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Dueling: should it be legal or illegal?


13 members have voted

  1. 1. Should dueling be illegal?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Why should it be illegal?

    • Lawyers would lose too much business
    • It's barbaric
    • People are raging pussies
    • Killing and maiming people is bad
    • Beheading people makes me queezy
    • too messy
  3. 3. Why should it be legal?

    • People should be free to work things out for themself
    • good incentive not to be an asshole
    • it helps Darwin work things out
    • tradition
    • I like to see jerks called out and disemboweled
    • It would make for great TV
  4. 4. Weapon of choice:

    • Pistols at 20 paces
    • Sabers
    • Foils
    • Daggers
    • Battle Axe
    • Short Sword & Shield (gladiator style)
    • Other culturally appropriate disemboweling weapon
  5. 5. Would you second at a duel? Carry a dueling friends coat and put him out of his misery if necessary?)

    • Awe hell no
    • Sure

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Since the dawn of time two aggrieved gentlemen could chose to meet on the field of honor and exact satisfaction.


For some inexplicable reason, this long and venerable custom has been made illegal.


Should dueling be illegal? Why or why not?


What's your choice of weapon?

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It's interesting that so many Monarchs (Louis XIV is a good example) tried with limited success to eliminate dueling. He was able to reduce it (by making it reason for banishment from court). I think the real reason it was discouraged was because aristocrats found it irritating to have their children killed off in such a frivolous way, when there were plenty of better ways, like disease and war.

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I dont know. I wouldn't make it legal only because people are easily angered, sometimes hot headed, makes poor decisions, and this is a good way to make killing legal. All you have to do is provoke someone into dueling, then there is a 50/50 chance of killing them.

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I dont know. I wouldn't make it legal only because people are easily angered, sometimes hot headed, makes poor decisions, and this is a good way to make killing legal. All you have to do is provoke someone into dueling, then there is a 50/50 chance of killing them.


Not all duels ended in death. Once blood was shed, or shots were exchanged, honor was satisfied, and the two men would go on as if nothing ever happened. It was almost as if it was a cleansing process.


So, let's say for example that I came down to TN and stole Chris away from you biggrin.gif and we fought a duel over him. Let's say with pistols. We both fired and missed. Then it's over. Honor has been satisfied. For either one of us to carry a grudge after that would be Dishonorable.

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Once blood was shed, or shots were exchanged, honor was satisfied, and the two men would go on as if nothing ever happened. It was almost as if it was a cleansing process.


Honors seems pretty pointless to me. lol


So, let's say for example that I came down to TN and stole Chris away from you biggrin.gif and we fought a duel over him. Let's say with pistols


See, Im smart. If Chris left me for you, then he obviously doesn't want to be with me, and so I wouldn't really want to be with him either, then. And I wouldn't risk my life for some honor thing or him, especially if he doesn't want me. :P

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I agree with Lacey that people are hot headed and impulsive and very little is really worth dying for. So I think that duelling should be made legal but the choice of weapons should be limited to celery, cucumber or throwing radish. It would then be less likely to end in death :)

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I would never take part in such an event because it is barbaric.

But.. if other people more inclined towards fighting, to solve their problems, want to hack at each other with an axe I would be happy to let them improve the gene pool.. by eliminating each other from it.


I dont want to pay for any resulting health/care needs, though.

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I think it should be legal. The only reason it maybe should not be is because people are raging pussies. However, to me, there are a lot more reasons to make it legal. It would help Darwin sort things out for sure. Only a complete idiot would actually be in a duel, so why not let him? It would be nice if people weren't so rude these days. If people had to worry about being in a duel that might end their lives, they might be a little nicer. And yes, seeing jerks being disemboweled would be quite nice. And yes, if my friend wanted me to assist I would. I'd say, "It's been nice knowing you."

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Are we talking old world dueling, which was supposedly about honor or the old west shoot them up myth, which was about who was the best.


The guy you have a problem with today, sometimes becomes the guy you agree with tomorrow. At least I find on a personal level. I am too curious to find out that maybe.


And an argument spills enough emotional blood to satisfy my need for seeing red.

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Y'all talk now...but if/when it really happens, you know you'd all freak out if you actually saw someone getting disemboweled wink.gif


It smells quite a bit and its really messy but the expression on their face when you twist the blade is priceless.

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