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Interesting Day....


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:wub: well if you have read my previous topic on "i think i have a crush"... then you might catch on.. if not maybe u can read it if you want :) \

sorry if it's kinda hard to follow


okay so... Today.. at my school (since I go to a Catholic school) there's a special event that happens every once a year. This event is suppose to bring the school closer together as a school instead of a grade (which we also have).


that's Beside the point... so Dave today showed up at school, cute as ever xD!!we both sorta said hi, and didn't speak to each other till lunch started sorta.


im really not sure about him. Sometimes i just feel that he's the right one and sometimes i feel, no this is not right ... yet. Well at least i would never know until i express my self... which i don't think i will...yet. lol xD!!


Anyway so i stole one of my friends camera and took pictures with my other friends and I HAD to take a picture with Dave. I found him on the soccer feild and we took a picture. (think i might need another) ... he seemed to be fine with it. Then when we had to go back inside, i asked what he was doing after school....

he says "well...nothing maybe home... OH Track!" and i said "Oh really?...I happen to need to go to that place to pick something up (SOO LYING)...want a ride?(happen to get my licence back on that morning, after a long prohibition)....)". He replied "Sure okay :) " yes with a happy face.


His smile and just his pressence makes my day alot better even though i was depressed or sad or w.e once i see his smile it's like.. a cure. It's impossible to discribe... im sure alot of you might be able to relate.


however the problem is... Im leaving next year and he's really young. Anyway back to the story.


So i couldn't wait for this even to be over so i can have some one on one time with him. (get your mind out of the gutter). When i was going down the hallway another guy came up to me and asked for change... i said no.. but i have it in my car.. he asked if he could have a ride to Uvic too... i said sure.. since im going that way... soo i told him to wait at the front of the skool for me.


And when he left. i got in the car (it was like a f**kin sonna!!) rolled down my windows. (i guess he forgot that i told him to wait for me in front of the skool 2) ... i heard this voice of a little baby (well not exact. more like.. a child begging for their parents not to leave...) No!! No!! it was the cutest No i've ever heard in my life!...however... I was like.. wtf ...Just when i was moving the car... and stopped in time.... he opened the door. i was like omg that was you who said no?.. (in my mind). and i reminded him how im picking him up at the front of the school. he gave me these ... i guess you can say puppy looks but.. he said okay.


so i went around. he saw me came down the stairs (everyone was watching... i was a lil.. nervous accually) he opened the door... and sat in the back since i told him this other guy is coming with us... but he never showed up.. soo i parked my car.. Dave went and klooked for him... few minz later he said that guys not coming.


Just before we left the campus. the school bus was there for the track kids. I asked do you still want a ride you can go with the bus if you want. he said i want a ride. i was like.. okay


we talked a bit.. i was deffinatley getting the impression of him being awkward n everything but... now i think about it .. maybe not im just not sure. I got alot of looks when i was driving him... in my mind was like... God help me. we both waved to our friends as we drove by.


we had some one on one chatting.. nothing personal just general ... like how's life, how's school going for yea... what you doing over the summer... what song you wunna hear...and holy f**k he was sitting right beside me... IN my car... i was taking in every moment of it and when we arrived to our destination... he said thank you sooo much for the ride. i said no probz see you monday.


i don't know why i connected with Dave...our age is soo different, our background is different... we do like the same music so that's a plus haha. i guess im from this point.. i don't care what he is... i don't have a sibling that's almost the same age as me... so.. maybe he can be like.. a lil bro to me or something .. i don't know...



I would love to know what your thoughts are and comments would be kool =) cuz i love reading them

have a good one

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Ugh. Shouldn't this be in the teen section. I'm sure your ramblings are fasinating, but I'm not sure the lounge is the right place for it!!

Edited by Sir Galahad
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  • Site Administrator
Ugh. Shouldn't this be in the teen section. I'm sure your ramblings are fasinating, but I'm not sure the lounge is the right place for it!!

I sort of disagree :) I tend to be cautious about posting in the teen forum, because it is, after all, supposed to be for the teens. Posting it here opens it up for more members to respond.


Having said that, I think the Members Q&A is an even better place for it, so I'm moving it there :D

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You again, stop the prepubescent boy love and go apply to colleges.

I hope you were joking, because otherwise that is just plain mean.





Okay, so I did attempt to read both this post and the "crush" one, however I'm not the best at reading rambling like that. If I do get something wrong, I apologise and ask that you please clarify in well thought out sentences.


