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Forum Frauds

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Not every young person is like that, just to remind people.


No need to remind me of that hun :)


Hi Mark, Hi everyone. I have two identities. Deadsnake and Bugeye. Everyone here has an assumed identity or an avatar. You Mark are a tiger. But in real life I doubt you look must like a tiger. Does that make you a fraud? Do you guys feel like frauds because you all use assumed names? I started out as Bugeye because I wanted to try to write a story. It is very satisfying to write. I enjoy it alot, whether I write well is another issue. At the suggestion of a friend I joined the forum as Deadsnake. I picked that name because I couldn't kill a snake in my garden. And when I would see him I would call him Deadsnake. It was just chance that I picked that name. I was scared to death about saying I was a writer. I am a avid reader. So I didn't tell about the writing. Sorry if you think I was trying to deceive you, I wasn't. I was too nervous to even think along those lines. I have tried to be a good member of GA. I have learned a lot here already. More it seems than I have ever learned in my life. How to take a risk and say hello to a stranger. How to tell someone I like them and their comments. I am sixty years old. It says so on my page. I have posted four pictures of myself. One as a baby, two as a young man and one at I think fifty-four. I have had a full life. I have never told anyone here I was a young man to deceive them. I have never tried to deliberately hurt any one and cause any division among the members of GA. I'm here because I really want to be here and share in what GA has to offer all of us. I would talk to any of you who need me to explain or answer a question about my actions here at GA.




Honey you are still being defensive and there really is no need to be. No one thinks you are a fraud... no one who was trying to be someone they're not would choose to be as bizarre are you... that's why we love you so much wub.gif


I try to respond to what the poster has said, not who they are.


Pasta and Cheese ????? :)


Ugh, I just realized how many times I get called a fraud on the net. On my VF account, people are always demanding salutes (pictures with your name written on you hand) to prove you aren't stealing someone else's photos and such. It's so tiring, but if I don't give them salutes, then they boot me from the clubs and guilds. It's so tiring.


I don't like fakers as much as the next person, but I don't feel like I need to constantly prove who I am all the time. I don't have to prove a thing, actually. People can either believe I'm real or not. lol


Rant done. =D


(I like this topic a lot)



I absolutly agree. I am what I am... a mystery wrapped in an enigma tied in a whole bundle of contradictions... nice neat bow though :)


I apprecaiate that I am not your average woman in the street and I love the way that I have been accepted as the freak I am. One of the great things about this place is that you are all so accepting but of course that brings the down side that has been mentioned about. When somewhere is so relaxed, giving and accepting then it is open to abuse.


I admin on a site for otherkin... vampires, were, etc and the subject of roleplayers came up there. Many of the people on the boards are very anti role players because they have so often been accused of being that very thing when they are just being themselves. My response there is the same as my response here. Life is hard... sometime it sucks. If we can escape from that suckiness for a while and have fun, relax, relate etc then who cares how as long as it isn't hurting anyone? There is nothing wrong with playing a role as long as you are not harming anyone. Sure it can be annoying when you see through the role and known damned well that the person is not who they say they are in some respects. However, whoever you are pretending to be you can't, at heart be anything other than yourself. If you are making wild claims to be this that and the other then you are covering a deep seated insecutiry and in so man ways are reaching out for something... just like the rest of us. React with anger and you are just driving away another soul that needs saving, just like your own.


There are many people on the vamps site who came making overblown claims and some people there would have shot them down in flames. Personally I was one for the gentle approach... let them hang themselves rather than shooting them down in flames and then instead of laughing and saying 'See I told you' be there to pick up the pieces and help them carry on. There are some very valuable members who started that way.


We all know when somoene is talking bullshit... and there is a difference between speaking your own truth and bullshitting. There must be many of you who roll their eyes when I talk about being a vampire or the reincarnation of someone who loved an angel... maybe even when I say I am a 45 year old goth lawyer with green hair... I don't care... that's me. I am not going to spend a lot of time and energy justifying or validifying myself. You accept it or you don't


If someone is bullshitting then pretty soon you stop trusting them stop believing them stop taking them seriously stop responding to them.. and it's that lack of response in the end that breaks them down.


I think I've kind of lost the plot in what I was trying to say... I think it was that people who hide do so for a reason, and I think I am the last person to point the finger and say... you're a fraud. Then What? Of course sometimes there is a danger element. Someone of 50 trying to strike up a friendship with an 18 year old by pretending to be the same age just isn't on... but that's where we have to look to keeping ourselves safe. I am the world's worst. i would be giving you all my telephone number and asking you round to tea if I could... :)


OOps... major rant:) I'll stop now.

