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How many sex partners is "promiscuous"?


How many sex partners is "promiscuous"?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. How many sex partners is "promiscuous"?

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17 hours ago, gdaniel said:

...I have a gay couple who didn't present as gay.

This is a problem. Are gay people supposed to announce themselves with fanfare every time they meet someone new or use a service, or should they wear pink triangles sown into their clothing or carry around a flag for everyone? Might a chant work, "I'm here, I'm queer, get over it!"

6 hours ago, W_L said:

...hard for people not to have judgements on just a normal gay couple.

Who gets to define what a normal gay couple is?

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6 hours ago, Ron said:

This is a problem. Are gay people supposed to announce themselves with fanfare every time they meet someone new or use a service, or should they wear pink triangles sown into their clothing or carry around a flag for everyone? Might a chant work, "I'm here, I'm queer, get over it!"

Who gets to define what a normal gay couple is?

NO. Gay individuals have no duty or obligation to identify who they are any more than anyone else does. But as a tax preparer, can I just come out and ask, "Are you gay?" without any indication that they might be? If they are gay, no offense, but if they aren't gay, just imagine the offense.

think I can understand, or at least sympathize, with your sensitivity on this subject, based on how the "straight" community has treated LGBs over the years. But please recognize that not all of us fall into the "insensitive, bigoted, bastard" bucket.

Now that I have hurt your feelings, so have you mine. 🤧But we'll both get over it.🥰

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1 hour ago, gdaniel said:

OMG! @JamesSavik. You have so much experience you need a spreadsheet?!?!?! HAHAHAHA  Excel or QuatroPro?

Lotus 123. I'm that old. 🙀

I did do Quattro Pro for a while. I liked Borland Software until they merged themselves into oblivion.

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5 hours ago, JamesSavik said:

I'm putting this in a spoiler because it's going to piss some people off. If you want to skip it, fine. You've been warned. Wear a helmet.

There are people who will never like us. We're different. Adopting their norms and social behaviors isn't going to make them like us any more. Judging anyone for their scorecard is mental masturbation, sort of like Stockholm Syndrome. If you don't know what that is, it is adopting the norms and mores of your oppressors.

We are judged for our sexuality. It self-defeating to judge each other for our sexuality.


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There's something a friend of mine used to say. I can't quote it directly, but I LMAO every time I think of it.



I think he was channeling Brian Kenny from QAF.


Fantastic! Thx!

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1 hour ago, gdaniel said:

NO. Gay individuals have no duty or obligation to identify who they are any more than anyone else does. But as a tax preparer, can I just come out and ask, "Are you gay?" without any indication that they might be? If they are gay, no offense, but if they aren't gay, just imagine the offense.

think I can understand, or at least sympathize, with your sensitivity on this subject, based on how the "straight" community has treated LGBs over the years. But please recognize that not all of us fall into the "insensitive, bigoted, bastard" bucket.

Now that I have hurt your feelings, so have you mine. 🤧But we'll both get over it.🥰

You can, just be smart about why you're asking. Most people in our field knows a lot of personal information and are bound by secrecy like lawyers, heck some of us are lawyers :P 

Here's an interesting example of what you are referencing, a heterosexual female wanted to be exempt from foreign bank account reporting and some income taxation, so she skirted the IRS by holding the account. Under EU-US tax law, technically the account would have been taxable in theory, I learned that she had a domestic partnership with another person to obfuscate this. Interestingly enough, while gay marriage is recognized in this EU country, so are domestic partnership from the older laws. Essentially, there's a loophole currently that allows you as a US citizen to shelter income under the protections of your EU partner from this old law that was meant to be a stepping stone for gay marriage (To me, if you have gay marriage you should remove these kinds of old laws from an administrative standpoint). It's purely a business relationship, despite the gender of the partners.

So, that's one example where same sex grouping may not be in an LGBT relationship. I dislike the idea of people abusing laws that originally were meant for gay couples who had no other choice, but it's fairly common among those with means and reasons to do so. 

Edited by W_L
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On 6/22/2023 at 9:57 AM, Ron said:

I do believe that a lack of education is a root cause of many of the ills of sexual relationships. Some people don't consider oral sex to be an act of having sex and some don't define anal penetration as having sex either. Unless all you're doing is kissing and/or heavy petting, I find no distinction myself between the other acts and penetration of the vagina - sex is sex. And if you're only doing it for the feeling that may well lead to multiple partners and what some consider promiscuity. But if one is otherwise educated, it is then possible to make a more informed decision when pursuing one's sexual life.

I'd like to add this, as reported in the Boston Globe: On Wednesday Massachusetts Govenor Maura Healey unveiled a draft proposal to update the state's health and physical education framework for the first time since 1999 to incorporate a "modern understanding" of health and wellness into the curriculum.

