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GW Frat Boys Rush To Undo Homophobic Stereotype

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Ithought this would be an interesting article to post here. It's about how a fraternity at George Washington University is fighting against the stereotype that frat boys are homophobic and sexist. A New Kind of Frat


In my own experience dealing with frat kids, most didn't seem homophobic, and had a "live and let live" attitude. Except for KDR. Damn, they were jerks.


But anyways, I thought it was cool to see how things are changing, even in an institution that was well-known for having homophobic overtones. I heard stories that back in the 1980's or something, it was actually a frat inititation to go to a gay bar, pick up a gay guy, and then gay-bash him! And then, in the 1990's, with John W.'s "Frat Memoirs", we see things still aren't that gay-friendly. It's great to see how things have changed since then- the story about the gay ROTC guy who had his brothers rally around him was great to read.


Would anyone here like to share what their own experience was like to be either gay or bisexual in a frat? How did the brothers handle it? And do you agree that the homophobic stereotype of frat guys is a fair one? I'm very curious to hear some stories about this.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I love this story! Good for them. I don't really have a story to share, but I was reading one of those ignorant comments below and had to laugh. Someone posted, "Homosexuality has no place in Greek life. End of Story." Um, he does know about Greek mythology right? Like the Gods, Apollo was a bisexual - muscular male kind of guy. Clearly people are still uneducated in what they believe in.

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... Like the Gods, Apollo was a bisexual - muscular male kind of guy. Clearly people are still uneducated in what they believe in....



You can't siwng cat in the subject of Greek Mythology without hitting a male god with a same sex lover or two lol...Also I wonder if they realize that all the wrestling matches back in the day were done all oiled up and in the buff, really learn your history/myth.


It is really cool what these guys are doing, the part with NROTC guy was especially cool. I've never sat foot on a college campus, and most likly never will (unless community college counts) but I do have a few friends spread out over the country in college (most gay) and very few of them have ever saida nything negative about the Frat/Frat brothers they've come in contact with.

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