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[dkstories] The Beard

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  • Site Administrator

As most of you know, Dan wrote a story for Premium Content called, The Beard. Starting today, we will be posting that story on Dan's site.



The full version will remain in Premium Content until it has been fully posted to Dan's site, which will occur over the next few weeks.



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Question: At the beginning of Chapter 2, it says Dale was on summer vacation; thus, he was annoyed he couldn't sleep in when his grandparents were doing stuff in the kitchen. Skip down a few paragraphs, and now it's a long weekend, and he has to go back to school on Monday. Which one is it?

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Question: At the beginning of Chapter 2, it says Dale was on summer vacation; thus, he was annoyed he couldn't sleep in when his grandparents were doing stuff in the kitchen. Skip down a few paragraphs, and now it's a long weekend, and he has to go back to school on Monday. Which one is it?



DOH - I told Dan about that typo but I guess he never fixed it. He was going to remove the summer reference so that it was late spring.

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I'm really enjoying the story. If only I could remember my English from high school, I would remember the noun for the act that sets the plot in motion, but, alas, I can't remember it. In any event, the thing that gets this story going is so different that I can see many different possible plot lines. Cole is really gay and this is his way of coming of out of the closet. Dale ends up heartbroken. I can't wait for the story to unfold.

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I've read 'till chapter 7! :great:

I really like it that Dale, little by little, regain his old self back :)


I have to say that I agree with Jeremy.

Why Cole? He has everything.

Okay, so I guess Cole probably feels "something" for Dale too.

Eventhough I'm not sure what that is right now :)


But I think it might be better if Dale ends up with Jeremy :wub:

I mean, he's hot. Nice, and they've known each other for the longest time :wub:

Oh, and I can't wait till Glenn tries to sleep with Cole ;)

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oh wow! :lol:

The Advocate huh? :great:


I like it soooo much how Cole drives Dale crazy :wub:

From the kiss, the tease, the flat-out come ons :wub:


Especially the scene in the gym, hehehehe :worship:


I have to say, I found the political background of this story is fascinating too.

You always have the "touch" Dan, bringing politics down to earth :worship:


All I say is that I would HATE to read the part where those two break up :(

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Okay I read The Beard on Premium and it was GREAT. I'm rereading it now and it's still GREAT. :worship:


I'm reading it on my iphone so I get all the ads, which I never got before. Sometimes ad syndication using relevant terms in a story don't work too well.


Here are the two I got in 12 and 13:


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Two more chapters ... and we're getting to the particularly fun stuff. I really liked that Cole and Dale (gee, it's a good thing the senator's son's name isn't Chip, isn't it?) had an honest discussion. Not sure how I feel about the other two, but we'll see ...

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  • Site Administrator

As for the ads... Premium Content is ad-free. The rest of the site is not.

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With today's postings, The Beard is now complete in the regular (non-Premium) section of GA. I hope everyone enjoys it - I loved it when I first ran across the cross-references that Dan put in - he surprised even me.

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As for the ads... Premium Content is ad-free. The rest of the site is not.



Oh I know, I was just pointing out the er, irony of the ad content. This is what happens when ad syndication takes website content into new realms of meaning. I found the ads humorous because of the page content.:P

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I think the cross-references MADE the story.


I'm reading some of the other stories again to see if I can spot this timeline.. its not too easy:P


Here's my theory!


[dk geek hat]


#1 We know it's after 2009 because: Sean, Davey, Brian all have birthdays on Jan 1969 (40+ age reference. BTW Admit it, Dan! You were just too lazy to give scattered birthdays to make it simple! 0:))

#2 Levi Johnson reference means McCain-Failen did run in 2008

#3 It's Mr Jones and NOT Breckenridge-Jones

#4 They have daughters and not sons (no Richard and Kevin)

#5 Davey did NOT have kids in ANY time-line prior to where there was a President Jones. (He either died, got shot at or the planet was blown up long before 2008)




Either it's the current time-line where Dan left us at the end of Let's Do It :great:




Dan has a Fifth Do Over story not yet written :blink:




Dan didn't care for the small details :P


[/dk geek hat]

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