In a press release, Healey's administration said the bill is "LGBTQ+ inclusive, medically accurate, and developmentally and age appropriate" and covers LGBTQ+ health and wellness, mental and emotional health, personal safety, bodily autonomy, dating safety, violence prevention, physical health and hygiene, nutritionally balanced eating, physical activity, substance use disorder, and public, community, and environmental health.

"All of our students benefit when they learn from the up-to-date, evidence-based material grounded in science," Healey said in a statement Wednesday morning.

I might note for those who aren't aware that my state's governor is lesbian. It makes all the difference in the world, I believe.


I don't disagree that education is important, but I think there are limits to its effectiveness.   For education to be the solution, we would have to assume that people were rational, or made rational decisions when it comes to having sex.  In my opinion, education is much less effective when dealing with something that would require 'willpower' to avoid.  To that end, I think that sex is worse than most in that regard, especially for younger males, because it comes with its own drivers (hormones).

Ponder the person you see smoking a cigarette, or an obese individual walking down the street.  Do you think that person smokes or overeats because they don't understand the cause and effect between their actions and the results? 

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14 minutes ago, Mark Arbour said:

I don't disagree that education is important, but I think there are limits to its effectiveness.   For education to be the solution, we would have to assume that people were rational, or made rational decisions when it comes to having sex.  In my opinion, education is much less effective when dealing with something that would require 'willpower' to avoid.  To that end, I think that sex is worse than most in that regard, especially for younger males, because it comes with its own drivers (hormones).

Ponder the person you see smoking a cigarette, or an obese individual walking down the street.  Do you think that person smokes or overeats because they don't understand the cause and effect between their actions and the results? 

I'm going to weigh in here again with comments that may piss off some of you even though they aren't meant to do so. As background, I remind you that I grew up in the 50's and 60's when American society, at least that part that I was exposed to, was moralistically strict. I lived a heterosexual life for the better part of 60 years. For all of that time, my own thoughts and prejudices about gays was based not on scripture or society, but only on one thing: I found the thought of men engaging in oral or anal sex with one another repugnant. It wasn't until I started reading gay porn that my thoughts and opinions changed. I truly believe that "anti-gay/lesbian" attitudes are still attributed to that same underlying "instinctual?" attitude. As a Christian, it irritates me no end when people hide behind scriptures to justify their own personal feeling of distaste. Paul condemned heterosexual sex outside of marriage (fornication) in the same verse that he spoke against homosexuality. But almost nobody today says anything about heterosexual couples having sex before marriage. And Jesus, who had nothing to say about homosexuality, said that to divorce and remarry was to commit adultery. And I can guarantee you that many who condemn homosexuality are or worship with people in second marriages.


Back to the topic at hand, some things are best left unsaid. . . . 😇🥰 so sayeth a moralistic old man. 🤣

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17 hours ago, Canuk said:

Hmmm, this is going to be one hell of an amazing post. Not because of the subject matter ( I'll get to that), but because, I am going to disagree with one of the gods of gayauthors literary world! 🤯 

To my mind education is key because hormones and irrationality is involved. With little /no education the only thing guiding a 16 year old bloke will be animal instinct.  The more education that same bloke has, the greater likelihood that some off that animal instinct will be guided towards those other elements that make sex so much better for both /all parties concerned. I think your examples of the smoker and overeater are not quite right; both are about self gratification. Sex without education is the same; it's about "getting off". The idea re education and sex is to encourage our randy 16 year old to at least be aware that it's about him AND his partner(s) coming together to produce something better than their individual actions. 

So my view is that education is paramount; more, more often and better (education, that is, of course it could apply to sex too, but only after the education!)

Anyway, that's my pov.

You are very convincing, so much that I agree with you.  I incorrectly linked education to smoking and obesity, when the dynamics are significantly different.

14 hours ago, Zombie said:

Obese people

SM + MSM is awash with “big celebrities” promoting their body image as “successful role models” + trashing criticism (however measured + rational) as “Fat Shaming”, and who (together with their followers) reject any suggestion of personal choices + responsibility being causal (and heaven forbid any personal “blame”…)


Personal blame for what?

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15 hours ago, Zombie said:

SM + MSM is awash with “big celebrities” promoting their body image as “successful role models” + trashing criticism (however measured + rational) as “Fat Shaming”, and who (together with their followers) reject any suggestion of personal choices + responsibility being causal (and heaven forbid any personal “blame”…)

What is the meaning of SM in this context?

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10 hours ago, Mark Arbour said:

Personal blame for what?

It was a throwaway line referencing typical endgame exchanges I’ve seen 

9 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

What is the meaning of SM in this context?

Social media - it’s commonly used in, er, social media… :P

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On 7/13/2023 at 4:44 AM, Ron said:

Oh goodness, but you are judging and your every comment reads as judgment regardless of your statement otherwise. I think we all need reminding every now and again that our opinions are our own, and we need not always express them fully. Because, after all, opinions are subjective and not necessarily facts—and usually not factual at all.

Peter Griffin Applause GIF by Family Guy

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