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Changing Lanes, Chapter 13


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Thanks for such an insightful report, Steve. If anybody needed any more evidence, I guess you provided it.



Is that what that odd feeling was? :lmao:




Quick someone grab the goat while his attention is elsewhere. :lol:



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No No I forgot to put smilies in my post that made him think I was taking him seriously. It was my bad.


I'm sure I added to it by stripping emoticins out when I quoted. :)


Mmmmm I am not convinced by this lack of cliffhangers. I just know that goat has been researching them... Peter




Peter! Don't you know? I never use cliffhangers! I do indeed research them, (I can, for example, point to a comprehensive list of Shadowgod's cliffhangers) but I never use them myself. :)


Researching them :o , he doesn't need to do any research :P . He just needs to look out his front door.


I was recently in the area of Arizona and thought I would help Graeme out on his hunt for CJ. Here is a picture showing that I was actually in Arizona.




Funny thing is, once I entered the state, I had this eerie feeling wash over me :o . I was scared. I had a feeling that the goat had me in his fix with those eyes that glow :mellow: . I was frozen to the spot, unable to move forward or backward. I knew nothing could be this sinister to trap a poor tourist with his gaze other than the goat himself. I finally was able to work up enough courage and strength, or maybe it was the goat blinked, but I was able to successfully run away.


So I started to scan the landscape that I imagine the vast majority of Arizona is made up of, hoping to spot CJ so I could report his location to Graeme for an undercover sneak attack:




As you can see, CJ is surrounded by massive cliffs that I'm sure he has no problem getting the inspiration from to write chapters for us, his poor readers :wacko: . Being also a master of misdirection, I was unable to locate him anywhere by sight, but you could definitely feel that he was in the area.


And if that isn't enough to prove that CJ lurks :ph34r: around the cliffs for inspiration, let me leave you one final picture of Arizona, CJ's chosen home. Here is what happens when the State allowed CJ to design and build a new bridge in the state:





He's evil I tell ya, absolutely evil.




Wildone!!! I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya! How could you call me, of all goats, evil!??!?! :o


Now, let me correct a few misaprehensions... The area Wildone visited is Hoover Dam, and not all of Arizona is like that... It's mainly basin and range country; broad flat valleys between desert mountain ranges (the ranges do, yes, look like the canyon are Wildone is showing us). If you head east from the dam, in 20 miles you're in a broad valley all the way to the big city (Kingman). One you leave that burgoning metropolis, you head East on I40, and enter the high country. There, well, it's greener than Wildone saw, but equally precipitous. In fact, the road to my house skirts a canyon that, although it hasd trees, is very much like the one Wildone was at. It's single-lane, and if you lean out the window, you can look straight down... It's very fun in icy weather; it slopes towards the drop-off.


Now... hrmmm, that bridge... That's a clear case of the states of Arizona and Nevada rising to new heights of incompetence. That thing has been under construction for TEN years. To put that into perspective; it took four years to build hoover dam. My guess; it will take another five years before they open that darn bridge.


However, there are some hair-raising bridges in the area. One in particular comes to mind; it crosses the Colorado river at the north end of the Grand Canyon. There, the Colorado is in a narrow gorge much like Wildone is showing us, only deeper. It's about a thousand feet from the bridge to the water. If they ever finish that bridge at hoover dam, it should be similar. It will cut the drive time to Vegas down by over an hour (currently, the road snakes down into the canyon, crosses the top of the dam, then climbs out, and there's always traffic delays).


I wasn't actually in the area when Wildone was there... I was busy hiding from Graeme and Talonrider, who were after me!


Now, with wildone calling me evil, (I'm nice, sweet, innocent and quiet! Far from Evil!) I have come to an inescapable conclusion... There is, in this world of ours, a truly dark and malevolent force... It is the Axis of Steveil! It's founding philosophy seems to be truly evil requires one to be named Steve!


CJ 0:)



Thanks for such an insightful report, Steve. If anybody needed any more evidence, I guess you provided it.


Slander, i tell ya, Slander!!! Why, look at the last chapter of Changing Lanes... It was Amphibiously declared Cliffhamger Free! I am confident that 14 will be likewise certified.


CJ :)

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Wildone!!! I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya! How could you call me, of all goats, evil!??!?! :o


Now, let me correct a few misaprehensions... The area Wildone visited is Hoover Dam, and not all of Arizona is like that... It's mainly basin and range country; broad flat valleys between desert mountain ranges (the ranges do, yes, look like the canyon are Wildone is showing us). If you head east from the dam, in 20 miles you're in a broad valley all the way to the big city (Kingman). One you leave that burgoning metropolis, you head East on I40, and enter the high country. There, well, it's greener than Wildone saw, but equally precipitous. In fact, the road to my house skirts a canyon that, although it hasd trees, is very much like the one Wildone was at. It's single-lane, and if you lean out the window, you can look straight down... It's very fun in icy weather; it slopes towards the drop-off.


Now... hrmmm, that bridge... That's a clear case of the states of Arizona and Nevada rising to new heights of incompetence. That thing has been under construction for TEN years. To put that into perspective; it took four years to build hoover dam. My guess; it will take another five years before they open that darn bridge.


However, there are some hair-raising bridges in the area. One in particular comes to mind; it crosses the Colorado river at the north end of the Grand Canyon. There, the Colorado is in a narrow gorge much like Wildone is showing us, only deeper. It's about a thousand feet from the bridge to the water. If they ever finish that bridge at hoover dam, it should be similar. It will cut the drive time to Vegas down by over an hour (currently, the road snakes down into the canyon, crosses the top of the dam, then climbs out, and there's always traffic delays).


I wasn't actually in the area when Wildone was there... I was busy hiding from Graeme and Talonrider, who were after me!


Now, with wildone calling me evil, (I'm nice, sweet, innocent and quiet! Far from Evil!) I have come to an inescapable conclusion... There is, in this world of ours, a truly dark and malevolent force... It is the Axis of Steveil! It's founding philosophy seems to be truly evil requires one to be named Steve!




B) ...............CJ I'm as shocked as you are 0:) Talonrider and Greame messed up their operations, and the goat escaped again!!

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