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O Wound, Love, and Rapture, Sweet

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Allow good, loving, and merciful Lord that I may live this life entirely and profoundly filled with shame, humiliation, and ridicule,

That I may be slighted, forgotten, and disliked,

That I may be utterly abandoned by all, or least recognized as the lowest and most disgusting creature on Earth,

That I may always carry a black veil of shame over my head,

To be forsaken by even your angels and saints as a hopeless thing beyond their pity,

Save only that You may be moved with Mercy and Love for me,

And only You may see me lovable and utterly beautiful.

Because it is true!


Truly the angels realize that I am so wicked, lowly, and weak that I am beyond their assistance

Truly the angels know only Your Unfathomable Mercy, O Sacred Heart, could reach me! -

Only You could heal me!

Who but you can touch me and break my shame?!

Your Love, and Your Love alone, my Lamb, I hope for!

Your Love, and Your Love alone, O God, I desire.



Sweet Jesus!

You have swooned me!

Your Love has wounded me!

I am Yours and You are mine.




(This poem is centered on the chaste love between Man and the One who has loved him with Immortal, Limitless, Divine, and entirely selfless Love, the love between a soul and his Eternal Spouse. -Christ is the Eternal Spouse of the Church and individually of each soul-)

Edited by Christian000
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This poem most definitely fits beautifully and perfectly in to Catholic style prayers. Indeed, the poem itself could almost be a traditional prayer.


I'm also taken by how reminiscent it is of the works of Saint Augustine! I probably wouldn't have flinched at all if I'd been reading his Confessions and turned the page and found this poem staring at me.


Such mastery and accuracy in any such poetic vein is most impressive! Like all good art, it also does not merely emulate or perpetrate a cheap 'copy'; instead, this piece seems completely authentic in its own right.


It's also quite obviously deeply personal, and steeped in heartfelt, soulful emotion. It is essentially an offer to eavesdrop on a deeply private and important conversation between the narrator and his Saviour.


Like much of the artistic expression in classic Catholic times - the paintings, the sculptures, the architecture, and most assuredly the literature, prayers, and poetry - it seems to be a sort of 'labour of love.' The eloquence and beautify of this piece most definitely seems to be for the purpose of the glorification of God.


It's brilliant, beautiful, and extremely effective, Anthony! Well done! :D



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This poem most definitely fits beautifully and perfectly in to Catholic style prayers. Indeed, the poem itself could almost be a traditional prayer.


Such . . . accuracy in any such poetic vein is most impressive!


It's also quite obviously deeply personal, and steeped in heartfelt, soulful emotion. It is essentially an offer to eavesdrop on a deeply private and important conversation between the narrator and his Saviour.


. . .- it seems to be a sort of 'labour of love.' . . . this piece most definitely seems to be for the purpose of the glorification of God.




Kevin, I am in awe at how accurate your criticism is! Although your complements go way to far, what you have said is so accurate that without entering into mystic theology there is very little more to be said about this poem.

The poem started as a spontaneous affection that I decided to write down, edit, and post on the web site to inspire readers to seek Christ. It is good to be young and surrendered to Jesus Christ.

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