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Parents + Sex = Akward


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Awkward moments or talks with parents about sex, What are they?


So guys, I just wanted to know since I really don't have that many awkward moments with my mom when it comes to sex. Hehe, my mom kinda desensitized me, lol.


But i do have one really really awkward moment, so here it goes.


So one day I come back from school and my mom is in the kitchen watching something on TV. So I say hi and she greets me and then i start getting something to eat out of a cabinet. Then she nonchalantly tells me, "You better get rid of that thing under your bed, before your dad or brother sees it." and I'm look at her puzzled because I couldn't remember what she was talking about and then she nods again and I'm instantly remember what i had under my bed. I didn't know what to do or what to say or what to think or where to look once i realized that she had seen what i had under my bed. AHHHH!!!!


So I go up to my room and look under my bed and there it was, just like a left it......a dildo, lol. Ok, don't ask how or what or why.......it was just there, ok! So then I throw it away I started to freak out because this was about 2 years ago, before i came out to my mom. So what must have she been thinking when she found it. Supposedly she was cleaning my room.....the only time she has ever attempted to do it and it happens to be when i have a cock under my bed. Sigh....we never talked about it again and hopefully never will.


So what about you guys???? What were some of your awkward moments?

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Ok well first off now I want to ask you why you had that under your bed ;)


but i do have a couple awkward moment stories, so everyone sit down and have some popcorn; STORY TIME!


Ok the first time was back when my mom started dating her current and soon-to-be-ex husband. We were without a home at the time so I would switch back between staying at my aunt's and staying at his trailer, well I learned to quickly dread staying in that trailer because they'd have sex EVERY night. For those who don't know, sex + trailer = me not able to sleep...Well one night I finally got tired of it so I got up and went out into the main roomish part where they were and they stopped right in the middle of it and stared at me for like 5 minutes until I finally said "you know it's really hard to sleep when you're doing that" then walked back and went to sleep. They never had sex again in that trailer when I was there :P


Second story, we moved into a new house shortly after they got married, and their shower wasn't functional at the time so they had to use my brother's and I's. Well one morning I was taking a shower and I look at the shelf and there's this weird purple thing. At first I thought it was some weird bottle of shampoo so I grabbed it to look at it and then found out what it actually was, a hard disgusting purple vibrator -.-' Well after seeing THAT in the place where I CLEAN myself I couldn't finish taking the shower. I got out, got dressed, used toilet paper to pick up the thing and took it to my mom who then stared at me for a couple seconds in a sort of mix between awestruck and embarrassment before taking it out of my hands and walking very quickly away.


And the last one was a lot more recent. My brother was about to leave for college so he gave up his apartment and moved back in with us for the couple of weeks beforehand. Well him and his girlfriend, who was a good friend of mine, would have sex on his huge lazy bag thingy and a couple days before their accident I walked in on 'em when I had to take a piss xD

That last one wasn't with parents but it was very awkward nonetheless




that's all :P

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Once I was told to go and get something out of a cupboard of my dad and stepmom's waterbed. I went to the wrong one and regret it to this day. I found their sex toy and lube..gah.... What makes it soo much worse? It wasn't a real toy...and lets just say there are certain things I do not touch or eat in my parents house, EVER! Excuse me, now I must go bleach my brain, trying to eradicate that mortifying memory again..

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I never, ever saw my parents do anything more than kiss. I think they only ever did it twice... once for my sister and once for me.


My funny stories are the other way around. I remember when my daughter was 13 she asked me... as you do... what kinds of things it was safe to use to masturbate and whether she could put them inside. I gave her the usual (at least I think it is) lecture about washing her hands and keeping her nails short... and she went on to ask about this vibrating pen thingie.... I had to throw it away.. I just couldn't even think about it... I bought her a proper one... the smallest I could find.


Then when she was 17/18 just before she left for college... she told me that whenever I was having sex she could hear it clearly and she and her friends when they were having sleepovers used to listen in. We never had sex when she was in the house again. :(

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I am fortunate that my children are way too young to be asking about any of that yet. As for walking in on the parents, the second my daughter hit 3 and started roaming the halls to go to the bathrooms at night, my door got a lock!

Edited by Cia
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Why would he do that? Have porn on with his teenager around, I'm sorry that sounds a bit squeedgie...NO way would I want to know what my parents watch..just knowing what they play with is trauma enough!! I'm gonna pass you the bleach, Tet, I think you need it more than me!!

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