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Hi guys, just wondering if you guys like walking around barefoot.


I'm always barefoot when I'm at home, never ever where shoes or sandals - and i have hardwood floors :P. When I'm at school I some times take my shoes off while I sit down. It's not unusual for guys to do that at my school since we don't wear sneakers. I don't know if it's just me, but I hate wearing shoes, what about yous guys?

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Hi guys, just wondering if you guys like walking around barefoot.


I'm always barefoot when I'm at home, never ever where shoes or sandals - and i have hardwood floors tongue.gif. When I'm at school I some times take my shoes off while I sit down. It's not unusual for guys to do that at my school since we don't wear sneakers. I don't know if it's just me, but I hate wearing shoes, what about yous guys?



When I was younger I ran around barefoot all the time, now tho I only do it at home, unless I go outside I put on flip flops to walk around the complex I live in and ofcourse shoes when out and about or at work,

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Like gmendias, as a child going barefoot was the norm in warm weather. Used to like going barefoot at the beach, but now always wear surf slip ons. I read a story once about barefoot fetishes. I wear socks without shoes alot in my home. It keeps the floor clean.

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I go barefoot as much as possible, I walk out to get the mail at the end of the driveway, play outside and walk around the house without socks and shoes. In fact unless it's been raining, even in November I still go out barefoot, even in the 40's, lol.....


Oh and gmendias....soooooo not gonna be asking!!

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Barefoot is the way to go! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif




Yeah, see I always thought it was just me, but now I know that everyone does it. I walk around my house barefoot and my feet get dirty all the time :( So I have to change my sheets constantly because of it (among other reasons :P )



And Matt, 300 so freshman year!!!

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Yeah, see I always thought it was just me, but now I know that everyone does it. I walk around my house barefoot and my feet get dirty all the time sad.gif So I have to change my sheets constantly because of it (among other reasons tongue.gif )



And Matt, 300 so freshman year!!!


smile.gifbiggrin.gifthumbsupsmileyanim.gif @ the 300 thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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SO who's the baby daddy?


I wear shoes as little as possible. I even take off my shoes at other people's houses. :P



I think it has something to do with the region and the season.


Up north here, It is a common practice to take your shoes off when you enter someone's home unless they tell you not too, otherwise in the winter there is snow melting all over the floor or mud getting everyone else's socks dirty and wet, Which will make you a not well liked person. And in the winter EVERYONE wears socks, It's just a matter of wool or cotton LOL



However, In the summer I never have shoes or socks on unless I'm at work or have to go into a store. I walk on gravel barefoot, I drive barefoot, It keeps you cool. I do have a pair of water shoes for walking on the beach though, It's just safer that way, Even though the sand beneath your feet is its own unique experience too.

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To wear shoes/sneakers into a Japanese household (or Chinese/ Korean) is a HUGE no no! Your shoes will be left on a genkan (at the entrance). You'll be provided with slippers. But, even with the tatami mats on the floor, you can't walk on them with slippers :P. So most, if not ALL of the time, you're either wearing socks or going barefooted.

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Unless Iḿ too lazy I always take my shoes of when I get home. Ofcourse, I wear either army boots or high boots which are never nice to sit down on and they're heavy. In the winter I wear slippers or just socks, because we've got tiles or concrete on the floor in some places of the house.... and because I hate having cold feet. But when Iḿ only sitting behind my computer at home for the whole day, I never bother about putting socks on...

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I'm not a fan of clothes, for the most part, in general, so I jump at the opportunity to walk around barefoot. For me, it's totally natural. I like being able to feel with my feet. It's totally hippy-ish of me, but whatever. We all have our quirks.

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As I said before I do go barefoot around the home indoors, but I would not do it outside nor in a public place anymore. After working years in the hotel industry and having jobs as a kid in food and retail, I would never do it. I see people walking around in the hotel barefooted and all I can think is "do you know what is on that floor!?" just like in the food/retail shops, people constantly track in germs and stuff on the bottom of thier shoes, some people have foot fungus or whatever and you want to walk thru that??blink.gif

Edited by gmendias
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