hell i will even sing Red High Heels. I change the 1 line where it says "my Head gets so confused" to "My head gets so Cu**fused* Now thats Controversail.

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