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I disagree with this graph, especially in the 0-20 range. Well built men and boys can be very attractive in Speedos. They leave very little to the imagination, and are quite sexy.


Of course this relies heavily on body type rather than weight. A fat 14 year old is less attractive in a Speedo than a well built 30 year old. Of course, wrinkly skin is a factor of non-attractiveness. So the graph is accurate in the 81-100 and probably in the 61-80 range.


My pervy $0.02



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.... Of course, wrinkly skin is a factor of non-attractiveness. So the graph is accurate in the 81-100 and probably in the 61-80 range.


Oh yes it is :lol: . The last speedos I bought some years ago are too small now :( .

(very) old Bob

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Obviously, I'm missing something here. :wacko: All I can see is a straight red line running along the y-axis.


If the red line is the gragh, all age groups are sitting on the "horrifying" level. Just doesn't make sense to me.

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Obviously, I'm missing something here. :wacko: All I can see is a straight red line running along the y-axis.


If the red line is the gragh, all age groups are sitting on the "horrifying" level. Just doesn't make sense to me.

That's what I see and I must disagree.

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I once proved the Theorm of Speedo Wearing Habits mathematically: people that should wear speedo don't and the people that should never wear speedo do.


There is of course the Savik Corollary on Nudism which is identical in every way.


I will leave the proof up to you for extra credit.

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I once proved the Theorm of Speedo Wearing Habits mathematically: people that should wear speedo don't and the people that should never wear speedo do.


There is of course the Savik Corollary on Nudism which is identical in every way.


I will leave the proof up to you for extra credit.


Lmao, is true but some that should wear them do :)

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Lmao, is true but some that should wear them do :)


like me :D0:)B) lol.


What i find rather funny is that there seems to be a "cultural difference" between the US and Germany (or Europe ?) concerning Speedos. Here, Speedos seem to be more common in most age groups. As far as I remember everybody was wearing speedos when i was growing up. I only had "non Speedo" swimwear (some kind of boarder shorts) once, but that didnt feel right when swimming - too much weight/resistance. Only swimming naked feels better than swimming in Speedos :).

Which reminds me of another culural difference between the US an Germany... here, you are required to be nakked in a (public, non gay...) Sauna (they kick you out if you wear a swimsuit), in the US you get arrested if you don't wear anything (almost happened to me in a hotel in CA, because i was not aware of this cultural difference at that time :P).

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Second the thought that it's body type, physique, and other non-age factors that are more important than age.

Agree that the person who made the chart was probably just anti-Speedo.

Don't want to see thongs, anywhere. They leave entirely much to the eye, and too little to the imagination.

In the USA, the brief Speedos (and I assume that's what we're talking about) have given way to some sort of compression suit that goes from near the waist nearly to the knee. If not that, long, loose shorts are usually worn. In large part, because the brief Speedos were too...oh, what's that word? Oh, yes, "gay." I predict that in another 20 years, we'll be back to the full body cover of the 1890s or so.

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In the USA, the brief Speedos (and I assume that's what we're talking about) have given way to some sort of compression suit that goes from near the waist nearly to the knee. If not that, long, loose shorts are usually worn. In large part, because the brief Speedos were too...oh, what's that word? Oh, yes, "gay." I predict that in another 20 years, we'll be back to the full body cover of the 1890s or so.

I have heard that in many professional competitions that new material that those full body suits are made of is being banned. I wouldn't be surprised to see professionals going back to just the brief speedos, as I am not sure the full body suits give an advantage over skin if not for those materials that are being banned. Of course, I am no swimming expert, so please correct me if I am wrong.

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I thought the poll was funny. I actually disagree (in general) about younger guys. Personally, I actually prefer the other type of swimwear. It leaves something to the imagination. Maybe I'm weird though. :P

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I have heard that in many professional competitions that new material that those full body suits are made of is being banned. I wouldn't be surprised to see professionals going back to just the brief speedos, as I am not sure the full body suits give an advantage over skin if not for those materials that are being banned. Of course, I am no swimming expert, so please correct me if I am wrong.



I think you are right. From what i read, those new full body suits will be banned - at least for all international competitions, and it will be back to the brief speedos for men. They want the competitions be about the athletes, not the suits they wear. So they expect that those world records they just swam in Rome will stay for quite some time...

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Hehe, I meant no offense old bob! Maybe when I'm 80 I will find it attractive...maybe not.

Hahaha ! At least, when today I go skinny-dipping, from time to time, I go to an isolated beach, and when I'm sure to be alone, I enjoy swimming without speedo. Age has nothing to do with it, just checking there is nobody around :P .



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Hahaha ! At least, when today I go skinny-dipping, from time to time, I go to an isolated beach, and when I'm sure to be alone, I enjoy swimming without speedo. Age has nothing to do with it, just checking there is nobody around :P .




that is one beautiful piece of real estate there


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Hahaha ! At least, when today I go skinny-dipping, from time to time, I go to an isolated beach, and when I'm sure to be alone, I enjoy swimming without speedo. Age has nothing to do with it, just checking there is nobody around :P .



It looks like a beautiful spot. I hope you don't go there in January. :lol:

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I think the creator of the graph just really didnt like speedos.


Im not a big fan either, really.. I prefer this sort of swimming gear... http://www.tjbd.co.uk/images/casino-royale/grigioperla-swimming-trunks.jpg (again safe for all environments), even though functionally there isnt much difference and they show about the same.



Minus the shirt. This is what would make people look like.




I don't mind speedo... when it's on the right people. :P


I have a pair, but I haven't mustered up a courage to swim in it in public. :P

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Speedos have their place. I personally don't mind anyone wearing one while working out, swimming laps. I wear mine when I go to the gym to swim. It's when you get into the recreational use that I start to have a problem. It just seems wrong to me. :blink: Even the really hot guys just don't seem right when they're at the beach in a speedo.

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Don't mind speedos so long as the guy has the body to pull it off, though have to agree with xeran, I prefer the mini trunks

sorry to ask, but what is the difference between speedos and mini trunks ?

Any more pictures to show better what you mean ?


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It looks like a beautiful spot. I hope you don't go there in January. :lol:

I'm not silly ! The picture was taken in June (see the wineyards in front)

The "Sea" behind is the "Lake of Geneva". It's a secret place, like a lot of others around the lake.

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