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Flying automobiles


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There seem to be a few of them out now, but the manufacturing of them is very limited. I can remember growing up in the 90's and people talking like, "We'll have flying cars by 2000!" Well, here we are in 2010, and there is yet to be a mainstream automobile manufacturer (eg. GM, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, etc.) to produce automobiles that fly. Why is that? Are they afraid that people will not be able to handle driving them? It was supposed to be the next big thing, but it's still far outside the mainstream.

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There seem to be a few of them out now, but the manufacturing of them is very limited. I can remember growing up in the 90's and people talking like, "We'll have flying cars by 2000!" Well, here we are in 2010, and there is yet to be a mainstream automobile manufacturer (eg. GM, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, etc.) to produce automobiles that fly. Why is that? Are they afraid that people will not be able to handle driving them? It was supposed to be the next big thing, but it's still far outside the mainstream.

Tim, flying cars were all over Popular Science and Popular Mechanics magazines in the 1950s. I've yet to see one.



Edited by MikeL
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They haven't gone out of business yet? ph34r.gif


And the scary thing is that, since Benz spun them off, they're probably the most stable US Auto Manufacturer right now, despite having closed 7,000 dealers. IIRC, Ford is the only US Automobile manufacturer that has never run on government loans, as GM is doing now, and Chrysler did during the "K" Car era of the early '80's (Krappy Kars).

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And the scary thing is that, since Benz spun them off, they're probably the most stable US Auto Manufacturer right now, despite having closed 7,000 dealers. IIRC, Ford is the only US Automobile manufacturer that has never run on government loans, as GM is doing now, and Chrysler did during the "K" Car era of the early '80's (Krappy Kars).


When I was working for the Air Farce at Barksdale I had to drive one of those K-cars in Air Force blue. Of course it was a contract car- as striped as humanly possible. Damned thing had an AM radio and a heater which wasn't much use since it was August in Louisiana.


That summer was all hot and noisy with B-52 in and out all the time. The KGB could have probably recruited me with an air conditioner and earplugs.

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Lots of people are already dangerous on their feet and hazardous on wheels. I shudder to think what some people would do if they had wings... wacko.gif

We wouldn't have to worry for long--they'd be the one's crashing into mountains because they're busy playing 'chicken' with each other trying to determine who has the more macho (read: lower) IQ.


Ever heard of autopilot? wink.gif

Those same people can't figure out how to turn it on...

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To be honest, I think 9/11 basically killed any chance there would be of commerical flying cars. It's too much of a security risk. Too many people would be worried about some crazy terrorist driving a car full of dirty bombs into a skyscraper. The Austin case demonstrated the kind of damage that can be done even with small aircraft.

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