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Happy Birthday tomon


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Thanks everyone, I feel so old! Everyones like "it's only 20" but i still think of myself as about 8.


Yes mike you're right. In the photos theres gaps where im not in any for ages. It's coz i was helping you throw up.


You left sick tissues on my floor.


I'm not gonna lie...the tissues aren't the best present you've ever got me.



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Thanks everyone, I feel so old! Everyones like "it's only 20" but i still think of myself as about 8.


Yes mike you're right. In the photos theres gaps where im not in any for ages. It's coz i was helping you throw up.


You left sick tissues on my floor.


I'm not gonna lie...the tissues aren't the best present you've ever got me.





you did tell me to drink everyone under the table.... i didnt realise i was drinking so fast or much.

I'm coming to visit before the end of October... not sure when but when i get my timetable I'll let you know...

this time you can be sick :) i'll just drink tea :D


have a great day today and have a pint on me

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It certainly sounds like the celebrations have already started.... :blink:


lol tom had a house party a few days before his birthday so everyone could come before uni started.

it was good... from what i can remember :D

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