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Have you ever used your cell phone as a flash light?


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Thanks Chase and Tiff. It is a wonder I have never seen this in a cell phone commercial. What a great selling gimmick. You are lost in a swamp and the sun is going down. It gets darker and darker. Sudden total pitch blackness. And there are sounds. Creepy sounds. What to do? Something crawls across your foot. Something catches in your hair. Do you scream? No! You pull out your cell phone. And god bless it the battery is fully charged and there is light. And in the distance there is a starbucks.



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Thanks Chase and Tiff. It is a wonder I have never seen this in a cell phone commercial. What a great selling gimmick. You are lost in a swamp and the sun is going down. It gets darker and darker. Sudden total pitch blackness. And there are sounds. Creepy sounds. What to do? Something crawls across your foot. Something catches in your hair. Do you scream? No! You pull out your cell phone. And god bless it the battery is fully charged and there is light. And in the distance there is a starbucks.





I want to see that commercial... well maybe not he Starbucks... perhaps a very sexy man or woman with a punt. ( I said punt it's a kind of boat devilsmiley.gif )

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sometimes do, if my cell phone is within my reach and my iPod isn't. But usually, I use my iPod^^



I've just had a new phone and it has an amazing flashlight :) Yay me :)


What kind of phone is it? Well... it was free with my contract, it is silver and square with slidy bit and cute buttons. It has a really nice colour scheme and pretty screensavers. What more do you need to know :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

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