Yes, he is young. Is he too young? That isn't a question that I can answer, nor can anyone else on this forum. You are 18 and he is 14 physically, however mentally there may be less of a difference. I don't mean to offend you, but by the way you are typing and the license prohibition I think you are probably emotionally a bit behind your physical age. 18 is not a magic number and just because you are 18 doesn't mean you are instantly an adult all grown up and ready to have an "adult" relationship. If he is emotionally mature enough for a relationship, which only he can determine, then I don't see harm in being together.


I am not encouraging you to do anything illegal. He is most likely still below the age of consent. The age of consent is an arbitrary number and people seem to take it too much to heart, that people younger than the AoC are incapable of being sexual, sensual or even mentally mature enough for a relationship. Again, don't get yourself locked up. Generally, if he is mature enough to have a real relationship with you he will be willing to wait. Same goes for you, if you are mature enough to be with him you will wait, usually.


Now for a reality check. He probably doesn't feel the same about you. If I caught everything in your previous posts, you still don't know if he is gay. So that gives you a 10% chance that he actually is interested in guys. Add on top of that that you are 4 years older and admittedly not <insert sexy celeb here>.

Edited by Tarin
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i don't have a sibling that's almost the same age as me... so.. maybe he can be like.. a lil bro to me or something



That is a good place to keep things for the time being. Enjoy each others company and get to know each other well.


There are all sorts of relationships and they all have their own rewards.


While everyone wants a boyfriend for all sorts of reasons, the brotherhood type relationship is golden and can be good for you both.

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im sorry that my writing isn't very good. i type as my mind goes.


Tarin... yes you have right messege thanks for the reply!


he is like 4 years younger than me... and to me i think there's no problem to that. however, i know that it all depends on the maturity lvl, many couples are like 4 years apart... but this is high school so this is different.


i can't wait till university or college (hopefully university), so i can get my life settled. Most important thing to me for someone like him... doesn't care what i am. Even thought they might say it...they would act differently than the time you haven't told them. Hopefully he's not like that.


he as 3 or 4 older brother... i think his oldest is like... 30's. And in some other article i don't know where i have read this, but apparently if you have an older brother sibling there's a higher chance of the being gay or something like that...


I guess we don't have to be in a relationship, brotherhood sounds awesome to me. He's such a sweet guy that just melt's girl's well obvz my heart accidentally lol.

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I hope you were joking, because otherwise that is just plain mean.




Yes, he is young. Is he too young?


No, I was not joking and YES he is to young. MysticAzn can go to jail and or reported to the authorities if the parents thing it is creepy or the 'Dave' boy finds himself getting hit on while in the car, something like that. The kid is not even close to legal and MysticAzn is getting googly eyes over him. I'm trying to save him the heartache and trouble--so my comment is pretty righteous and true.


Stop promoting this stuff. If you want to keep him as a "little" brother fine, didn't you mention he already has brothers? He doesn't need anymore.

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he as 3 or 4 older brother... i think his oldest is like... 30's. And in some other article i don't know where i have read this, but apparently if you have an older brother sibling there's a higher chance of the being gay or something like that...


I have seen the data from the survey and their claim is on almost statistically insignificant numbers. Don't get your hopes up.




I guess we don't have to be in a relationship, brotherhood sounds awesome to me. He's such a sweet guy that just melt's girl's well obvz my heart accidentally lol.

That would indeed be the safer move, probably the smarter one as well. Just because he has blood brothers doesn't mean he doesn't want an older friend that he can speak frankly with. However, if you are emotionally involved this can be dangerous for your emotions as well. Whether you choose to become a friend or try to explore your emotions more remember to respect his limits as well as any applicable laws.

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I have to agree 100% with Chase on this, he's 14 what are you thinking? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but move on. Forget whatever fantasies you have, go to college and put him outta your head!


If in 4 years time you feel the same, then that's a different story.

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I have to agree 100% with Chase on this, he's 14 what are you thinking? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but move on. Forget whatever fantasies you have, go to college and put him outta your head!


If in 4 years time you feel the same, then that's a different story.


Spot on.

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thanks for all the warnings......


but first of all i never "hit" on him in anyway shape or form. And the age consent where i live is 14... or so i believe..


I have to agree he is really young...but... well i guess there is no but in my case in you ppl'z opinion..

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thanks for all the warnings......


but first of all i never "hit" on him in anyway shape or form. And the age consent where i live is 14... or so i believe..


I have to agree he is really young...but... well i guess there is no but in my case in you ppl'z opinion..