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With me, what you see is what you get... Like me? Kool... Not? Who cares? I don't. I'm as ugly as I am sincere. tongue.gif





wub.gif Ugly is as ugly does honey... and you does beautiful just fine :)wub.gif

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Well, I'm an oddball.


Recent Master's Degree and I do think most business school people from the northeast are a bit different.


I'm younger than most Master degree holders and college graduates, so it's not really a surprise. I also have a contrarian sense of interest in history and philosophy, which are kind of alien to Accounting majors and Master of Taxation.


Syntax wise, I have never been a very strong grammatical person; although, I can use and create my own imagery within stories with linguistic components. I am more or less not what you would consider accomplished in such fields even with an advanced degree (Quite frankly in business, there tends to be more expression in bullet points, but I prefer longer explanations. That comes from my accounting background.)


Now age wise, I am 22 with a dab of old soul. I am a very classical person due to my love of history. I can remember and recite nearly two thousand years of history compromising of a few hundred different cultures, which is an odd feat (my history professor still think that I should go to doctoral school and study a history subject, but I prefer the business world at the moment over academia). I am also an ongoing student of philosophy and religious concepts, which I consider life lessons rather than educational lessons.


Yeah, I am a bit strange.

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Lacey, I'm with you. This has turned into an interesting thread.


When I started this, I wasn't thinking of the people who are unique, sometimes to the point of being strange. I like that, no, I love that. That's one of the coolest things about GA: the diversity. We have, evidently, vampires, wiccans, and Republicans, all in one website. (On a side note, the program doesn't know the word "wiccans" and thinks I should change it to "Mexicans"biggrin.gif) There's nothing dishonest or misleading about being strange.


I normally just take the words people write at face value. It's not until someone starts spouting off opinions, then claims they have merit due to their background, that I start to have qualms. I think if someone is saying: "Believe what I'm writing because I'm *whatever*" then the *whatever* has to be credible or their statement isn't. Maybe some of that comes with longevity here, and maybe it really doesn't matter. Maybe if people are twisted and need to play it off like that, then I should just go with it. But it just irks me when someone expects me to believe their words based on who they claim to be, when who they claim to be doesn't seem to be real.

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Lacey, I'm with you. This has turned into an interesting thread.


When I started this, I wasn't thinking of the people who are unique, sometimes to the point of being strange. I like that, no, I love that. That's one of the coolest things about GA: the diversity. We have, evidently, vampires, wiccans, and Republicans, all in one website. (On a side note, the program doesn't know the word "wiccans" and thinks I should change it to "Mexicans"biggrin.gif) There's nothing dishonest or misleading about being strange.


I normally just take the words people write at face value. It's not until someone starts spouting off opinions, then claims they have merit due to their background, that I start to have qualms. I think if someone is saying: "Believe what I'm writing because I'm *whatever*" then the *whatever* has to be credible or their statement isn't. Maybe some of that comes with longevity here, and maybe it really doesn't matter. Maybe if people are twisted and need to play it off like that, then I should just go with it. But it just irks me when someone expects me to believe their words based on who they claim to be, when who they claim to be doesn't seem to be real.



I am intrigued about how the program gets from wiccans to Mexicans :) I totally get what you're saying and I agree totally... except that I never believe anything anyone says and always believe everything everyone says so it tends to balance out in the end :)

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I am intrigued about how the program gets from wiccans to Mexicans :) I totally get what you're saying and I agree totally... except that I never believe anything anyone says and always believe everything everyone says so it tends to balance out in the end :)


[image removed by moderator -- Graeme]


wiccans and Mexicans have a can inside ;) that's all the programme needs :D


(Sorry Mark for :off:. I couldn't help myself - and you already know I'm your other You, so I don't have to prove I'm not a fraud ;):D)

Edited by Graeme
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I notice that you say you need not hide, but you do not post your sex, your age, your sexuality or even the country you are located in. i am not trying to be unkind, but you do hide overtly. I have read some of the stuff that you have posted and I find you kind, inciteful and caring. But i also find you mysterious. perhaps this adds to your appeal as you are somewhat of a challange to get to know. Take care.


