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Favorite Mystical/Mythological Creatures

Favorite Mystical/Mythological Creatures  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favorite human-like creatures?

  2. 2. What are your favorite animal-like creatures

    • Dragons
    • Unicorns
    • Gargoyles
    • Griffins
    • Phoenixes
    • Mystical Snakes (such as Basilisks)
    • Other(s) (Please specify)

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Elves Phoenixes my favorites!

Thats cool (Rivendell) Personally i go to one of my favorite places!

It's called Crimea It's deep in the mountains and you have too travel a long a small winding path with a mile drop and a bout 4inches to a side from the cliff wall to the car and from the edge to the car. It feels like your going in to a nother world from the dry arid starting point to the valy with streems and trees so thike that you can't see further than 3yards! You can see the unicorn or elf jump out at you! At night you here sounds that are just unnatural!

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  • 1 month later...

I have a pretty deep fascination with underwater creatures of all kinds, so this makes Merpeople an obvious choice for me, along with its kin; sirens, selkies and such. Winged humans are a close second after that, and elves come in third place.


As for magical or mythical animals; c

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Zombies don't count because they aren't mythical.




You know he's out there.




Things are worse than you thought.




Be prepared...




because these guys eat brains.

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  • Site Administrator

I've always been fascinated by the legends of the banshee. My favorite animal is most likely fire lizards, I'm sure you sci-fiers know what series I'm talking about.

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I've always been fascinated by the legends of the banshee. My favorite animal is most likely fire lizards, I'm sure you sci-fiers know what series I'm talking about.


It'd be pretty cool to have a pet fire-lizard. A blue one at that. So I completely understand.


I have to ask though, what specific legends are you speaking about? I've never found much about banshees, and have always considered them quite sad because of their nature.




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The Bain Sidhe is a member of the Sidhe a form of Irish Fey Folk. There are many many descriptions of what she might look like but they seem to settle on a woman with long dark hair who floats above the ground and never speaks except when she shrieks... or sings... to herald a death. She literally sings the soul free and carries it to the otherworld.


Fire lizards are fabulous. I can just see one sitting on my shoulder with it's tail curled around my neck. Oohhh yeah. I think I would want a green one.I see it as pearlescent kind of like the shell of those shiny green beetles or the surface of a bubble or oil on water.


As for Angels, well it depends on the defiition of mythological. They certain appear in the myth and there are those who beleive they dont exist. For myself I wholly believe that they do exist, albeit not in the way they are presented in myth so... *shrug*

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