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How many sex partners is "promiscuous"?


How many sex partners is "promiscuous"?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. How many sex partners is "promiscuous"?

    • <10
    • 11-30
    • 31-100
    • 101-200
    • 200+

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On 6/22/2023 at 10:57 PM, Ron said:

"All of our students benefit when they learn from the up-to-date, evidence-based material grounded in science," Healey said in a statement Wednesday morning.

I might note for those who aren't aware that my state's governor is lesbian. It makes all the difference in the world, I believe.


I like Maura Healey very much; I think she's a credit to my home state.

There have long been stereotypes that gay people, especially men, are promiscuous, whatever that means. (I confess I didn't vote...I don't like the term.)

The definition of 'promiscuous' and the associated judgement seems to change when people are speaking about a woman instead of a man. At some point since my own adolescence, the idea of 'slut-shaming' being negative and undesirable has become popular among young people. I think we're better for that. I don't think there should be guilt associated with something so fundamentally human and life-affirming, whatever gender(s) involved.

Edited by lucretiaseeks
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  • 4 weeks later...

By the way I was wondering if anyone even uses the term suffragette ? I don't know. I think it's the same thing, but I haven't heard that word in a very long time. But it's a much nobler word than prostitute. It's a shame it's no longer used. Now the word prostitute is a mockery, but it used to be a noble profession.

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3 hours ago, PrivateTim said:

If you are looking for a nice word to describe a prostitute, maybe use 'politician'.

I didn't realize people were trafficked into politics. 🤔

I have nothing but sympathy for prostitutes. It's their exploiters "sex partners" who ought to be ashamed. 

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Unholy dead topic necromancy! :o

I think the random word choice without etymology was just that.

You all know we can't discuss the Poli stuff in here. Twitter/x or The pit.

Sometimes topics are just discussed, points stated, then they're over. If there are no new feelings, there's no more words.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/6/2023 at 12:53 PM, LemonSoda said:

I didn't realize people were trafficked into politics. 🤔

I have nothing but sympathy for prostitutes. It's their exploiters "sex partners" who ought to be ashamed. 

Why should they be ashamed? I think it's totally normal

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17 minutes ago, Perenga said:

Why should they be ashamed? I think it's totally normal

But have they freely chosen this? In western world for male prostitution it may be a “free” choice but the evidence for female prostitution suggests a very different picture…..

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3 hours ago, Perenga said:

Why should they be ashamed? I think it's totally normal

3 hours ago, Gary L said:

But have they freely chosen this? In western world for male prostitution it may be a “free” choice but the evidence for female prostitution suggests a very different picture…..

interesting discussion

how ‘bout one of you open up a thread on this in the ‘other place’ then people can say what they like without fear of a spanking + the Admins are kept happy :) 

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On 10/6/2023 at 8:28 AM, W_L said:

Sometimes topics are just discussed, points stated, then they're over. If there are no new feelings, there's no more words.

Sometimes what one person sees as new another person may feel that is a re-hashing of something previously said.  That being said, I think this topic, if continued, might be better in the other location.

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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, Dariusz Alexander said:

     I certainly, went through a phase when I engaged in promiscuous behaviour. Without throwing general statements what, I learned about my case was the following...
     I was (and I am still) hiding deep insecurities about myself.  Somehow, somewhere I warped my perception of how I am perceived and the only positive quality of mine was the physical side of my body (shall we say, without violating community guidelines).  I forgot that my compassion, honesty, loyalty and selflessness mattered at all. 
     The more partners I had, the more of myself I was giving away - stepping deeper into the abyss of perpetual cycle of momentary validation in exchange for part of my soul.
     This insecurity arose after a break up - until that point I was in committed relationship - my partner was the inspiration to come out to my catholic family.  When he left - I felt like everything was a lie and feelings and emotions were just a gateway to hurt and betrayal.
     One other thing about this pattern of behaviour was escapism - it provided that moment of stepping out of the bleakness of reality.  I imagine, it would even be worse if I added chems into this mix.
     Don't know if that makes sense, but on that point - I will not judge anyone, regardless of how many partners they had. It's about the person.

Excellent summary of your analysis, @Dariusz Alexander.  You have clearly and concisely expressed your thoughts and feelings.

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3 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

Excellent summary of your analysis, @Dariusz Alexander.  You have clearly and concisely expressed your thoughts and feelings.

I appreciate that @ReaderPaul !  I do feel it is an important one - for us as gay men though! "Labels" hurts people...  Trying to understand people requires empathy and listening first of all.

Each of us is a complexed human being - we all have qualities we can offer to the world without giving ourselves up for some stranger's validation!  

This is a great topic!

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19 hours ago, Jason Rimbaud said:

Promiscuity is a manmade convention, designed to shame people from enjoying sex. Some humans on this planet think if one has sex outside of marriage, that it somehow makes that person bad.


It does make them a bad person if they're in a monogamous relationship. Like what happened to me, I was a prick who cheated on my girlfriend outside the agreement that we're in a monogamous relationship, regardless if it was guys or girls I was boning.

I'm not sure if you mean open relationships, though. That's altogether a different case point, I think, outside of monogamy.

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  • 1 month later...

I selected 200+, but to be honest, I think it's not how many you have or have had, but how many you go through and how quickly…5 sexual partners/boyfriends over 20 years=devoted partner, versus, 5 sexual partners/boyfriends over 5 days=slut.

Edited by KJames
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8 hours ago, KJames said:

5 sexual partners/boyfriends over 20 years=devoted partner, versus, 5 sexual partners/boyfriends over 5 days=slut.

Huh, what does five guys at one party equal then? If we’re to label a person because they are sexual beings there should be a good label ready and at hand, right? A word that just slips off the tongue?

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