Louisiana writer




I chose 'not telling' and 'ask me' for there are no other options I can fully identify with. Gender and sex are a complex topic. I have not yet found a label which would describe me correctly. And I don't feel the need to justify myself. If you are truly interested in knowing me better you can: ask me. I'm from Germany. And I suspect you are able to guess my age from what I write and from how I write. At least, that is what you said you can ;-)


Take care.





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Well, at first I thought I was a fraud. This second page leads me to believe I may just be unique.


I wonder which it is.


Honestly, I think it is unfair to judge based on text on a page like this. Otherwise one could easily label me a fraud.



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Well, at first I thought I was a fraud. This second page leads me to believe I may just be unique.


I wonder which it is.


Honestly, I think it is unfair to judge based on text on a page like this. Otherwise one could easily label me a fraud.




You're a unique fraud? ;)



On the serious side of the problem, once I had a suspicion something is not right, I asked in that thread (which was then reported and pulled). Now I know how to report a suspicious thread and I think you can point out you don't think its author is not who they pretend and the mods are here to discuss it and take action.



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Well, at first I thought I was a fraud. This second page leads me to believe I may just be unique.


I wonder which it is.


Honestly, I think it is unfair to judge based on text on a page like this. Otherwise one could easily label me a fraud.




Tarin, you're not a fraud. You fall into that "strange" category.biggrin.gif



You're a unique fraud? ;)



On the serious side of the problem, once I had a suspicion something is not right, I asked in that thread (which was then reported and pulled). Now I know how to report a suspicious thread and I think you can point out you don't think its author is not who they pretend and the mods are here to discuss it and take action.





Well, moderators can possibly help with outright problems, but I was thinking less about things like plagiarism and more along the lines of general discussions.



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Mark have you ever thought I was a fraud? :D


I mean how many 22 year old Master of Taxation with an interest in history and philosophy are out there, who also happens to be a former vice chair of a Republican party branch.


Plus the fact that I am blind in one eye, it makes me almost too weird to believe.


Yet, I hope I convey my situation and reality well enough for most people to understand that I am an actual person.

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Mark have you ever thought I was a fraud? :D


I mean how many 22 year old Master of Taxation with an interest in history and philosophy are out there, who also happens to be a former vice chair of a Republican party branch.


Plus the fact that I am blind in one eye, it makes me almost too weird to believe.


Yet, I hope I convey my situation and reality well enough for most people to understand that I am an actual person.



No one could fake being that annoying.biggrin.gif



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I could do some improv and pretend to be a comparable grouchy college professor without tenure and a fear of cheese. :P


Or a deceptively cute lad with a fatal attraction motif.

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I could do some improv and pretend to be a comparable grouchy college professor without tenure and a fair of cheese. :P


Or a deceptively cute lad with a fatal attraction motif.


Deceptively cute meaning that if you dig more than skin deep Im actually a bastard? :P

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mostly its inconsistencies in whatever their story is. Or sometimes its just too perfect, or too pathetic in their constant want ( or need as it may be) for attention.


Whether these parties be frauds or not, I really don't mind I just steer clear of interacting with them in anyway.

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mostly its inconsistencies in whatever their story is. Or sometimes its just too perfect, or too pathetic in their constant want ( or need as it may be) for attention.


Whether these parties be frauds or not, I really don't mind I just steer clear of interacting with them in anyway.


You kind of sounded like a pirate there Steve. Hot. biggrin.gif


I hear what you're saying. That's probably the best approach. Then again, if we don't call people like that, they may end up sucking in other members who didn't catch on.

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Please do not mistake my post as an attack. I just am new here and I do not know you or anything about you. My remarks are meant as insight into who is actually doing the writing and posting as opposed to the stats that they provide. There are some 20 year old people with the wisdom of many more years than they have physically and vice versa. And even if some posts an age that is different from their biological age, I don't think that is real fraud. Fraud is misrepresentation about a marerial fact, argument, position or whatever. The key is material misrepresentation. Age should have no bearing on the merit of ideas. Sex should not either. A person's profession is not relevant if their information and knowledge is correct. Fraud is people saying one thing and then completely changing their point of view to upset people or to mislead them.


Biggots are objectionable, but not frauds. People who are nice to you to your face and then talk about you to others unkindly are frauds. I am not advocating that people be biggots or speak unkindly to your face and challange you on everything, but I would rather argue and discuss with a biggot than a fraud. Credentials of education only mean that a person had gone to school and learned wht the people in school taught him. Knowledge stands the test of time. maybe I am just a newbie, but I have not found any frauds here. Some people I disagree with, but so what. Sometimes that is what makes life interesting. Imagine a room full of people who acted and thought just like us. Could you think of a more convincing Hell that to be sentenced to live with an infinite number of people just exactly like yourself. DON'T STEAL THIS IDEA. I CLAIM IT HERE AND NOW. Just kidding. But it would have to be Hell on earth to be surrounded by yourslef everywhere.


