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Ghosts and UFO's: The truth is out there


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I share my home with a number of ghosts/spirits. One is a cat that has been 'seen' by many people, for example by way of a dip in the pillow, and felt by many more. My real cats play with her all the time.


I also have a prehistoric cave bear which is linked to a cave bear tooth my son's godmother gave to him to be his protector.


There are 4 knights I brought home with me from an iron age cairn and a man in a large brimmed hat.


And that's just the ones I share my home with.


In the seventeenth century I loved someone who died in my arms in... erm.. shall we say unuaul circumstances... and he is with me still. Yes, I feel his hands, his kisses, hear his voice, smell him.


So I guess I am a believer.


The world is made up of energy. The electrons spin around the nucleus and create it all the time. Some things vibrate more quickly than others and the more quickly they vibrate the less able we are to perceive them with the external senses. Everything that lives contains living energy and that does not end when we die. It just changes.


The living energy... soul... prana... whatever is what goes on, what constitues 'God' in my book.


That is a very bad description but I am very tired and it has been a VERY long day. This is my belief, no presented as fact but as my own personal reality. I know that it is true... I am also quite prepared to accept not only that others do not believe it is true but that in their reality it isn't.

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I am a mystic healer...I can manipulate the power of blue energy (originating in the larynx) to control death and disease to a greater or lesser extent. However it comes at great risk to myself as I open the doors of death to myself, so I've almost killed myself several times during healings.


At every funeral I've gone to I can see the deceased there in the physical form they most enjoyed during life. A funeral is a celebration and death a new beginning from the dead's perspective.


Some call it an aura, but to me it is their raw emotion spilling out. I can sense how those around me are feeling and reacting to conversation and the general course of the day.


Everyone has a guardian, guide and protector...they are your spiritual family. People you may or may not have known in your life, but their purpose in death is to guide you along your life's journey...they do not and cannot intervene unless you allow them to.


As for my haunting? I killed a man to protect my 'innocence' if you will. Now he's pissed off and wants revenge My first post accurately enough describes what he does, along with appearing in mirrors and taking a traditional 'ghost form' during the summer solstice (Northern Hemisphere)


I be curious my aura and whom my protectors or tormentors are

Not sure - what can be healed about me or predicted

I know my life hasn't been a happy one and where its headed no idea


Do you see people's future or past life?


Any conversations with a ghost?


Is there a after life? or is one just dead dead?

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A ufo??


During one summer eve, when I was 13, I saw a bring sperical glowing light. It hovered over an apartment building some 30 feet above it. Then it moved like 90 degrees. I had to run down the hallway of my fathers house and up into the attic and look out the window and spotted the light 90 degrees from when I saw it last. It stayed for a very short time and then disappeared. Possibly another 90 degrees but it wasn't in sight


Its unexplained - is it a ufo? or a probe? or something explainable??


No idea.


At least - something is real of ufo but I have't seen a ghost.


BTW - there was no engine noise - nothing - strange

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UFOs are plausible.


A lot of stuff can be explained by memory association or imagination. The other stuff can be explained by random physical effects. Like air pressure change. I dont see the need to explain it with some imagined phenomenon based on an unproven concept.

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UFOs are plausible.


A lot of stuff can be explained by memory association or imagination. The other stuff can be explained by random physical effects. Like air pressure change. I dont see the need to explain it with some imagined phenomenon based on an unproven concept.


B) ...........I don't know how that would explain trained pilots chasing an unknown that is verified by an air traffic controllers radar!

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B) ...........I don't know how that would explain trained pilots chasing an unknown that is verified by an air traffic controllers radar!



That'd be a UFO or something (perhaps a stray weather balloon?) and this is scientifically plausible.

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That'd be a UFO or something (perhaps a stray weather balloon?) and this is scientifically plausible.


B) .............. :P ..........That had to have been one hell of a fast weather balloon!!! The pilot that told me this story was at Indian Springs AF base and they chased the object along side of US highway 95 heading south towards Vegas. The object let them keep up for awhile, like it was toying with them, then shot straight upwards and was gone!

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B) .............. :P ..........That had to have been one hell of a fast weather balloon!!! The pilot that told me this story was at Indian Springs AF base and they chased the object along side of US highway 95 heading south towards Vegas. The object let them keep up for awhile, like it was toying with them, then shot straight upwards and was gone!



Hehe. I dont think 'belief' is necessary in UFOs because I think they are quite plausible :). It sounds like the pilot had a good adventure though :D.

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Okay, no teasing me, but I do believe in ghosts. My entire family is sensitive to such things like ghosts and spirits. Then again, we've never denied the existence of them.


On a side note, I believe in God but not the Devil.


Anyways, I believe. Had one to many experiences not to.

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I use to never really believe in ghosts. I found the concept interesting and was open to the idea, yet if I was asked do you believe in ghosts I'd have said no. That was until I moved to Mississippi with my than boyfriend. We lived in alittle guest house and strange stuff would happen all the time. We'd hear noises and knocks and pretty much not pay attention to them. Than one night Jacob was going to his night class and i went to say goodbye, and than walked to our bedroom in the back of the house. As soon as I entered the room I heard like plastic crumpling from the living room and I walked out there and every single cabinet door was open and plastic shopping bags were just like fly out of the top capinet. A few nights later I saw a white streak out there float across the room and woke Jacob up, he laughed about most of it and didn't really believe it. That is until to one night we were sitting in bed and the were three knocks on our closed bathroom door, which than opened and slamed shut.

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I use to never really believe in ghosts. I found the concept interesting and was open to the idea, yet if I was asked do you believe in ghosts I'd have said no. That was until I moved to Mississippi with my than boyfriend. We lived in alittle guest house and strange stuff would happen all the time. We'd hear noises and knocks and pretty much not pay attention to them. Than one night Jacob was going to his night class and i went to say goodbye, and than walked to our bedroom in the back of the house. As soon as I entered the room I heard like plastic crumpling from the living room and I walked out there and every single cabinet door was open and plastic shopping bags were just like fly out of the top capinet. A few nights later I saw a white streak out there float across the room and woke Jacob up, he laughed about most of it and didn't really believe it. That is until to one night we were sitting in bed and the were three knocks on our closed bathroom door, which than opened and slamed shut.


You know in Chinese mythology, ghost are represented by the yin energy or feminine energy and only those with especially strong yin energy can perceive them. Women are usually more spiritually aware than men in eastern tradition, unless the men were capable of yin energy production.


Usually men or yang partner represent masculine energy and they are supposed to balance out the woman or yin partner. During normal hetero-sex, the highest concentration of masculine energy is given off.


Homosexuality is opposite though in mythology, so it opens interesting ideas.


Hmmm....Just remembered that myth, but if you add gay guys seeing ghost during their moment of intimacy some one might be a bit to fem in the relationship, hehe!

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