The lowest age of consent in the US (for hetero sex) is 16. It used to be 13 in New Mexico (for M:M) but that's changed.

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thanks for all the warnings......


but first of all i never "hit" on him in anyway shape or form. And the age consent where i live is 14... or so i believe..


I have to agree he is really young...but... well i guess there is no but in my case in you ppl'z opinion..


When it comes down to it, it's your choice and your life and what you do with it is all up to you.


But just remember that everyone here is just trying to protect you and keep you and the 14 year old safe, that's all. We were just trying to help, remember that.


That being said, take their advise or leave it.

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The lowest age of consent in the US (for hetero sex) is 16. It used to be 13 in New Mexico (for M:M) but that's changed.

There are a number of other countries in the world, besides the USA :P Mystic4zn has only just stated where he lives (Canada), but before that I didn't see any reason to assume it's the USA. Using the Age of Consent site (which should be taken as a guide only, and not legally binding), a few countries where the age of consent for male-male sex is 14 includes: Albania, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Estonia, Germany (with restrictions that may exclude this particular case), Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Peru, Serbia, South Korea, and Spain. So, it was quite possible that the age of consent could be 14.


Having said that, the age of consent in Canada for male-male sex appears to be 18, though that's only for anal intercourse (according to the note at the bottom of the above website).


As for the big brother thing, it is not uncommon for an early teenage boy to look for a masculine role model outside of his family. It's often an uncle or family friend, but it could be an older guy at school. This has absolutely nothing to do with sex -- it's a case of a young teen expanding his horizons outside of his family.


I don't know if that is the case here, but I suspect it is much more likely to be the case than any sort of sexual infatuation. He's got an older friend that he looks up to and is, probably unconsciously, considering as a role model. Trying to read anything more into than that is just asking for trouble.

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thanks for all the warnings......


but first of all i never "hit" on him in anyway shape or form. And the age consent where i live is 14... or so i believe..


I have to agree he is really young...but... well i guess there is no but in my case in you ppl'z opinion..

Just an additional tidbit; there are often rules about age gaps and consent, usually gaps of 4-5 years or for people under a certain age. If you do end up having a relationship with him, make sure you read the laws yourself (your provincial website should have them, or a local library). If you have any doubts, consult a lawyer. With anyone as well, not just him. You might fancy some 17 year old at uni and come to find out too late since you are over 18 you can't touch him. (By the way, "over 18" means 18 years 1 day.)


Agreeing with Meeko, it is your choice to pursue a relationship and ultimately his if there is to be one. Be careful and don't pressure him, as that can end up being a disaster even if it doesn't involve the law.

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I can't even believe I'm going to get into this conversation, but, barring anal intercourse, the age of consent, FROM WHAT I COULD FIND, in canada is 16 years old. However, I must state that at this time I'm not a lawyer, and while I could probably attempt to find out 100%, assuming I had the resources in hand and could cite statutes, etc, I'd say you can use this information I provide you at your own risk.




That said and done, like everyone else, I must really advise you to move on somewhere else. Why go getting involved when you're probably heading off to college soon anyways, and you'll find yourself infatuated with someone else. Let the boy be a boy and grow up and if, indeed, he is a homosexual, then you'll know when he's older. All that said and done, do you really think he has the mental capacity to deal with any sort of relationship right now?


As chase said, move on and leave the kid alone.

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sorry if i offended anyone... jeeze =S


Who said you offended anyone? If anything, I think the people in here have shown that they actually give a shit about you, otherwise no one would have taken the time to respond in the first place. You asked a real life question about a real life problem and got a real life answer, just not the one you wanted.

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I would leave the relationship at "friends". A four year age difference is meaningless until you look at the actual ages. 42 and 46 is nothing. 18 and 22 makes some people uncomfortable (I've been called a cradle robber more than once... yeesh, he's 19 in a few weeks!). 14 and 18 is unacceptable almost anywhere. You might not think so, but the cop with the hand cuffs does.

Edited by rknapp
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i know you guys are trying to help.. but some people here doesn't have to use those type of tones.. lol


but.. thanks for the comments


Sometimes you need to hear the truth, blunt and unadulterated. So I'll be honest. Your first post was all giddy and emotive, but the topic, the situation was not. I equate it to the person who is in hysterics, and a friend slaps you across the face to bring you back to reality. Personally, I think you needed that slap, but here it has to be written/posted.


But hey, you're here, you're part of the group, it doesn't mean people don't like you, so don't freak about it. We try to take care of our own.

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