I didn't ask the personal questions because I didn't need to know. You told me what I wanted to know in your posts. I just thought your statements did not match your profile. But I really don't care until you want to interact more personally with me. Until then, I enjoy your posts. Take care.


Louisiana Writer


I find your definition of fraud quite odd, considering you have a legal background. However, since I started this thread, I'll share the definition I relied upon when creating it. From Merriam Webster's Dictionary:


fraud Pronunciation: \ˈfrȯd\Function: nounEtymology: Middle English fraude, from Anglo-French, from Latin fraud-, frausDate: 14th century1 a : deceit, trickery; specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b : an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : trick<br style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: inherit; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">2 a : a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : impostor; also : one who defrauds : cheat b : one that is not what it seems or is represented to be


synonyms see deception, imposture


I was referring to definition 2, that of an imposter. A person who is not what he or she pretends to be.


You claim that bigots are objectionable but not frauds. I disagree. If someone in a forum pretends to be something they are not, especially to validate their own viewpoints that are perhaps illogical or to denigrate others, that is certainly objectionable, at least to me.

You claim that a person's age is irrelevant in a forum, and I disagree with that as well. Age can be very important, especially in a forum like this, where there are underage people mingling with legal adults.

And you claim that a person's profession should not matter if their facts are correct. I tend to agree with you UNLESS the person is using their supposed profession to validate their points. If someone says "I am a doctor and this is a medical fact," is it not reasonable to expect that person to be a doctor? And if they aren't, would that not be deceptive? You would be accepting the fact based on their avowal of expertise, and if they have no such expertise, then you have been misled.

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I find your definition of fraud quite odd, considering you have a legal background. However, since I started this thread, I'll share the definition I relied upon when creating it. From Merriam Webster's Dictionary:





Yeah well that's the thing about lawyers... our definition of everything is quite odd :)

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You kind of sounded like a pirate there Steve. Hot. biggrin.gif


I hear what you're saying. That's probably the best approach. Then again, if we don't call people like that, they may end up sucking in other members who didn't catch on.


True... with a caveat.


I'm not a pirate ;)


Also... we could call them out, but what is the benefit of turning a populous on a member? I find it more likely the less attention a person receives the more apt they are to "take their ball and play elsewhere" as it were.


This way a persons reservations remain reservations and no false ( or even true ) accusations are thrown at anyone. Sadly this means people will have to interact with a person who is alltogether less than truthful. It is unfortunate, but the only way to learn is through trial and error. Sure we want to protect our friends from disappointment. Ultimately though disappointment is the only thing that can teach who to trust and who to to approach with a measured grain of salt.


For the record I approach everyone with a grain of salt. Its nothing personal. I've just been around too long and too many "net people" who have been consistently sick or have suffered some major calamity (ranging from health to legal issues) only to be resurrected at a later date. The net proves to be very soap-operatic like that. I prefer my drama in literature.


Hey there is an idea... just approach all people on forums as characters in some large ever-evolving work of meta-fiction. Nothing you get by way of forum posts or blogs is ever 100% genuine anyhow. Everything you see is either distilled to its purest form or dilluted by kneejerk emotion. Somewhere between these two extremes is the true -real- individual but much is lost in our ability to discern context in interactions of a forum based community.

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Yeah well that's the thing about lawyers... our definition of everything is quite odd :)


The thing about lawyers defining things, it takes three thousand pages and an act of congress just to define "The law". :P (I'm not joking either without things like legal definitions the field of taxation would be just as boring as regular accounting and auditing. It's for that reason that most people studying tax are learning the subject from J.D's rather than regular professors with doctoral degrees.)


Steve, I think Mark had a different kind of pirate in mind or it could just be my dirty mind. 0:)0:)

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Hey there is an idea... just approach all people on forums as characters in some large ever-evolving work of meta-fiction. Nothing you get by way of forum posts or blogs is ever 100% genuine anyhow. Everything you see is either distilled to its purest form or dilluted by kneejerk emotion. Somewhere between these two extremes is the true -real- individual but much is lost in our ability to discern context in interactions of a forum based community.


exactly right.

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